
Was thinking of this last night... hes only shit because chelsea play a different game to liverpool which suited him perfectly...

Just imagine him and Aguero (were unreal at athletico) with Silva/Nasri/Toure behind feeding them both balls all game, he would be back to his best in no time and we could pick him up for £20m I think... or a straight swap for Tevez!
Thorpiemcfc said:
Was thinking of this last night... hes only shit because chelsea play a different game to liverpool which suited him perfectly...

Just imagine him and Aguero (were unreal at athletico) with Silva/Nasri/Toure behind feeding them both balls all game, he would be back to his best in no time and we could pick him up for £20m I think... or a straight swap for Tevez!
Look this is a myth. Its been over a year now and he's scored six goals (but the stats say three, I'm sure its six in all comps). This, from a world class striker? He's still scored more goals AGAINST Chelsea than for them. Physically he's fine. He's not quite as fast as he used to be but his agility, balance, movement and pace are still there (though his acceleration isn't as explosive).

The problem is he's terrified to shoot. I think the media has had a large part to play in this with their constant hounding and taking the piss. He just dreads the idea of what will be said about him if he misses another chance. So he's stopped taking shots altogether. Just a theory mind, but this is all I can think of to explain why he completely loses his nerve in front of goal.

I would love you to come and give us something back to take him off our hands so we can buy a real striker. But I'm telling you, you'd regret it. He also didn't have a prolific partnership with Aguero at Atletico, but Aguero was a kid back then. I can't see Mancini being foolish enough to give us a get out though.
I also don't buy into the "it's Chelsea's fault" argument. What about the 6 months or so of wank before he left Liverpool? What about his shocking form for Spain that has seen him regularly dropped? Are Chelsea to blame for these?
LoveCity said:
I also don't buy into the "it's Chelsea's fault" argument. What about the 6 months or so of wank before he left Liverpool? What about his shocking form for Spain that has seen him regularly dropped? Are Chelsea to blame for these?
Not to mention that Sturridge, Mata, Ramires and Lampard have all been scoring in the same team with the same strengths and weaknesses. Mata in particular sets Torres up all the time with the kind of balls he likes, but he doesn't take the shot or messes around with it for so long that the defence can shut him down. I think all the goals he's scored for us so far have been in situations where he didn't have the time to think. Look at the miss at United for instance, with all the time he had, against the one he scored which was done on instinct.

Of course he still has the skill but how do you fix a players mindset? Its like trying to cure a phobia of spiders. It started with poor form but its become much bigger than that, and Torres doesn't strike me as a strong personality to begin with.
Castiel said:
LoveCity said:
I also don't buy into the "it's Chelsea's fault" argument. What about the 6 months or so of wank before he left Liverpool? What about his shocking form for Spain that has seen him regularly dropped? Are Chelsea to blame for these?
Not to mention that Sturridge, Mata, Ramires and Lampard have all been scoring in the same team with the same strengths and weaknesses. Mata in particular sets Torres up all the time with the kind of balls he likes, but he doesn't take the shot or messes around with it for so long that the defence can shut him down. I think all the goals he's scored for us so far have been in situations where he didn't have the time to think. Look at the miss at United for instance, with all the time he had, against the one he scored which was done on instinct.

Of course he still has the skill but how do you fix a players mindset? Its like trying to cure a phobia of spiders. It started with poor form but its become much bigger than that, and Torres doesn't strike me as a strong personality to begin with.

I do agree in a way, his whole mindset has change, who knows what caused it, suppose £50m price tag had a lot to do with it, and the media assasination of him when he went a while without scoring... He is still world class, but every time I watch him now there are only glimpses of it, I don't think it's Chelsea's fault, or anyones, but he needs a fresh start somewhere, and I would'nt mind seeing him come here for >£20m.

Just looks like he is fed up and has his head down all the time, feel bad for him because 2 years ago he was the best striker in the PL when fit, (IMO of course) and even at his age I still think he can come back, probably will go abroad though, possibly MLS even.

Look at that. What kind of service is that? Long ball to him while he's being humped by two CB's. People go on about us having to play a precise throughball with the goal keeper reading a magazine in the corner while the CB's are chatting up the local strange by the touchline for him to have the "proper service". Its all bullshit. He just isn't that player any more and nothing would make me happier than him returning to HALF that good. Its just a tragedy.
He's just lost it, I think. When you watch him play there's no confidence about his game, no swagger, he's just a shadow of his former self. It's a shame because he was a such a great player only a few years ago.

I don't buy the whole bad service argument because Liverpool hardly played a beautiful game, and at the end of the day the man has been in "bad form" for about 3 years now.
I'm an atletico fan as well, and there is nothing i want more than for Torres to go back home.

He would return to form immidiatly, with the true madrid fans behind him
Kurple said:
I'm an atletico fan as well, and there is nothing i want more than for Torres to go back home.

He would return to form immidiatly, with the true madrid fans behind him
Swap for Falcao and I'll carry him to Madrid on my shoulders.


On his day, one of the most impressive strikers in the league. Sadly, I'm afraid his day is over.
Castiel said:
Kurple said:
I'm an atletico fan as well, and there is nothing i want more than for Torres to go back home.

He would return to form immidiatly, with the true madrid fans behind him
Swap for Falcao and I'll carry him to Madrid on my shoulders.


On his day, one of the most impressive strikers in the league. Sadly, I'm afraid his day is over.

do you honestly think he's completely past it and will never return ? you watch him week in , week out. most of us don't. he's shown flashes of greatness at times this year. maybe its a sentimental thing on my own part, but there's a bit of me that would still want city to take a 20m punt if it was on

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