Ticket Prices

Let's see. Decent weather forecast, always great to be sat in the warm sun in August watching the game, but there'll be enough there whether it sells out or not. If we were getting 30k then I'd probably agree but we are 45k plus every game. I couldn't afford tickets for 20 years, I just accepted it.
Yes, I had about 10 years when I stopped going because I couldn't afford it. Probably why now I can I'm fairly comfortable paying what I can for the games I can. Though the ticket cost is a fairly small part of the cost for me and I suspect many matchday ticket buyers to go to a game. The cost of travel hotel food for 2,£10/£20 difference to ticket costs doesn't make much difference
Let's see. Decent weather forecast, always great to be sat in the warm sun in August watching the game, but there'll be enough there whether it sells out or not. If we were getting 30k then I'd probably agree but we are 45k plus every game. I couldn't afford tickets for 20 years, I just accepted it.
It’s the prices for kids that disgusts me. Upwards of £30!!! When you’re asking a parent to take their child to fork out over £90 you’ve completely lost touch with reality. Even United and Liverpool with all their supposed trillions of fans between them don’t charge those prices.
It’s the prices for kids that disgusts me. Upwards of £30!!! When you’re asking a parent to take their child to fork out over £90 you’ve completely lost touch with reality. Even United and Liverpool with all their supposed trillions of fans between them don’t charge those prices.
Now that I agree with. £45 in my section for an U18 is too rich. Perhaps there they could sell them half price when bought with an adult ticket or something like that.
looked to get two tickets for saturday for me and grandson, one over 65 and one under 18, southstand level 3
£90 for the pair!! fuckin scandalous
So I could sell my seat on ticket exchange and get 1/19th back and buy it back using another account at a cheaper price? Not such a great business plan.

Tell you what, occupy your seat and if you can’t go let your brother/mate sit in the seat. My seat is always occupied and I’ve never needed to put it on ‘ticket exchange’.

The issue we have is that many single empty seats will not sell for £50 a throw, so let’s get them occupied.
Tell you what, occupy your seat and if you can’t go let your brother/mate sit in the seat. My seat is always occupied and I’ve never needed to put it on ‘ticket exchange’.

The issue we have is that many single empty seats will not sell for £50 a throw, so let’s get them occupied.
I agree, get as many seats occupied as possible, but not at the cost of bringing less total gate receipts in. The club won't go with that unless they're feeling particularly generous.

Not sure why you're telling me what to do when I can't go though but well done on always attending.
I deferred this year but actually attended the Norwich game as a one off to appease my daughter's pestering. The day involved a 5 hour return car trip, chaos upon arrival due to car park closures, chaos at the South Stand due to morons wanting people to empty their pockets in a monsoon even though they know everyone of us and now google track our every movement and purchase. The whole club sucks from top to bottom and accessibility and affordability for any new fan is almost impossible unless his parents or relatives are already fans and have good income. In short our club as we once knew has been stolen from us to be the lead brand in a money making franchise. The football is secondary to the balance sheet, whilst the fan experience is an irrelevance. I'm surprised it took me so long to see it but the reality is we count for nothing. In fact I've said it before, that unless you are spending extra cash and fulfilling their business agenda you are almost an inconvenience. There's a reason the campus is now cash free and we have digital ticketing with all aspects being tracked and controlled by analytics and it's for CFG profits and business planning, not as these arseholes would want us to believe, our convenience.

In contrast, tonight I am attending a non league game on impulse. They don't yet know I'm coming and even when I pay cash they won't know who I am. If I have a drink it will be from a paper cup that I can't eat and they'll never know that I bought it. Whether I go again will be my choice and I can guarantee that whilst there that if the referee awards a goal I can cheer or boo in confidence. I won't have to suffer the taking a knee publicity stunt and I can guarantee that not seeing the players carry out this insane act will not subsequently make me a racist.

In short, I hope to experience just some of the feelings that once made me love football rather than those that I currently feel whilst attending City that, on the contrary, make me hate it.

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