Unite against City?

Re: Unite against city??

Armitage said:
What will the owner of the land do with the £1.3million once he has sold his 5,000 plots and the land is CPO'd.

Not quite sure if I understand correctly.

He knows there will be a CPO on the land, so he wants to sell small pieces of it to fellow rags who are likely to have to take a loss on it when the CPO is issued, while he walks away with 1.3 million and gets to set up his business elsewhere.

So in effect all he is really trying to do is make money out of his fellow fans. Or am I misunderstanding something here?

(I'm assuming the value of his land is worth less than 1.3 million if a CPO is issued on the land as it stands)
Re: Unite against city??

Some of the quotes taken directly from their website:-

The Story!
As a season ticket holding United fan they’ve made it out that because we are red, we won’t sell, just to thwart city’s plans. This isn’t true but thanks for the idea!

Why Buy?
4: Satisfaction – has anybody given you stick over the 6-1? – Payback!

How fucking sad are they?? One minute they are blaming the MUEN for making it into City V United thing. Then in another part they are encouraging their fans to buy this little plot as a payback for the "6-1". Thick bastards all of them. Oh and by the way it was actually 1-6 as the away team won.

Re: Unite against city??

These pillocks are clearly thick as fuck and know cock all about property law. Nobody other than the crown under UK law owns any land. You are allowed to own title to land. There is legislation in place to recover land from anybody not demonstrating they intend you put the land into productive use and dividing it into 1 sq ft plots does not qualify.

One thing I do like is this:

2.1. I may accept your offer by sending to HM Land Registry a properly completed Transfer of the plot(s) to you so as to register you as owner of the plot(s), and this will constitute my legally binding ACCEPTANCE of your offer.
2.2. I may reject your offer by my solicitors refunding all your money to you but without interest
2.3. In either case, this will be no later than 1 February 2013

So essentially, Mr. Dumbfuckingrag and many more like him send off their 250 quids thinking they are going to thwart City's plans. The landowner decides to exercise clause 2.2 but does not make that decision until 1st February 2013, during which time the cash has been sat in a bank account earning interest which will not be paid to the investor.

I doubt the landowner will get his hands on this cash as it will be held by the solicitor. They seem to be a well established outfit and I cannot see them engaging in anything dodgy (like giving him a back-hander), however, they are probably playing their client as the complete tosser he is; they will be charging their legal fees and I wouldn't be surprised if they are stalling the sale of the land to keep the cash in their account as long as possible. The solicitors must know this scheme is fucking absurd.
Re: Unite against city??

Looks a little foolish to me, to use the same phone number for this pathetic money making venture as you would for your main business. If someone was to take objection to them it would be very easy to disrupt them.
Re: Unite against city??

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.obtrucks.com/obtrucks_contact.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.obtrucks.com/obtrucks_contact.html</a>


ringing them now for a recovery from blackpool to manchester
Re: Unite against city??

Have registered my interest and am going to dick them around as much as fucking possible until they realise what I'm up to. Keep agreeing to buy, saying I've sent the money, arrange to come and meet them, allsorts.

Can I suggest others do the same.
Re: Unite against city??

Lets play them at there own game, order Taxi's, order recovery vehicles, get quotes for windows, even buy plots for £250 and sell it to our club at no profit. Make these idiots busy non profit fools.
Re: Unite against city??

See Etihad moving all European operations to Manchester over next 12 months.

Another 100 jobs on top of the 150 so far at their new site at Airport.

Manchester City, ruining the dole queue since 2008
Re: Unite against city??

PaulBluemoon said:


ringing them now for a recovery from blackpool to manchester


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