Those who think there's no agenda need to read this...

This is some serious Rag fest. I've counted three on the page already. Why do BM-ers even bother responding to them?
Why is an Oldham fan all over every similar thread peddling his own opinion that we're all deluded idiots for believing that there's something amiss with the refereeing in this country? What's it to him if some City fans think we've had the shit end of the stick from referees this season and smell a rat? How is an Oldham fan even qualified to comment on the standard of refereeing of our games if he's not even seen them (apart from some edited highlights on MOTD)? I understand why United fans are sensitive about this issue, because they want to continue to benefit from dodgy decisions, but don't want this to detract from the reflected glory they all like to bask in, but an Oldham fan? I'm not having it, definite RAG, and it's so obvious it's amusing.
de niro said:
Chippy_boy said:
de niro said:
lets clear this up.
the refs are not biased, they are not incompetent, they are not scared of fergie.
they are cheats, pure and simple cheats.

quite who pays them and in what fashion will come out one day.

100% agreed. I am convinced there is institutional corruption in our game from the top of Fifa, through UEFA, the FA and the rest of the infrastructure. I am not a conspiracy theorist normally, and I really do try to be objective. But when you see some of the refereeing decisions and decisions of the FA disciplinary panel, I can no longer accept that this is all down to "luck".

The red card for Shaun Derry. Which incidentally is not even overturned by the FA. This is the same FA who appealled Rooney's red card against Montenegro (for kicking a playing in full view of the ref and in front of millions).

There is an agenda. There's no escaping the fact.

if ever anyone wanted proof just look at young the diver at the week end, really is this a "one off" has it "evened itself out" no. one club gets all the decisions needed to keep them ahead.
if you wish take the dive away, hard to tell in real time (except he has form for it, a little like balo has for being nob)but the offside and the sending off was nothing short of cheating, ffs that lino had a clear and unobstructed view across the line.

So was the ref/lino cheating in the Chelsea v Wigan match too?
sjk2008 said:
de niro said:
Chippy_boy said:
100% agreed. I am convinced there is institutional corruption in our game from the top of Fifa, through UEFA, the FA and the rest of the infrastructure. I am not a conspiracy theorist normally, and I really do try to be objective. But when you see some of the refereeing decisions and decisions of the FA disciplinary panel, I can no longer accept that this is all down to "luck".

The red card for Shaun Derry. Which incidentally is not even overturned by the FA. This is the same FA who appealled Rooney's red card against Montenegro (for kicking a playing in full view of the ref and in front of millions).

There is an agenda. There's no escaping the fact.

if ever anyone wanted proof just look at young the diver at the week end, really is this a "one off" has it "evened itself out" no. one club gets all the decisions needed to keep them ahead.
if you wish take the dive away, hard to tell in real time (except he has form for it, a little like balo has for being nob)but the offside and the sending off was nothing short of cheating, ffs that lino had a clear and unobstructed view across the line.

So was the ref/lino cheating in the Chelsea v Wigan match too?

yep. he will have had a bet on it, nobody is THAT bad at their job.
danburge82 said:
Referees barely influence games.
Is this serious or just a wind up to keep the thread going? I've never read such a stupid remark.

There are so many ways refs influence games. There's the most overt like Mason did for the rags by giving non-existent penalties or, like Clattenburg for us at Chelsea, not giving stonewall penalties.

Then there's incidents like Vinny getting a red for a perfectly legitimate challenge yet Scholes and Johnson not getting one for tackles that were far worse.

There's giving out two soft bookings. Wasn't it Clattenburg at Bolton who was clearly determined to send Bellamy off and booked him for a dive when he'd clearly been fouled.

They they have the ability to break up the rhythm of a game by giving loads of free kicks against the team they're trying to upset. Like Attwell in the game against Wolves. Or just giving every little touch as a foul so in the end a team are scared to tackle or, if they do, they risk a yellow ofr persistent offending.

Or a team could break and a bent ref can either call back play for a foul instead of playing advantage or, if the team they want to fuck up is on the defensive, ignore fouls on them, like the one on Dzeko at Fulham.

