Today's referee

Just watched MotD and there was minimal, if any, contact between Joe and Ba.

In fact, as was pointed out in the show, Ba actually kicked out at Hart.

I certainly think the ref was conned on that one.
80s Shorts said:
Bluemoon115 said:
Rammy Blue said:
Ref's are like dibbe. Majority can't make it in the real world (ie playing the game) so try to control it.

I say fuck 'em.

did you mean Dibble young man ?
hisroyalblueness said:
I'm not much of a singer but I am vocal about refereeing decisions if they're obviously wrong - most games I have a bit of a rant but mariner was so appallingly bad that I nearly lost my voice today.
I also noticed that the atmosphere picked up with each of his glaringly corrupt interventions - seems that there's nothing better to get our crowd together & on song than the adversity of a bent referee.

Marriner's display was criminal but the crowd rose to the occasion in response.

Not just the crowd, although Mancini was laughing his head off when we gave the ref a standing ovation for a city throw in!
The players seemed to raise their game and fight harder for the cause after certain biased decisions, worked out ok in the end

Will Mariner still get his brown envelope if Chelsea lost? lol
The ref today was a total twat hands down. Doing everything he can to hand the game to Chelsea. I hope he doesnt referee another game of ours any time soon. I was going mental every time he gave a foul for God knows what today..
I was amazed at his display today. I can understand why he gave the penalty but there were so many instances of out players being fouled and he just dismissed it then gave them free kicks for bizarre things

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