UFO's real or not?

didactic said:
SkyBlueFlux said:
Haha, glad you beat me to it BP, as a physics student I learn new things on here every day!

Just to clarify though, magnetism does indeed 'distort' space-time but that is only because electromagnetic fields have an associated energy density and this energy density creates a gravitational field. This gravitational field though would not have the effect on instruments described as it would be tiny (I would imagine immeasurable). Note: 'distort', to me at least, is bad semantics. It's better to say it represents a curvature of space-time.

In conclusion I actually have no idea what he is getting at here. Maybe you could explain it in more detail please? I am genuinely intrigued.

Read up on the manhatten project and Telsas work. Fascinating stuff and that small gravity field you described can be enhanced.

Can you kindly point us to Tesla's work that deals with gravity? I have read through a lot of his projects and i do not remember seeing anything to do with gravity.

SkyBlue can you explain a bit more as to why the EM energy density has a gravitational field?
BulgarianPride said:
Can you kindly point us to Tesla's work that deals with gravity? I have read through a lot of his projects and i do not remember seeing anything to do with gravity.

The Dynamic Theory of Gravity - which assumed a field of force which accounts for the motions of bodies in space; assumption of this field of force dispenses with the concept of space curvature (ala Einstein); the ether has an indispensable function in the phenomena of universal gravity, inertia, momentum, and movement of heavenly bodies, as well as all atomic and molecular matter.

All universities automatically fail students that reference Wikipedia in their dissertations.

Using it as an authoritative source on here leads to universal opprobrium.

Oh and merciless piss taking!!!!
denislawsbackheel said:
All universities automatically fail students that reference Wikipedia in their dissertations.

Using it as an authoritative source on here leads to universal opprobrium.

Oh and merciless piss taking!!!!

I am not referencing it for that reason but rather so he can do his own research now he has the names and details of what to look for.

Guess its a good think I got my degree and this is just a message board :).
didactic said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
Didactic no offense but I think you read or view stuff and take it as pure fact,without checking it's validity.

I see you still have not answered my questions.

Like I said 10 years ago I swore blind about this stuff but researched it thoroughly and it always lead back to military,b2 bombers,ion wind propulsion research and basic disinformation.

As for ancient claims,they hold little validity.its all vague and could be meteors/ball lightening etc.

Dont assume how I think its very insulting. Ask and I will answer. I dont take any of what I read as fact. None of it. I read things and cross reference sources this is a discussion where we are exchanging ideas noone he has "facts" no can disprove any of what we are discussing.

Also you are projecting your opinions on me just because you swore blind and have no refused to believe for whatever reason do not think I should also follow suit. We have different opinions as our research is different. I know someone who saw both a UFO and Aliens. Someone who to this day it changed her life. I was but a child when it happened to her but she talks about it like it was yesterday. So do not tell me someone with various degrees who for years educated children round the globe is insane.


Again with the ancient claims you are discrediting them when you have not even looked at the sources I have used. They described flight upwards, sideways, landing. They described physical beings, knowledge exchanges. These are not comets. They were far from stupid.


People see alot of things. Francis Collins, a pretty educated guy by anyone's standards, saw a waterfall frozen into three parts, thought it a sign from God, and immediately fell to his knees and gave his life to Jesus. His life has changed. Does it have any bearing on whether a god intentionally froze the waterfall in that way and that Jesus is alive in some heavenly realm? Non at all. The amount of things sane people think they see is almost limitless (and often contradictory)

It wouldn't surprise me if aliens (even the "Greys") are visiting Earth but believing it because some said they saw aliens and/or because of some paintings and old stories (which I would hazard a guess that you are confused on - eg. people always point to the Christian paintings of "beings in rockets" etc. but in reality that is not what it shows at all. They're just ignorant of religious symbolism) ? Seems like a case of wanting to believe to me (which I know all about)
didactic said:
denislawsbackheel said:
All universities automatically fail students that reference Wikipedia in their dissertations.

Using it as an authoritative source on here leads to universal opprobrium.

Oh and merciless piss taking!!!!

I am not referencing it for that reason but rather so he can do his own research now he has the names and details of what to look for.

Guess its a good think I got my degree and this is just a message board :).

And there was me thinking you meant yourself to be taken seriously about the garbage you posted.
denislawsbackheel said:
And there was me thinking you meant yourself to be taken seriously about the garbage you posted.

Its a general discussion people can take me however they want. Everyone is free to believe what they wish. My only intention is to contribute.

-- Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:55 am --

ElanJo said:
People see alot of things. Francis Collins, a pretty educated guy by anyone's standards, saw a waterfall frozen into three parts, thought it a sign from God, and immediately fell to his knees and gave his life to Jesus. His life has changed. Does it have any bearing on whether a god intentionally froze the waterfall in that way and that Jesus is alive in some heavenly realm? Non at all. The amount of things sane people think they see is almost limitless (and often contradictory)

It wouldn't surprise me if aliens (even the "Greys") are visiting Earth but believing it because some said they saw aliens and/or because of some paintings and old stories (which I would hazard a guess that you are confused on - eg. people always point to the Christian paintings of "beings in rockets" etc. but in reality that is not what it shows at all. They're just ignorant of religious symbolism) ? Seems like a case of wanting to believe to me (which I know all about)

I dont get why people use the argument that people from old were stupid yet they also claim they built structures which stand until today defying the laws of science and physics. We do not even know 60% of our planet and less than 10% of our waters. Many, many reports talk of submerged UFOs and them coming in and out of water for all we know there are more aliens underwater than humans above water simply because there is more surface area. Also maybe they are not aliens just those that were here before u and to them we are of little interest. Who knows, who can answer these questions. But to completely discredit it I cannot.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
What a load of fucking bollocks.
Of course UFO's and aliens don't exist.
Only conspiracy theory nutters,sci-fi anoraks and the terminally bonkers think otherwise.

And you have been to all the billions of planets in our own and every solar system to come out with this scientific certainty?.

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