UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

General physics.

The distance between even the closest star is immense and even getting to lightspeed would create problems that would render interstellar travel as close to impossible as can be.
Yes, for living creatures. And for classic travels through space.
The Fermi paradox is that
if space is teeming with civilisations

Where are they…

Things like this are trotted out as if they are evidence of the absence of extraterrestrial life. They aren't.

There are plenty of discussions to be had around the apparent paradox that can reconcile the presence of extraterrestrial life and the lack of contact.

None of these discussions can prove there is extraterrestrial life, but the "paradox" doesn't prove there isn't extraterrestrial life either. It's just a method of stimulating scientific debate.
Things like this are trotted out as if they are evidence of the absence of extraterrestrial life. They aren't.

There are plenty of discussions to be had around the apparent paradox that can reconcile the presence of extraterrestrial life and the lack of contact.

None of these discussions can prove there is extraterrestrial life, but the "paradox" doesn't prove there isn't extraterrestrial life either. It's just a method of stimulating scientific debate.
I don’t think anyone says it’s evidence of an absence of life, or even other intelligent life within this universe. What it says is if there is other life similar to ours the absence of any evidence means it’s at best very rare.
People guess it’s possible in the future we may be able to travel to other solar systems or other galaxies even, but it’s just that,a guess at the moment we haven’t even sent a probe out of our solar system.
I’d say it’s equally as likely if not more that travel between galaxies and maybe even stars in the same galaxy just won’t be possible in the lifespan of any intelligent species.
This has already been proven to be a fake.
When inspecting the bones they are made up from different species and are the wrong way round.
Arm bones have been used for leg bones and vice versa.
Left and Right legs do not match, bone structure, lengths, etc
Maybe aliens are composed of jimble jamble? Broaden you minds to the possibilities of recycled biology. For example, He/She/It could have started with proper arms and legs but due to some accident an arm had to be replaced and only a leg was available due to a galactical shortage of arms. And the opposite demand and supply megamacroeconomic situation could have been tru when he needed a decent leg. We just don't have the facts. Yet.
Yes we do know, anything else is just science fiction immagining.

By your own logic and previous comments, there is no evidence that there is nothing. Therefore, no we don't know. Which is what the science fiction is then based on. Otherwise, it wouldn't be science fiction.
Yes we do know, anything else is just science fiction immagining.

We didn't know there were dinosaurs on earth, up until we discovered their remains, less than 200 years ago. We didn't know entire civilisations existed, till we discovered them.

We didn't know what oil was, until we discovered it. Or gold. Or copper.

Or other continents, with people on them.

We discover new species of plants and animals all the time.

I knew there were no slaters in my garen. Till I lifted this particular rock and there were hundreds of them.
We didn't know there were dinosaurs on earth, up until we discovered their remains, less than 200 years ago. We didn't know entire civilisations existed, till we discovered them.

We didn't know what oil was, until we discovered it. Or gold. Or copper.

Or other continents, with people on them.

We discover new species of plants and animals all the time.

I knew there were no slaters in my garen. Till I lifted this particular rock and there were hundreds of them.
All of which came from earth , this is talking about inter galaxy or inter stellar travel visiting earth and leaving stuff behind, which would leave elecrto magnetic evidence, we can look back to the big bang those signals hanging around the solar system would stand out like a sore thumb.
Therevmay be stuff out in deep space we haven’t found, there is nothing in our back yard.
I don’t think anyone says it’s evidence of an absence of life, or even other intelligent life within this universe. What it says is if there is other life similar to ours the absence of any evidence means it’s at best very rare.
People guess it’s possible in the future we may be able to travel to other solar systems or other galaxies even, but it’s just that,a guess at the moment we haven’t even sent a probe out of our solar system.
I’d say it’s equally as likely if not more that travel between galaxies and maybe even stars in the same galaxy just won’t be possible in the lifespan of any intelligent species.
Voyager left the solar system in 2012 and is now 15 billion miles from Earth

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