UEFA confirm their bid to stop City and keep Utd succesful

sam221985 said:
By that time, we'll have won a premier league title most probably, and be champions league regulars. This means the wages we offer top players can come more into line with what the likes of Arsenal and United pay.

Get rid of expensive, average players on mega-salaries (i.e Wayne Bridge on 90k a week, no disrespect to him but that's ridiculous) and start buying young promising players at the start of their career who'll be pleased with a fraction of that.

We've already seen it by our interest in the likes of Ansaldi, Canales, Delph, Moses, Azpilicuteta, Aleksic before it fell through...we're waiting for the right deals but the focus has already switched to getting them in young and developing them (and thus being able to pay much lower wages) - the owners are prepared for this and know exactly what they're doing. They are world leaders in commerce, you really think they wouldn't be prepared for a major piece of legislation like this affecting an industry they have a financial stake in?

Bang on the nail-we have the real deal as owners
Cobwebcat said:

As I see it we have two choices:

1. Forget European Football but constantly win the Premiership (where the rules don't apply)

2. Run up a huge debt but cover the interest each year.

These rules wil be great for United, brilliant for Bayern Munich, bad for Chelsea and awful for us.

Debt allowed.

Investment only in proportion to turnover = big clubs get bigger and nobody can ever break the cartel.

UEFA could have imposed a rule which simply said "no debt" but the cartel didn't like that so UEFA went with this to keep the big clubs happy and us out.

If this gets past the lawyers, as it looks like it will, this is City's biggest challenge. We have 2.5 seasons to go spending mad and if, at the end of it, we are not in the CL it is unlikely we will be for a long while. Even if we are, because our wages will be in excess of our turnover we will probably only get one go at Europe.

We either work within the rules (ie know our place) or call UEFA's bluff and see if they would go ahead with their competition without the Premiership Champions (potentially) In one way it's a great opportunity to dominate domestically but I think our owners are after European domination and this rule makes it a lot harder if not impossible.

For those of you about to write "don't worry we can charge £10 million for an exec box or get internal sponsorship" this will not be allowed by UEFA under these rules. More than any other club this rule is aimed at us and as such there won't be any loopholes.

I'm not saying there is absolutely no way around it (I can't think of one) but it will be difficult and Cook's proclamation that we will be the biggest club in the world is ill-timed (again) in the light of UEFA's impending ruling.

So in 5 years the Chimps League final will be, say, FC Copenhagen vs Heerenveen............

Yeah right. Twatini and Sepp Twatter looking to shoot themselves in the foot methinks.
ZanteWeatherman said:
Cobwebcat said:

As I see it we have two choices:

1. Forget European Football but constantly win the Premiership (where the rules don't apply)

2. Run up a huge debt but cover the interest each year.

These rules wil be great for United, brilliant for Bayern Munich, bad for Chelsea and awful for us.

Debt allowed.

Investment only in proportion to turnover = big clubs get bigger and nobody can ever break the cartel.

UEFA could have imposed a rule which simply said "no debt" but the cartel didn't like that so UEFA went with this to keep the big clubs happy and us out.

If this gets past the lawyers, as it looks like it will, this is City's biggest challenge. We have 2.5 seasons to go spending mad and if, at the end of it, we are not in the CL it is unlikely we will be for a long while. Even if we are, because our wages will be in excess of our turnover we will probably only get one go at Europe.

We either work within the rules (ie know our place) or call UEFA's bluff and see if they would go ahead with their competition without the Premiership Champions (potentially) In one way it's a great opportunity to dominate domestically but I think our owners are after European domination and this rule makes it a lot harder if not impossible.

For those of you about to write "don't worry we can charge £10 million for an exec box or get internal sponsorship" this will not be allowed by UEFA under these rules. More than any other club this rule is aimed at us and as such there won't be any loopholes.

I'm not saying there is absolutely no way around it (I can't think of one) but it will be difficult and Cook's proclamation that we will be the biggest club in the world is ill-timed (again) in the light of UEFA's impending ruling.

So in 5 years the Chimps League final will be, say, FC Copenhagen vs Heerenveen............

Yeah right. Twatini and Sepp Twatter looking to shoot themselves in the foot methinks.

No Bayern Munich v United. Think you have misunderstood.
Ive only read bigs of this on my iPhone and I'm only in the staff room at work writing this on my phone so my post may seem higgledy-piggledy (I've never used this saying score)!!

I'm not totally sure about all this but it seems like a mother fucker for us as the top players we may buy in the 3 years until this comes into play will want to leave us and play for a team in the Champions Lg!

