Turky....... should I be worried?

Could we start a sub thread of holiday destinations spelt wrong but still obvious, Magyorka, Gries, Ebeefa, Porchugull.
No probs.

I did go when 19, local sailor tried on with my missus and I knocked 7 bells out of him, spent rest of holiday thinking I'd get my throat slit at every turn.....

so moral of story is go, enjoy and turn the other cheek..
& this lad's got a great sense of humour so he'll be alright, ehehe

-- just in case you need a few, here are some useful Turkish phrases, say 'em as they are spelt --

"benim sickim chock sert" <- for anyone you wish to introduce yourself to

"senin amun chock goozelle" <- save for any policeman you see

"tuvaletin sooyoo chalishmeeyour" <- for general use as a standard greeting/small talk

prizes for anyone who can translate those before our hero returns after practicing them in 'country'


"kolay gelsin"

Thanks lads can't say its settled my mind, will just have to see when I get there? I would say whats the worst that could happen but I get the feeling that you lot would tell me!!

More or less the same storys as what my mates tell me, some good some bad. I think if I go with an open mind and see what happens? You never know could be the hoilday of a life time?............

Thanks again

triger700 said:
Thanks lads can't say its settled my mind, will just have to see when I get there? I would say whats the worst that could happen but I get the feeling that you lot would tell me!!

More or less the same storys as what my mates tell me, some good some bad. I think if I go with an open mind and see what happens? You never know could be the hoilday of a life time?............

Thanks again


Its Turkey FFS not Beirut grow some lad
triger700 said:
Thanks lads can't say its settled my mind, will just have to see when I get there? I would say whats the worst that could happen but I get the feeling that you lot would tell me!!

More or less the same storys as what my mates tell me, some good some bad. I think if I go with an open mind and see what happens? You never know could be the hoilday of a life time?............

Thanks again


Yeah seriously mate, they're generally friendlier than Spaniards and you can have a laugh with most of them. As for looking after your Mrs., you just keep your wits about you as you would going out at night in any city in this country. Don't be so Xenophobic.
I travelled Turkey for a while - never had any problem, people were nice. They love their football! Get more hassle in Manchester on a friday night to be honest!!

For something cultural, but amazing - go see the Sufi muslim qawali singers and spinners, really good experience.

Hope you have a good time mate!
6 pages and no pics of the 'soon to be bummed by a fat turk' lady,
I went to Marmaris five years ago. Don't walk down the street as you'll be mithered to death by every restauranteur in town, especially if - like me- you don't tan. They'll never leave your missus alone either. Don't buy anything there. It's like Strawberry Fields - nothing is real. Nothing. Don't even think bout buying any cigs, especially B&H as they'll be sweepings off the factory floor and will give you pleurisy at the very least. The only beer they sell is Efe's and don't, whatever you do, stop in the street as a local with a toothbrush and some mysterious liquid will start cleaning your shoes, badly before demanding money for the privilege. with menaces.

Otherwise, enjoy your holiday.

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