Graham Poll gave a masterful exhibiion of that sort of thing when we played Arsenal in the penultimate game in 2005/6. They were 4 points behind Spurs with two to play (against Spurs' one game) when they came to us. They had to win both games to stand a chance of 4th and hope Spurs slipped up. That night, for 70 minutes he used every subtle trick in the book to ensure Arsenal had every chance to win, including three times calling us back for a free kick when he should have played advantage. Once the game was safely won, he relaxed a bit but that was the game that convinced me that referees were often working to a pre-determined agenda. That night, Arsenal had to win and he was going to do whatever it took to ensure that. Then Spurs had their mysterious food poisoning and lost at West Ham while Arsenal won.

Graham Poll also gave very favourable decisions to Croatia in two consecutive world cups, including the "three card trick" and disallowing two good Italian goals. That was against a background of Croatian criminal syndicates fixing games in Germany.
I don't know about you PB, but I reckon it's a Zionist conspiracy. ;)<br /><br />-- Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:52 pm --<br /><br />
de niro said:
friend said:
What about Atkinson who missed the Balotelli 'challenge'? Cheating?


this place really does need hosing down.

Mate, this is beyond a joke now. Ric and you Mods need to sort this out big time. Rags just register, use any silly name and location, and spout abuse. To get on Rag Cafe, you have to go through a whole process of an approval thread saying how much you love that lot [not that I'd be over there causing trouble, obviously...]. Get a grip, please.
hgblue said:
Why is an Oldham fan all over every similar thread peddling his own opinion that we're all deluded idiots for believing that there's something amiss with the refereeing in this country? What's it to him if some City fans think we've had the shit end of the stick from referees this season and smell a rat? How is an Oldham fan even qualified to comment on the standard of refereeing of our games if he's not even seen them (apart from some edited highlights on MOTD)? I understand why United fans are sensitive about this issue, because they want to continue to benefit from dodgy decisions, but don't want this to detract from the reflected glory they all like to bask in, but an Oldham fan? I'm not having it, definite RAG, and it's so obvious it's amusing.

Am I not allowed to discuss a hotly disputed football topic which I takes my interest just because I am an Oldham fan?

Tell me, how is it apparently obvious? I mean, apart from my opinion being that of different to the conspiracy theorists, what else has given you this 'obvious' opinion that I am a rag?

I'll tell you what. Nothing. Because you are talking out of your arse. A few times I've seen you spout this 'Neutral my arse' or 'definite RAG' line.

Bottom line is I enjoy this forum because of the number of interesting debates we see on here, including this one. If OWTB was half as interesting as this place I'd be on there but unfortunately it isn't. Yet here's me thinking this was a football forum open to many a different fan providing they don't abuse or break the COC.

As far as I know, I haven't done that. Nor have I been warned for anything.

So keep up this obsession you have of me and keep labelling me a 'rag' if it's what gets you through the day. I'll still be here smiling and discussing football.
sjk2008 said:
hgblue said:
Why is an Oldham fan all over every similar thread peddling his own opinion that we're all deluded idiots for believing that there's something amiss with the refereeing in this country? What's it to him if some City fans think we've had the shit end of the stick from referees this season and smell a rat? How is an Oldham fan even qualified to comment on the standard of refereeing of our games if he's not even seen them (apart from some edited highlights on MOTD)? I understand why United fans are sensitive about this issue, because they want to continue to benefit from dodgy decisions, but don't want this to detract from the reflected glory they all like to bask in, but an Oldham fan? I'm not having it, definite RAG, and it's so obvious it's amusing.

Am I not allowed to discuss a hotly disputed football topic which I takes my interest just because I am an Oldham fan?

Tell me, how is it apparently obvious? I mean, apart from my opinion being that of different to the conspiracy theorists, what else has given you this 'obvious' opinion that I am a rag?

I'll tell you what. Nothing. Because you are talking out of your arse. A few times I've seen you spout this 'Neutral my arse' or 'definite RAG' line.

Bottom line is I enjoy this forum because of the number of interesting debates we see on here, including this one. If OWTB was half as interesting as this place I'd be on there but unfortunately it isn't. Yet here's me thinking this was a football forum open to many a different fan providing they don't abuse or break the COC.

As far as I know, I haven't done that. Nor have I been warned for anything.

So keep up this obsession you have of me and keep labelling me a 'rag' if it's what gets you through the day. I'll still be here smiling and discussing football.

Obsessed? Hardly. Amused more like. I'm not calling for you to be banned. Carry on.

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