The Super League | FA + PL: New Charter & Fines | UEFA: Settlement

Would you be happy if City joined this European Super League?

  • Yes

    Votes: 109 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1,954 94.7%

  • Total voters
City are still going to exist and play games, and 99% of your YouTube audience will be there watching them, I dont think you need to worry.

Probably. I have to 'act' though and pretend to be interested, which is something ive never had to do before. Dunno if I could to be honest.
Utterly sunk by this. Can't really think straight and i've just been achingly sad since last night. It probably doesn't help now that I'm also possibly out of a job given my youtube channel was a full time endeavour. Emotionally and professionally devastated tbh.
Why would you be out of a job? You couldn’t bring yourself to create content on the club if it was in the SL rather than the CL?
No one is I think too bothered about the CL. Don't care what you call it. What matters to me is a closed shop league divorced from the rest of football. It's elitist boring nonsense. it would have no long term future anyway.

If I were City I would be seeking talks with the Premier League, UEFA and Government.

So far I suspect City have just been pragmatic and done what we think is in the best interests of the club, but if we get the feeling it's not going to happen we should blow it up.

I hate the idea but I can see that City have been put in an almost impossible position. Easy to say we should just refuse but Utd and Liverpool are basically burning the rest of football, and if they are successful we'd be Kings of a nothing league.

The best hope is that the regulators kill it,and City make a sharp exit. I'd be negotiating.

This is of course assuming we don't have our noses firmly in the trough with the rest of them.Logically, the Premier League and UEFA CL were great for us. We were on top. It makes sense for a Spurs. It makes less sense for City. We are likely the weak link in this. COuld we exit from this? I suggest City are just motivated by pragmatism.
Another thing that's just occured to me (sorry if already mentioned - I can't keep up!)

The "Super Soccer Fussball League Bowl" teams probably WANT to be kicked from their respective leagues... at the moment the new league is midweek but if the leagues did grow a pair and boot them then they could in theory move that midweek to weekend primetime - that would properly screw the leagues and their TV revenue over.
I genuinely think that's the entire point to this. They'll want Amazon/Disney etc. showing Friday night through to Sunday night, each game given it's own slot, no clashes, all Pay Per View... there's no way on Earth this will stay a midweek competition for long.
I can’t think of a way the ESL and the existing football pyramid coexist.

One is competition based with promotion and relegation based on results the other is popularity contest where everyone gets paid no matter how bad their team is. One has a governing body the other governs itself like a pre season tournament.You can’t have both.

This is the end game.If it doesn’t get stopped now it will be bland Disney rubbish.

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