Ticket prices for 2nd leg v PSG.

Compared to the match day prices for Premier League games, there is nothing unusual about the price.

But seasoncard holders who go week in week out through all the bad times will want to see nights like this. You go to every game as many have, and it is very expensive.

I have got a fantastic deal on my seasoncard £450 on the halfway line in East Stand level one, yet I'll probably end up spending more on European games and Cups than on the Premiership games.

I think City have to think about the pricing for their regular supporters. Maybe do what Arsenal do and increase the seasoncard prices but include Champions League games. It's really bad seeing 10,000 empty seats on European nights.
For one person for a one of £45 seems ok but when you take into account all the other expense that goes into watching the games over the season you are right the tickets are priced badly .if you not a season ticket holder and wanted to take the wife and kids it is nearly a weeks wage .I no everyone likes a good moan now and again and some on here can get pissed of pretty quickly over minor things ,but never in all the years I have been on blue moon have I seen such anger as this debate has provoked
That was the tipping point for me - I'm self-employed and now work most weekday evenings, cancelling appointments to go to the PSG game would have cost me around £70 on top of the £50 match ticket, add in a tenner for the supporters coach and that's £130 without the possibility of losing a couple of pissed-off customers for good so I made a conscious decision yesterday to leave the Cup scheme - it was hard as I've never missed a European home game right back to Fenerbahce in 1968 but in my current circumstances I felt I didn't really have a choice.
Im sure I saw on here once that of the 36000 season card holders who came from MR only 12000 were left a couple of years ago.Might explain the shit crowd v Kiev.I`m on CL cup scheme so cant get out of it but wont be next season.We are just another Liverpool /Chelsea / united in the making now.

I think it was of the 36,000 original season ticket holders from our first season at The Etihad only 12,000 remain with "unbroken service" throughout that time. Bearing in mind we generally lose 2,000 season tickets at each renewal that probably stacks up.

As another poster mentioned what is worrying though is the demographic time-bomb we face given the age profile of our support. A lot, like you and me Mike, are in their 50s and are products of the Mercer-Allison era. That generation of support is slowly naturally approaching it's sell by date in terms of match attendance. Cheap pricing for iconic games, like a CL QF, allowing whole families to attend is vital in terms of capturing the next generation. Ultra cheap tickets for students, many of whom aren't from the area, don't support City and won't stay in (greater) Manchester post graduation isn't the answer.

We are aiming to broaden our supporter base outside of the local area and there is nothing wrong with that: we are growing as a club. What is disturbing though is that club figures say that season card holders in Greater Manchester have dropped from 68% a few years ago to 49% this season. Actual sales have increased from 36,000 to 40-42,000 (depending on whether you include premium seats or not) but sales to "locals" have clearly dropped in absolute as well as percentage terms. We are slowly seeing our core support squeezed out. Surely that is not just wrong but incredibly short sighted? This is support that we need to rely on for decades to come in good and bad times.
I think it was of the 36,000 original season ticket holders from our first season at The Etihad only 12,000 remain with "unbroken service" throughout that time. Bearing in mind we generally lose 2,000 season tickets at each renewal that probably stacks up.

As another poster mentioned what is worrying though is the demographic time-bomb we face given the age profile of our support. A lot, like you and me Mike, are in their 50s and are products of the Mercer-Allison era. That generation of support is slowly naturally approaching it's sell by date in terms of match attendance. Cheap pricing for iconic games, like a CL QF, allowing whole families to attend is vital in terms of capturing the next generation. Ultra cheap tickets for students, many of whom aren't from the area, don't support City and won't stay in (greater) Manchester post graduation isn't the answer.

We are aiming to broaden our supporter base outside of the local area and there is nothing wrong with that: we are growing as a club. What is disturbing though is that club figures say that season card holders in Greater Manchester have dropped from 68% a few years ago to 49% this season. Actual sales have increased from 36,000 to 40-42,000 (depending on whether you include premium seats or not) but sales to "locals" have clearly dropped in absolute as well as percentage terms. We are slowly seeing our core support squeezed out. Surely that is not just wrong but incredibly short sighted? This is support that we need to rely on for decades to come in good and bad times.
I keep reading about cheap tickets for students. I am a Man Uni student. The only offers I have ever seen for students is from Utd (£21 for Watford league game). If City do it, then they don't tell anyone. Maybe they have done it for one off games in previous seasons but I wasn't there then.

All those students in Manchester live here, and many are from Manchester anyway not that that matters. City is for everyone.
The biggest thing in all this was the emphasis put on us being a working class fan base and the club being a huge part of that community when we got bought out and it being one of the attractions to the owner.

