Time to start banning hacks from the Etihad?

Didsbury Dave said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Yeah mate. Modern day City and 1990s Man United get treated exactly the same way by the press.

If we banned them they'd just skulk
off and calm it down in future. You should work for the club's press department. Proper media savvy you are.
Instead of trying to be flipant why don't you just answer the question? was taggart treated badly for banning journos?
I like the way that people like you are so keen to bleat about how the press treat us badly, but when it's pointed out that your 'solution' will make it worse, you decide that things are the same for us as they were for the most idealised club in their prime era.

Great logic. Some fine minds at work here.
Again, why not just answer the question? was taggart treated badly for banning journos, stop dodgin with bollocks
1961_vintage said:
No. Definitely not. I see Custis' face when he is sat covering City games at the Etihad and believe me he looks very, very uncomfortable.

In fact he reminds me of how I would look if sent to the swamp to report on their games and they were winning all the time.

I assume you mean Shaun here, not Neil, whose kids are apparently city fans
KippaxCitizen said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
KippaxCitizen said:
So he banned them for being nice?

Course he didn't, they chatted shit about him or his club and he banned them.

The thing is, I prefer City's stance of ignoring those talking bollocks rather than rising to it all. I'd hate it if a load of dick heads started being nice about us when they don't want to be just because they don't want banning.

If people just concentrated on those worth taking notice of and expose yourself to the right things, people won't get so uptight and touchy about all this shit. If you're going to read, listen to or watch shite from dick heads what the fuck do you think you're going to get from it? And there are fans of our club who spend part of every single day searching for something to get pissed off about. I've said before, but the agenda thread on this site is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen from our fanbase. A load of masochistic old shite, a lot of which is so trivial I woudn't even blink twice at it. But for some that sort of stuff is their daily masochist's hit to anger themselves at. To think what we used to get poked at us by Rags in the 1990s, it's hard to believe how thin skinned some of our fans can be when it comes to what they think is bad press.

Of course there is some bad press, quite a lot even, but it's not as bad as is being made out by our fans in the last few years. But spend an hour reading your favourite three journos pieces, watch some YouTube videos, check out what's on the official site, and maybe even take up some other interests and spend time reading or watching things about them...rather than expose yourself to shite media and then wonder why you're pissed off after you've been doing it, and you'll be happier. You don't need I act as the clubs media nitpicker, especially since they're mature enough to ignore it all.

Gonna get along without you now!
so just ignore the vitriol then Frank? do nothing to defend our club? so what you are saying is that there is an agenda but so what? if we ignore it all will be fine? you sound like Neville Chamberlain.
Why not?

There's a slight agenda to talk us down and talk the traditional money making clubs for the press up. We're collateral damage. There isn't an actual agenda directly against Manchester City Football Club. Once we're the ones who'll make them money, the press will be all over us.

They don't want to actually bring us down. We just not big enough to their readership and profits yet.

Meanwhile we keep winning trophies, gaining fans (even early round cup games are highly attended), gaining media hits to our websites worldwide, gaining ever increasing sponsors (Nissan and SuisseGas have come aboard this year alone) , having £30m+ players wanting to come to us, all we're doing as a club is growin and growing...

So why bother changing anything we're doing?

I don't agree with banning the media, but the "Once we're the ones who'll make them money, the press will be all over us." Comment is true but that will be a long long time probably 20 years plus! So we just have to get used to it...
I'd ban anyone that takes the piss out of our players. The one that compared Demichelis to a clown last season, Ashton with Mangala today.

Has to be considered unacceptable to belittle our players, criticise them where due by all means but there has to be a line.

Also those that a consistently and persistently negative about the club. What have we got to lose? They might write a story about how nasty city has banned them, what else is new?
everythingchangesbutblue said:
so just ignore the vitriol then Frank? do nothing to defend our club? so what you are saying is that there is an agenda but so what? if we ignore it all will be fine? you sound like Neville Chamberlain.