Will this only really be beneficial for clubs like Hamburg? who don't spend £millions€and$millions on players, get good income from ticketsales and make profit from selling their biggest assests to Bayern Munich every 2/3years!?
Will it only really also benefit Platini's home French clubs as they don't run up debts and make big profits from selling their best players for big money to big clubs in the best leagues!!

Clubs who have no way of servicing their debts - unless they are bought out by people able to pay off these huge debts - like United and Liverpool are fucked! these two will only be able to pay off their debts if they sell all their players and start a fresh! but then they won't be finishing at the top of the league to get into Europe!

Chelsea won't be happy but we are also really fucked as we will have to spend spend spend to get ourselves up to where we want to be and will not make profits and therefore not fill the right criteria to qualify for Europe so it will all be a total waste of time doin so! whereas Chelsea are already up there so it isn't quite as worrying for them!
instead our owners may have to totally rethink their business plan and make it a 25 year plan instead of a 10 year plan, take time out of thinking about winning in Europe and get a structure in place even if running at a loss at first that will ensure in 25 years we will be making profits every year and then look at world domination!!

Real Madrid may be hardest hit!!

I don't see our owners giving up on their goals however! this for them presents a huger challenge than before and I can see them making a bigger name for themselves - and therefore having a knock on effect with all their other businesses - if they overcome these difficulties and still make us the worlds biggest club!

Have I got the right gist of all this!!??
I love the Premier League. Don't get me wrong but sometimes we can't believe what we hear.

Man utd 800 million in debt????

Here in holland we have a rule. If you are in debts you have to fix otherwise you wil lose your license to play professional football.

It's unfair that a lot of clubs are in hugh debts and keep buying players
Real Madrid are in a great position. They will have pushed for this. They have the biggest turnover in the world.

Debt is a side (non) issue. Don't get sucked in.


Big debt = irrelevant (other than in the normal course of things) UEFA spin.

This law is good for those with the highest TURNOVER ie 1. Real Madrid 2. United etc etc

The best post I've seen is the guy who said even though the ruling applies in 2.5 seasons you still have another 3 years to get sorted on top of that. That MAY be enough time for us to scramble in.

I shouldn't be surprised at so many people thinking it's a rule about debt as that's how it's being sold but it's a rule to stop sugar daddies under the guise of debt management.
Surely at some point the rags debt will become an issue, they cant simply sink deeper and deeper without at some point paying the price(be it with UEFA or the banks), right now it seems they are like a drowning man in the North Sea, sure they have found something to hold onto to keep the from sinking this minute, but its carrying them out deeper and deeper. UEFA can change the rules all they like but the facts are that the rags are broke WITH ALL THE MONEY they get from the CL. However they change the rules the rags are more fucked than us, as are Liverpool for that matter and the Prem League has said it won't change the rules here, so we are set, they can even lock the same 4 clubs into the CL slots(which might well be their next step anyway).
Come on 100% Manc do your best with this one

Cobwebcat said:
Real Madrid are in a great position. They will have pushed for this. They have the biggest turnover in the world.

Debt is a side (non) issue. Don't get sucked in.


Big debt = irrelevant (other than in the normal course of things) UEFA spin.

This law is good for those with the highest TURNOVER ie 1. Real Madrid 2. United etc etc

The best post I've seen is the guy who said even though the ruling applies in 2.5 seasons you still have another 3 years to get sorted on top of that. That MAY be enough time for us to scramble in.

I shouldn't be surprised at so many people thinking it's a rule about debt as that's how it's being sold but it's a rule to stop sugar daddies under the guise of debt management.
The Irony is that if....... we manage to scramble ourselves in this will work on our side too!!!!! Because no one will be able to jump in on us as we have on the sky 4!
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Surely at some point the rags debt will become an issue, they cant simply sink deeper and deeper without at some point paying the price(be it with UEFA or the banks), right now it seems they are like a drowning man in the North Sea, sure they have found something to hold onto to keep the from sinking this minute, but its carrying them out deeper and deeper. UEFA can change the rules all they like but the facts are that the rags are broke WITH ALL THE MONEY they get from the CL. However they change the rules the rags are more fucked than us, as are Liverpool for that matter and the Prem League has said it won't change the rules here, so we are set, they can even lock the same 4 clubs into the CL slots(which might well be their next step anyway).

With these rules in place it ensures that over the long term the clubs in the CL in debt will remain strong and prevent new clubs from competing. However, yes debt is still important in that they still have to pay interest on it but this rule certainly helps them rather than us.

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