The true secret of Leicester City's success / doping thread merged

People tend to ignore many of the others against us, Okazaki getting kicked in the chest Sunday. Huth having his shirt literally pulled off against Palace, soft as shit red card at Arsenal, Villa playing basketball before slotting home the equaliser. I especially found Koeman moaning about two handballs (that are not pennos to the letter of the law) when he had a clear as day offside goal at their place earlier this season. I could go on.... I'm not bitter though. Ahem.

Yesterday you should of had a pen, as Sunderland should have. Simpson handball for me is definite though against Southampton, it hits his arm and stops a goal happening, I don't care how close and even more so when the slightest hint of it hitting someone's fingernail it's given against us. If the law is intentional then no handballs would ever be given as Maradona aside who does it purposely?

I think the point is even when some calls are questionable it goes in your favour. We should of had a penalty at your place, all day long. We was still in the title race and would of given us 3 points and yourselves 0 had it of been converted. I don't doubt we still would of been as poor as we have been but it's things like that a title winning team usually gets. You don't have to defend it or explain it as I say just enjoy it. I'm only grump as skybet are only offering 25/1 for you to be relegated next season!
Yesterday you should of had a pen, as Sunderland should have. Simpson handball for me is definite though against Southampton, it hits his arm and stops a goal happening, I don't care how close and even more so when the slightest hint of it hitting someone's fingernail it's given against us. If the law is intentional then no handballs would ever be given as Maradona aside who does it purposely?

I think the point is even when some calls are questionable it goes in your favour. We should of had a penalty at your place, all day long. We was still in the title race and would of given us 3 points and yourselves 0 had it of been converted. I don't doubt we still would of been as poor as we have been but it's things like that a title winning team usually gets. You don't have to defend it or explain it as I say just enjoy it. I'm only grump as skybet are only offering 25/1 for you to be relegated next season!
Simpson had his arm tucked into his chest, it would have hit his body if not the arm. So I'd disagree there. Anyway....

No chance we'll go down, we've been pretty much playing without Mahrez for a month as he's been shite. So we've got more than enough about us to stay up even if he went. Plus with a bit of cash to spend I'd feel fairly comfortable next season. you don't fluke a 42 game run like ours. The core is solid throughout the team.
What has happened to Mahrez mate? has he checked out mentally due to billy big bollocks syndrome or ?


Just for the record i want you lads to win it and win it well, don't give spurs a fucking sniff pls, they are beyond nasty as a fan base.
Most of them will be still to busy fishing their monocle out of their single malt at the sheer increduality another team has gone right past them.

I could not give a fuck if some of your lads were sucking the hulks blood from source, just do not let spurs win it! :-D
Simpson had his arm tucked into his chest, it would have hit his body if not the arm. So I'd disagree there. Anyway....

No chance we'll go down, we've been pretty much playing without Mahrez for a month as he's been shite. So we've got more than enough about us to stay up even if he went. Plus with a bit of cash to spend I'd feel fairly comfortable next season. you don't fluke a 42 game run like ours. The core is solid throughout the team.

Not sure why you bother biting, sod what others think about your luck or any other crap they want to throw at you - your on the cusp of winning the Premiership, Leicester City! Fucking amazing mate , hope your buzzing. Enjoy it.
its amazing how well a team can do when they work hard and play as a team and are coached well.

Lucky with injuries but fair doo's to them i say.

Next season will be a different kettle of fish whilst competing in Europe but is there a better feeling than seeing your captain lift the League Title??

"i swear you will never see anything like this ever watch it.......drink it in" my foxy friend.
Yeh the same turd players that turned our bigger turds over twice. They deserve the title and to be honest its refreshing to see two new teams battling it out. Not fussed who wins it as I think Spurs are a great club with loyal passionate fans, be nice to see them stick one over on the Arsenal.
"In their favour" doesn't say whether the decisions were correct though does it, which they are mostly by the rule book. Blasting a ball at someones arm, is not a penalty. I know you've been fecked over on that one this year. But if a decision is correct against us, it's correct. It's like people are moaning about refs not making mistakes against us!

We've had more than our fair share of rubbish decisions this season.

Sorry but that's rubbish. In the world of football stats, key refereeing decisions over a whole season should average 50/50 not 82/18 (or 9-2). The amount you have benefited though would only lose you 6 points or so. So you'd still probably be top but it would be a bit closer.
That said the performances are fantastic - and I really hope don't mess up as I can't stand Spurs.
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Ha ha bloody hell I was emotional watching your game when Aguero scored so I can't begin to imagine.

Whilst it was massive with you guys, I think you probably knew you'd get another shot at some point. For us, well... it's kind of now or never, and that feeling is terrifying.
Not sure we knew that at the time. Remember, we hadn't gotten over the line before in many of our lifetimes. We'd already shown the capacity to throw it away from being in the driving seat earlier in the season and after getting back into a formality situation (us on fire again and 1-0 up vs QPR with the worst away record in the league and on the edge of relegation) we had conspired to throw it away once more (now needing 2 goals).

For me, this truly felt like a now or never moment - especially considering who the title race was with and the absolute slaughtering we would get (plus the psychological damage it could cause) if we had lived up to their pressure tactics posturing and crumbled.

We would never have a better chance and were on the brink of the crevasse. The same feeling for different reasons as vs Gillingham. The same incredible last minute rescue and a high that lasted fully for some months and often gives me inspiration and joy even now.

I hope you win it (though nothing big against Spurs either).

Dare to relish the potential now or save it up until it's in the bag. Either way, make sure you feel the brewing emotion all the way - win or lose, it shows you're alive.
I guess I know it's for the right purposes and all that, but throughout the years I have become fucking bored of David Conn's negative stories, and no it does not have anything common with the fact that he mostly writes about City. It's just meh. He must be a miserable sad **** in his private life.

Of course, the input he makes in the Hillsbrough inquests should be appreciated and it's a great thing to do.

I think that's all I can contribute to the Leicester bashing thread.
Simpson had his arm tucked into his chest, it would have hit his body if not the arm. So I'd disagree there. Anyway....
Of course you disagree, but take off your blue specs and look at the footage again - he moved his arm downwards toward the ball and prevented a goal - that should have been a penalty.
But your team has deserved its place at the top and bloody well done.

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