Ticket prices for 2nd leg v PSG.

I get that it's the champions league latter stages but it's almost as if the club think we have been playing like barca this season. We have not. We have played for the majority of the season like Grimsby. But, out of sheer loyalty we continue to go and watch players who get paid in a week what we can only dream of, mostly take the piss and don't care. Where does being loyal end and being took for a mug start?

Would have been brilliant for the club the repay the very good support we have shown down the years.

Grim. Very very grim.

Is that you Nobby?
This season has turned into a real change in identity for City. The soul of the club really seems to be getting lost. I probably won't bother at these prices, the extra evening traffic congestion, late getting home and early up for work, tourist fans only interested in taking selfies, and the general plastic feel of spoon fed pre match entertainment is beginning to grate. I was looking forward to this game, but sometimes you have to make a stand and say enough is enough.
I guess this is the price of the success we all craved when we were watching the rags lift trophy after trophy while we scrambled around in what was the old third division. We knew if it ever happened it would come at a cost and it is slowly sinking in now just what that cost is.A club pretending to care about the fans and our history but in reality more interested in being a global money making brand,as someone rightly said more interested in filling the ground with day trippers spending ££££'s in the club shop. Thanks for forcing the rags to take down that banner and the Agueeeero moment but be very careful City tipping point is almost here.
I'm a bit gutted I'm in the scheme now as I would not have joined had I known this. £90 for me and my 17yo son whose interest has wavered since he started college and discovered he prefers going to college music venues to his declining interest in City. I won't be getting him a ST next season as he has attended less than half for various reasons and even declined Wembley to spend the day with his girlfriend.

It's a joke and I'm feeling more isolated from City than ever. They could have had the placed rocking at decent prices instead, if it does fill, it will be half and half scarf tourists and no atmosphere whatsoever. Shame on City and I rarely criticise them.
Just cancelled my uefa cup scheme off my season ticket account on official site as I've had enough now. Hope this stops my £55 quid coming out on Monday because I'm skint at the moment.
What is more annoying is the club earn €7m for playing in the qtrs as prize money surely they could have been sensible with pricing. It's easter also so families off school and a good week to be able to get them coming with no worry about getting up early for school
Should be £35, £40 and £45.

There's no fucking need whatsoever for them to be this much. I'm in the Cup Scheme like a right fucking chump but I won't be next season!

They already move me to accommodate away fans to somewhere I don't want to sit. Now they're charging me this ON MONDAY (nice for the people who don't get paid until the end of the month isn't it?)?

Come on City, are you taking the piss?
the thing is we could be out if we play like anything like we have been this season in the first leg. so I can see a big wait and see and only if we are in the tie will we get over 40.000. shocking by both club and uefa its a big NO and many have to justified the price of a ticket over the real life of living with a family its just pure greed and in the world of tv money and image rights sponsorship. the club don't really need the match day revenue from match tickets it so small that we could offer a £20 ticket and still recover the cost from other things

shocking shocking greed and its not what its all about at manchester city but uefa make the rules and we want to play in there cups so lets keep booing and lets get louder
This season has turned into a real change in identity for City. The soul of the club really seems to be getting lost. I probably won't bother at these prices, the extra evening traffic congestion, late getting home and early up for work, tourist fans only interested in taking selfies, and the general plastic feel of spoon fed pre match entertainment is beginning to grate. I was looking forward to this game, but sometimes you have to make a stand and say enough is enough.

100% agree mate, this season has definitely felt like a "new" city off the field. The club seem less interested in loyal supporters more than ever.

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