The true secret of Leicester City's success / doping thread merged

Any suggestion that Leicester's current achievements are suspicious has to surely be based on more than the use of an 'endurance' drug. Football requires individual skill sets which cannot be hugely improved by simply giving somebody more stamina/endurance. There are so many variables involved in a team game of football that it's absurd to suggest that a poorly performing team becomes a good team just because their stamina has been (artificially) increased.

Vardy's performance this season is like Bony's in reversal. Strange how we're not suspiciously suggesting that Bony was doped by Swansea before he came here though... wait a minute?

Not so fast, my friend. Not saying anyone used any drug substance, etc however, they do help. You need to have slill, luck and all that but better endurance helps make that luck.

A tired athlete makes mistakes, or sometimes cuts corners. It is a simple as that. I don't know if you have ever played any sport or do any physical training. If you do, think about. When you are getting tired your form starts to dip. it may be against your will or because you are finding "shortcuts" to keep pressing on but as a result your quality suffers.

Yes, they still have to make passes, score goals, use their mind to gain an advantage but all of that is easier if you are not tired.
Of course you disagree, but take off your blue specs and look at the footage again - he moved his arm downwards toward the ball and prevented a goal - that should have been a penalty.
But your team has deserved its place at the top and bloody well done.
If it hadn't it his arm, it would have hit his body so I don't see what he's preventing exactly. Look, yes I am biased... but this isn't just me saying it, it's pretty much every ex ref who is in the media and knows the rules. They have all to a man from what I have seen said it's not a penalty.

Sky absolutely love this "luck" angle at the minute, they got a ref to go through all the decisions and he's said they were pretty much all correct. In fact, there were more wrong against than for if I remember rightly.
What has happened to Mahrez mate? has he checked out mentally due to billy big bollocks syndrome or ?


Just for the record i want you lads to win it and win it well, don't give spurs a fucking sniff pls, they are beyond nasty as a fan base.
Most of them will be still to busy fishing their monocle out of their single malt at the sheer increduality another team has gone right past them.

I could not give a fuck if some of your lads were sucking the hulks blood from source, just do not let spurs win it! :-D
Clubs have changed their tactics on is, so it's really difficult for him and Vardy at the minute. Other clubs have stopped leaving us space and We've gone even more defensive in an attempt to lure them out. I don't think there is much he can do when he's isolated and got three men around him to be fair.

Earlier in the season we were pushing up more, committing full backs, giving him a bit more support. He'll be fine, I think it's just circumstance at the minute.

Glad you don't like Spurs, never come across such a bunch of idiots in all my life. They are the self appointed saviours of good football at the moment, totally ungracious bunch without an ounce of humility.
If it hadn't it his arm, it would have hit his body so I don't see what he's preventing exactly. Look, yes I am biased... but this isn't just me saying it, it's pretty much every ex ref who is in the media and knows the rules. They have all to a man from what I have seen said it's not a penalty.

Sky absolutely love this "luck" angle at the minute, they got a ref to go through all the decisions and he's said they were pretty much all correct. In fact, there were more wrong against than for if I remember rightly.

If you compare it with some of the decisions we've had (hello Clattenburk!), then it's a penalty.
If you compare it with the laws of the game (or just plain common sense), never a penalty.

The media will be supporting Spurs (unless they're Lineker who at least will be happy either way). Everyone's waited since Christmas for the bubble to burst, and it hasn't. I think most people here are willing Leicester to win their next two and all but have it done. The Leicester gameplan doesn't seem that complicated, but it's incredibly effective - can we have your central midfield, please?

The day your team wins the title. Take a few days off after. You'll rewind the moment you pick up the trophy in almost denial that you've won it. When it sinks in it'll be one of the best emotional highs you'll ever have and you'll have the biggest grin ever.

Embrace it and enjoy it.
It seems they are under investigation for fiddling FFP according to our resident superfan David Conn. I wonder what the sanctions are if found guilty?
It seems they are under investigation for fiddling FFP according to our resident superfan David Conn. I wonder what the sanctions are if found guilty?

Is this the championship FFP. Something to do with the owner(s) artificially increasing sponsorship?
If you compare it with some of the decisions we've had (hello Clattenburk!), then it's a penalty.
If you compare it with the laws of the game (or just plain common sense), never a penalty.

The media will be supporting Spurs (unless they're Lineker who at least will be happy either way). Everyone's waited since Christmas for the bubble to burst, and it hasn't. I think most people here are willing Leicester to win their next two and all but have it done. The Leicester gameplan doesn't seem that complicated, but it's incredibly effective - can we have your central midfield, please?
Oh absolutely, as I said already you got done big time with the handball and some other decisions. I'm just not buying the "we're" lucky stuff, when to the letter of the law most decisions have been correct. Yeah ref could easily of given them the other way, but if they were right they were right.

At the moment the media are trotting out one nasty article after another. Even the nice ones are now tinged with bitterness and the knives are out. You'd think the free flowing, high scoring games at the start of the season never existed and we have hoofed and scraped our way through the season. History being re-written before our eyes... Spurs struggling for goals early on and scraping past teams never happened. The fact they have been involved in as many low scoring games as us and only scored 3 more totally over looked.

We're drug cheating, hoof balling, racist, FFP dodging little shits, winning the league by default.
We're drug cheating, hoof balling, racist, FFP dodging little shits, winning the league by default.

Get used to it as the established sides with their fans in the media dont like having their noses put out of joint.

Just enjoy the ride mate.

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