Trevor Sinclair

It's the Queen, it's all we've known ever known since we've been born, and now she's dead, and this knobhead comes out with that shit 2 hours after she's gone, and he's supposed to get away with it scot free? Really?

Fuck that, he's disrespected the very last person you should disrespect in the very last of circumstances that you should do it. It's like someone wearing a Nazi uniform on VE day or a white person blacking their face up and putting on a dreadlock wig at Notting Hill carnival.

It's the ultimate in not reading the room, bad taste, poor judgement, being pissed (probably) and typing before thinking and believing that what you say on twitter matters.

I never want to see someone's livelyhood destroyed so I'm hoping there's a way back for him but he has to make his apology (if there is one) sincere and believable and he really needs to take a step back from this irish rebel (IRA) stuff he seems to have gotten into through his adoptive parents as I believe it drives most of his bile.

Simon Jordan earlier today on Talksport put up a robust defence of him as a man whilst at the same time critisizing his twitter comment and warning us that the wish to 'cancel' him says more about us than him and maybe we are treading down a dangerous path if our wish to cancel him transpires.

He needs to admit he was out of his depth and had probably had a few when he posted his comments. An enforced period of absence from the airwaves and a slow, carefully managed return might be the best way moving forward.
It's a very strange world we live in. When I was growing up Liberal meant you were supportive of other's views regardless of whether you agreed with them or not. The Right wing loons wanting anyone banned who they didn't agree with.

Fuck me if the world hasn't just gone fucking mental.
One of the most mental things is that you think everyone who reads the Guardian believes there are 98 genders and they cancel anyone who disagrees! Haha!

I don’t know where you’ve got that idea, from the newspaper you read or the social media you consume, but I’d suggest your impression is pretty wide of the truth.

I asked another poster earlier who his top 3 undeserved cancelled Britons are, he could only come up with one - JK Rowling.

She’s a billionaire with a thriving career and 13.9m Twitter followers, I’d love to get cancelled if that’s what it looks like!

The real problem is the polarisation of society, and the bullshit narratives that that take hold. Everyone who reads the Guardian believes there are 98 genders and cancels anything that moves, and anyone who reads the Daily Mail is a far right flag shagging racist who wants to drown refugees in the Channel.

The reality is, most people sit in the middle, but the way social media works is to drag us to the extremes and see people with different views to us as the extreme on the other side. They know what they’re doing, and it’s about time we all wised up to it.
The Left are 100% not free speech advocates. When I was growing up the big difference was that the left would listen to anyone and fight their cause. The Right would want anyone they didn't agree with banned. It has done a 180.
So when you were growing up, the left would have fought for Loretta's right to have babies even though she doesn't have a womb for the fetus to gestate!
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There's millions of Liberals would absolutely disagree with that view point - the whole readership of the Guardian would disagree. They love a bit of cancelling when they done agree with you.
I read the Guardian for its excellent arts coverage.

I detest ‘cancel culture’.

So not quite the entire readership ;)

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