"I have in my hand a piece of paper"
Don't ban them.
Just ignore them when they ask futile questions and point them out when they have written shit about us. No more Mr nice guy Mr Pellegrini.
Fight fire with fire i say!
Basically there are 9 teams who interest the media so they find an ambiguous angle to discuss or deny.

Wenger has outstayed his welcome, but be careful what you wish for

Mourinho is a tactical genius, but poisonous when things start going wrong.

Rogers brilliantly overachieved last season, thanks mainly to a player who has since been sold.

Fantastic to watch, but so they should be, given the amount that’s been invested.

Pochettino needs time, but time is the one thing that he won’t get.

Van Gaal's injury ravaged defence will get him sacked if they don’t qualify for the Champions League.

Pardew out/in/out/in

West Ham
There’s no such thing as the West Ham way, but eventually it will get Allardyce the sack

Perennial over achievers, forever in debt. Tactically sound, but will probably have to sell Ross Barkley.

The media don’t give a stuff about the other clubs so unless they enjoy a sensational victory, it’s usually the traditional cliches.

Traditional Burnley
Intimidating Stoke
Atmospheric Palace
Gritty Leicester
Shambolic QPR
Unfashionable Sunderland
Progressive Swansea
Fickle Villa
Academy Southampton
Yoyo West Brom
Rugby town Hull
everythingchangesbutblue said:
KippaxCitizen said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
so just ignore the vitriol then Frank? do nothing to defend our club? so what you are saying is that there is an agenda but so what? if we ignore it all will be fine? you sound like Neville Chamberlain.
Why not?

There's a slight agenda to talk us down and talk the traditional money making clubs for the press up. We're collateral damage. There isn't an actual agenda directly against Manchester City Football Club. Once we're the ones who'll make them money, the press will be all over us.

They don't want to actually bring us down. We just not big enough to their readership and profits yet.

Meanwhile we keep winning trophies, gaining fans (even early round cup games are highly attended), gaining media hits to our websites worldwide, gaining ever increasing sponsors (Nissan and SuisseGas have come aboard this year alone) , having £30m+ players wanting to come to us, all we're doing as a club is growin and growing...

So why bother changing anything we're doing?
so there is a "slight" agenda or "no" agenda ol' blue eyes? i honestly think you are coming round Frank.

No pal I am not coming round. You are debating with kippax citizen not myself but keep referring to him as Frank or ol blue eyes.

Judging by this you would not be the best person to present the volumes of 'evidence' to the high court listed in the agenda thread.
I think the trick is to ban the individual hack and not the publication he works for, If one guy keeps getting himself banned from the ground he might well be putting his job at risk or at the very least letting someone else have a go who isn't as negative. I always remember one of the girls off Sky Sport being told off the GPC if she asked any questions he didn't like he would refuse to do any interviews with her, then saying their are loads of young women who would love your job and if I won't talk to you you will be out of one.
franksinatra said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
KippaxCitizen said:
Why not?

There's a slight agenda to talk us down and talk the traditional money making clubs for the press up. We're collateral damage. There isn't an actual agenda directly against Manchester City Football Club. Once we're the ones who'll make them money, the press will be all over us.

They don't want to actually bring us down. We just not big enough to their readership and profits yet.

Meanwhile we keep winning trophies, gaining fans (even early round cup games are highly attended), gaining media hits to our websites worldwide, gaining ever increasing sponsors (Nissan and SuisseGas have come aboard this year alone) , having £30m+ players wanting to come to us, all we're doing as a club is growin and growing...

So why bother changing anything we're doing?
so there is a "slight" agenda or "no" agenda ol' blue eyes? i honestly think you are coming round Frank.

No pal I am not coming round. You are debating with kippax citizen not myself but keep referring to him as Frank or ol blue eyes.

Judging by this you would not be the best person to present the volumes of 'evidence' to the high court listed in the agenda thread.
Why not? the volumes of evidence exist whether i get the posters name wrong or not. nice to hear you admit that there are volumes though. I do though Frank take what you say more than the other apologists though on board. they just want to be seen as impartal, i believe rightly or wrongly that you genuinley belive there is no agenda. And i call you "ol' blue eyes" simply because of my familiarality(sp?) with his music and films.

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