Trevor Sinclair

That there are many people who feel disenfranchised in an outdated constitutional system led by an institution that promoted and benefited from an ‘empire’ built on genocide, slavery and pillage
Are you talking about the BBC? :-)
at the moment the place we are at is if you can't be civil hold your tongue - Trevor didn't get the memo but I am sure the outburst was lying low in his psyche any how
He must have been pissed to write a resignation tweet like that, Trevor “Ratner” Sinclair will no longer be in the Talksport Building.
It's the Queen, it's all we've known ever known since we've been born, and now she's dead, and this knobhead comes out with that shit 2 hours after she's gone, and he's supposed to get away with it scot free? Really?

Fuck that, he's disrespected the very last person you should disrespect in the very last of circumstances that you should do it. It's like someone wearing a Nazi uniform on VE day or a white person blacking their face up and putting on a dreadlock wig at Notting Hill carnival.

It's the ultimate in not reading the room, bad taste, poor judgement, being pissed (probably) and typing before thinking and believing that what you say on twitter matters.

I never want to see someone's livelyhood destroyed so I'm hoping there's a way back for him but he has to make his apology (if there is one) sincere and believable and he really needs to take a step back from this irish rebel (IRA) stuff he seems to have gotten into through his adoptive parents as I believe it drives most of his bile.

Simon Jordan earlier today on Talksport put up a robust defence of him as a man whilst at the same time critisizing his twitter comment and warning us that the wish to 'cancel' him says more about us than him and maybe we are treading down a dangerous path if our wish to cancel him transpires.

He needs to admit he was out of his depth and had probably had a few when he posted his comments. An enforced period of absence from the airwaves and a slow, carefully managed return might be the best way moving forward.
The very last person/people you should disrespect are your family and friends, those that you love the most, not some old lady that hardly has an effect on your life. However because we live in such an outraged and media driven society Sinclair as you say has completely misread the room, he’s completely out of order and I don’t think his broadcast career can survive this.
The very last person/people you should disrespect are your family and friends, those that you love the most, not some old lady that hardly has an effect on your life. However because we live in such an outraged and media driven society Sinclair as you say has completely misread the room, he’s completely out of order and I don’t think his broadcast career can survive this.
I agree with most of what you posted but I would disagree on one point although you didn't actually say that the Queen should not be respected. However, several posters have. I have been to funerals of people who have not had an effect on my life, in fact next week I will go to a funeral for the husband of an ex work colleague. Before during and after I will be respectful. That is how individuals behave when the have a sense of responsibility. I can see how it would be different if a person who had wronged you had died. But as you said the Queen or the monarchy has had little effect on our lives despite the fact that she has been around for 70 years. Therefore, we show respect for the feelings of those whose lives she has touched and left with positive memories, many of whom are ordinary people like ourselves.
He’s obviously got a fairly major drink problem, amongst other things, and is paying the price for an idiotic tweet. Hope he gets the help he clearly needs, for the sake of his family as much as anything.
The only help he needs is to stay off social media. It is the modern disease.
A stupid woman somewhere in Scotland decided to post a vid of herself outside the chip shop she owns. She had a bottle of champagne and a sign making a disgusting remark about the queen.
She has ruined her business, (no local will go there again) all for one moment of stupidity that she posted online.
If people are that stupid no one can help them.
I agree with most of what you posted but I would disagree on one point although you didn't actually say that the Queen should not be respected. However, several posters have. I have been to funerals of people who have not had an effect on my life, in fact next week I will go to a funeral for the husband of an ex work colleague. Before during and after I will be respectful. That is how individuals behave when the have a sense of responsibility. I can see how it would be different if a person who had wronged you had died. But as you said the Queen or the monarchy has had little effect on our lives despite the fact that she has been around for 70 years. Therefore, we show respect for the feelings of those whose lives she has touched and left with positive memories, many of whom are ordinary people like ourselves.
I was just replying to the poster who said “she’s the last person you should disrespect”.

I agree with you, I’ve been to funerals where I hardly knew the person, it’s mostly the parents of friends, we go to support them. At my Dad’s funeral a few weeks ago over 100 people turned up to see off an 89 year old, there were family and neighbours but the large majority were friends of mine and my sister, some of whom had never met my Dad.

I agree completely people should be allowed to show their respect but the FA have denied a public show of honour, somehow thinking that keeping fans away from Football is a mark of respect. it isn’t, it’s misguided in the extreme and whoever made the decision should be sacked, probably a joint diktat, if so they should resign en masse.
That there are many people who feel disenfranchised in an outdated constitutional system led by an institution that promoted and benefited from an ‘empire’ built on genocide, slavery and pillage
But he only thought that on the day of the post. On other days he thought the queen was magnificent. (He told us)
If you have a genuine belief or opinion, feel free to tell people. If you are sat at the races, pissed and a random thought comes into your head, it is best it stays there.

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