Well-Known Member
My mate is a bit of a geek when it comes to stuff like this. He writes software for banks.From experience QR in retail/entertainment for vouchers/tickets I'd say that it definitely happens to render that QR as subsequently invalid/used, otherwise you could reuse the QR code indefinitely. If the QR code is the same, then it doesn't matter if it's on a fake ticket, a real ticket or a screenshot - it will be single use only.
Basically if 20 000 codes are printed. Those exact same codes are then loaded on to a server/hardrive. So the computer is then "looking" for those codes. When it sees the code, it sends a signal to the relay on the turnstile telling it to release. That code is then rendered useless. It will be omitted from the Input file on the computer. Basically the computer is no longer looking for it.