The Southampton Thread!

Bertrand should be in the England squad ahead of Baines for me
and himself, Forster and Clyne should all be starting against Slovenia...
wesshaw1985 said:
Bertrand should be in the England squad ahead of Baines for me
and himself, Forster and Clyne should all be starting against Slovenia...

I like Clyne he is a beast and he's pretty quick too. Bertrand has improved a lot, he's worked on his defensive side of his game more and he is very good getting forwards. I don't rate Forster all that much so far, hopefully he improves as the season goes on
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Koemen - what a job he's done ! can't see any drop in performance as a result of losing all those key players amazing standard they are setting this season not confident that in our current state injury and form wise we'll get anything from their place but anything we take from there in the premier will be bloody hard earned.
Koeman is due a biography out with a whole chapter on what he thinks of of Tactical turtle which isn't very pleasant. Makes me look forward to them playing the twats.
mat said:
Koeman is due a biography out with a whole chapter on what he thinks of of Tactical turtle which isn't very pleasant. Makes me look forward to them playing the twats.

Oooh? May have to give that bit a read.

I'm hoping he's seeing Guidetti's recent good form for Celtic and is considering giving us a few bob for his old favourite ;)
I came across this on RAWK last season and I've bookmarked the thread since because it's actually pretty interesting. One of their posters, presumably with a background in statistics or something, has developed this charting system which is based around an ideal points total as an alternative way to interpret the PL table. It's explained in detail here.

In any case, their latest charting after 11 games seems to show Southampton on title winning form (along with us on absurd form) if they play to "par" (win their easier games). Personally I doubt they'll last in the top 4 places after their horrendous Christmas schedule where they meet all the league heavyweights, but credit to them especially after their squad was raided in the summer. I'd love for them to cause an upset, but we see a team start like this every season and inevitably fail to go the distance.


If I was a Saints fan I would be getting a bit giddy now. Bad news for all there potential rivals for a champions league spot getting injuries to key players.

United - Blind and De Maria
Everton - Barry
Liverpool - Sturridge

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