The "Stamp"....

Re: You do know he will get about 8 game ban.....

Marvin said:
cashmoney said:
Retaliation is worse in the eyes of reffs/officials. I've known that since I was 5. Does anyone on here honestly believe that what Manu did was anything but intentional? Whether he was reacting to something earlier or not it is totally unacceptable. Take your blue tinters off.

If the same thing happend next week in exactually the same way but it was Neville on Tevez we would be calling for blood. I'm not saying sell him or anything but for fucks sake lads. Trying to justify what he did just makes us look worse IMO
I'm not interested in what's worse in someone else's eyes.

There's no case to answer in regards to the goal celebration. He was booked and that's it. if you can't accept a player celebrating in front of you, then you shouldn't be at a football match.

With regards to the stamp, I'm not convinced he meant it. It wasn't pre-meditated, because Van Persie hit him from behind. he didn't know it was coming. He may have deliberately flicked out his foot, that's inconclusive when considered from all angles.

Tangles between players happen in every game, and if you were to freeze frame the moment of contact between players it would look pretty bad.

How many times has Ronaldo been fould, and kicked out at his opponent. It's happened loads of times. Unluckily for Adebayor he made contact with the player. if he'd missed. Nothing would have been said. And Van Persie should have kept his mouth shut.

Are we now going to use video footage for Every misdemeanour? I doubt that very much.

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If you can watch that and still stand by your statement then you should have gone to Specsavers mate.
Re: You do know he will get about 8 game ban.....

Basically it looks like no decision today which is a surprise at first but not really as it looks like they are trying to get him for another challenge on Fabrigas.

We can forget about a 3 match ban its going to be 5 - 8 matches which is a fucking joke TBH.

Players legs have been broken and careers ended and only 3 - 5 match bans been given out.
Re: It gets worse

'Adebayor is expected to receive an instant three-match ban for violent conduct, ruling him out of Sunday's derby at Manchester United. Last night, the FA said the stamp on Fabregas's ankle, which came to light yesterday, could result in an additional charge of violent conduct and an even longer ban.'

its bordering cynical. well, its beyond cynical now.

charges on
- persie "rake stamp"
- inciting riot
- fabregas "stamp"
- alex song "slap"

i now believe if this is true, the FA is trying to set an example, and unfortunately and unfairly the first example is ade. i think i saw a handful of slaps and elbows last week. the sport is becoming like touch rugby.
Re: You do know he will get about 8 game ban.....

cashmoney said:
What did Keane get for the Haarland incident. Sorry lads but it should be the same. Great player when he's happy but I dont want our club associated with that kind of behaviour. The best thing the club can do is take it on the chin and come out with some dignity. Imagine if a kid on another team had done that to your child!

Yeah I'm sure Haarland would be happy with that, a small wound compared to a career ending injury. Keane was pre medidated while Ade was at worst a moment of madness.

Can't see how they can be compared at all, personally.
Re: It gets worse

What stamp on Fabregas?? Fucking hell it looked like a typical clumsy tackle by a striker, mistimed and late. They'll have to dig out a few of the Arsenal challenges as well if they're going down that route.
Please tell me

that the Red shithouse that is David Gill, will have no influence through his FA position, on what happens to Adebayor. Also, does anyone know the names of the tosser's on the disciplinary panel ?
Re: It gets worse

i wonder if the blues who are being politically correct and would accept an ade 3 match ban think about this drivel.

clearly we are being singled out.

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