To then see prices like they are now is just ridiculous and something just has to give.

Football is flooded with money yet fans are continually fleeced.

I dont go any more, live and work in Scotland, early starts and weekend shifts have put paid to getting down but even if i could, best part of £40 diesel, £50 match day ticket, £10 parking and say £20 for grub and a pint and its frankly completely unaffordable.

Really do feel for those that do get there and are having to stump up these kind of sums every week in fact, more than once a week when you see how many fixtures we have right now.
Dont forget your Cityzens membership, thats another £35/£25 - I was going to take the family for the Kiev Game but I wasnt preppared to renew thier cards ontop of the ticket price. Nothing game, shit atmosphere full of tourists with no empathy for the club and loads of empty seats
Maybe do what Arsenal do and increase the seasoncard prices but include Champions League games. It's really bad seeing 10,000 empty seats on European nights.

Definitely no to this idea.

Couldnt give a toss about empty seats, up to the club to get their pricing right.
Thank you to the poster who advised how to remove oneself from the scheme. I've done it for my son and me. I'm quite disgusted at these prices, more so for him at £40 who earns nothing. I'm at a stage where I am seriously considering not renewing next season. I said earlier I won't be for my son as his interest is waining as he has other things in his life and part of the whole thing with me was introducing him to it and we've had good and bad times in his short time supporting the blues.

It's funny how those who don't go either have easily dropped it altogether or follow on tv and don't miss things. I'm at a stage in life where I could do that quite easily. Ticket pricing next season will dictate but if I do it will be gold and no schemes for me.
There seems to be a fair amount of £40 is not too bad etc etc.

It is only £40 in behind the goal on the lower and upper tier and if you are a member or SC holder. Take off the 1500 PSG fans in the top tier and it's maybe 13000 tickets out of 54000 at the price of £40.

£55 in tier 3 of CB and ES is a joke. £50 in tier 2 of Family stand is a joke.

And most of all the ticket prices for 16-21 year olds is an even bigger joke. Do they think all 16 year olds work? Let's say we have a 17 year old fan who comes to the games on his own who is at college. In some parts of the ground the price is £45. How is that reasonable.
That was the tipping point for me - I'm self-employed and now work most weekday evenings, cancelling appointments to go to the PSG game would have cost me around £70 on top of the £50 match ticket, add in a tenner for the supporters coach and that's £130 without the possibility of losing a couple of pissed-off customers for good so I made a conscious decision yesterday to leave the Cup scheme - it was hard as I've never missed a European home game right back to Fenerbahce in 1968 but in my current circumstances I felt I didn't really have a choice.
Sorry, but you can't blame the club for you working weekday evenings and then tot that up to your total costs.
I think it was of the 36,000 original season ticket holders from our first season at The Etihad only 12,000 remain with "unbroken service" throughout that time. Bearing in mind we generally lose 2,000 season tickets at each renewal that probably stacks up.

As another poster mentioned what is worrying though is the demographic time-bomb we face given the age profile of our support. A lot, like you and me Mike, are in their 50s and are products of the Mercer-Allison era. That generation of support is slowly naturally approaching it's sell by date in terms of match attendance. Cheap pricing for iconic games, like a CL QF, allowing whole families to attend is vital in terms of capturing the next generation. Ultra cheap tickets for students, many of whom aren't from the area, don't support City and won't stay in (greater) Manchester post graduation isn't the answer.

We are aiming to broaden our supporter base outside of the local area and there is nothing wrong with that: we are growing as a club. What is disturbing though is that club figures say that season card holders in Greater Manchester have dropped from 68% a few years ago to 49% this season. Actual sales have increased from 36,000 to 40-42,000 (depending on whether you include premium seats or not) but sales to "locals" have clearly dropped in absolute as well as percentage terms. We are slowly seeing our core support squeezed out. Surely that is not just wrong but incredibly short sighted. This is support that we need to rely on for decades to come in good and bad times.
Very well observed, mate. The points in your posts are seemingly unappreciated by those at the club.

I've always been of the view that if you stumble on positive financial circumstances in life you should share the benefits of that with those who have provided you support along the way. The new TV deal should have heralded an era of cheaper ticket prices, but it hasn't, which is truly piss poor imo, particularly given the diminished part that gate receipts now play in a club's overall turnover in the Premier League. It's about as important in the scene of things as the price of soft drinks is to a pub (worthwhile, but not crucial) which makes clubs' intransigence all the more churlish.

I think those that are predicting that the game will not sell out are wide of the mark, however, unless there's a deficit of more than two goals from the first leg - but that really isn't the point.

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