United Thread - 2022/23

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But if they become state owned their oil money will be clean oil money obviously!
If North Korea bought these cunts the goal posts would move that fast... They have a habit of drawing their own lines of what's right to suit them, the media do the same. You'd think Abu Dhabi went back in a time machine and caused the Holocaust when you read these posts from the virtue signalers slating our owners. Lets look at their owners, pumped money into the Trump campaign... "But but they pump money into all of them" is normally their answer.

Barack Obama:

" There were ten times more air strikes in the covert war on terror during President Barack Obama’s presidency than under his predecessor, George W. Bush.

Obama embraced the US drone programme, overseeing more strikes in his first year than Bush carried out during his entire presidency. A total of 563 strikes, largely by drones, targeted Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama’s two terms, compared to 57 strikes under Bush. Between 384 and 807 civilians were killed in those countries, according to reports logged by the Bureau.

The use of drones aligned with Obama’s ambition to keep up the war against al Qaeda while extricating the US military from intractable, costly ground wars in the Middle East and Asia. But the targeted killing programme has drawn much criticism."

And I didn't even bring up the tax dodging from your shitstain of a club, or the shit way your club treated past players. Not even mentioned Cantona. This is just the tip.

So next time you wankers take a pot at our top owners, grab a mirror from the wall and have a good fucking look at it.
This is about the rag sale in the business section of the BBC....

Buyers from the Middle East​

There have been a few high-profile takeovers of European clubs from investors linked to sovereign nations.
Manchester United's rivals Manchester City are owned by the Abu Dhabi United Group, while Newcastle United have recently been taken over by a consortium led by Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund.
Paris Saint-Germain are owned by Qatar Sports Investments and there may be other Gulf nations interested in Manchester United.
Football finance expert Mr Maguire told the BBC there were countries in the region that have "access to funds that could be used" to meet the Glazers' high price.
However, as widely reported, such deals can lead to moral and ethical dilemmas for supporters.

Widely reported yes, but true?....No

Well fuck me, I was about to reply that the BBC couldn't even spell "dilemna" properly and then I find out I have been spelling it wrong all my life. Is that right? Any linguists out there?

Apparently it's "dilemma" from a greek root di+lemma twice+premise. Who knew?
A nasty, vulgar bully who used his and Gill's influence to manipulate the rules of the game. A man who was apparently able to pick and choose which referee he would permit to enforce HIS rules, and HIS rules only. Any dissension in the ranks and you're out. Woe betide anybody whose opinion differed to his - this is a man who idolised Josef Stalin, don't forget.
A club that could -and did, frequently- outspend every other club in football history: if someone offered a million for a decent player, that foul obscenity of a club would counter-offer with 4 million. And that's how it was until Jack Walker splashed the cash at Blackburn, and Wenger turned up at Arsenal with a new footballing philosophy that put the dictator's nose well and truly out of joint.

When nobody can compete with your wealth, when every referee and linesman in the league are happy to sell their morals and their pride just so that the Govan tyrant might allow them back to ref another game, when every media outlet, every journalist and footballing pundit is happy to look away when your players commit GBH to opposing players without any legal retribution, winning trophies is a piece of piss.
Just a quick update, my proposal to put together a consortium to buy the rags is gathering pace.
So far I have had firm offers of a score, which let's face it, is more than the rags get most weekends, 3p and a curly wurly. I'm just going to recheck the posts in case I e missed anyone off but all I will say is, my offer to join me in buying the rags will close Thursday night as I want to put the bid in when the New York Stock Exchange opens Friday.

I'll donate 5p if I can have the curly-wurly.
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