United To Struggle For Top 4?

Hate saying it but write them off at your peril last few years they have been bottom half for first few games then they click into gear and catch up. It's down to the other teams to be more consistant Liverpool threw far to many points away at Anfield drawing games with the likes of Stoke etc. Chelsea are aging and I aint sure they will hold it together. Every season is gonna be the one Arsenal finally click and the potential they have will show etc...

True the rags have a weaker squad than last year despite them claiming otherwise they will miss Tranny and Tevez but you really cannot ignore the threat they pose for now.
Damocles said:
IrishMacca said:
No it wont, they've the best manager, the best squad, they'll defy critics that they have now, they'll carry along steadily without making headlines but winning every game, Liverpool will have their run, they'll fall over themselves as they do, Arsenal will play impressive football but fail to beat the smaller teams or score much at all, and Chelsea will drop points here or there.
They'll go on then on this fantastic run where they go from grinding out results to massives scores.
And before we know it the season will be over and they'll have won, and be in the final of the CL, and all get under our skin while doing it.

Hell I mean watching Ronaldo infuriates me and could you imagine a Man U fan, he hampered the squad as much as he helped it, and all it takes is for Owen to score one goal and they'll be off imo.

Like it or not they're much better then us.
They've the winning mentality and a manager that is capable of building such a magnificent siege mentality that, even though they've sold 2 good players they'll be capable of winning the title and probably will, you know it wouldn't even surprise me if they want on and won the treble just because they're them.

Every single year there's the same old crap. We may have strengthened our crop but they're Man U, they've a (like it or not) fantastic squad that on their day is the best in the League.

And sugesting otherwise isn't being smart, it's comments like that that make us look ridiculous.

Why is it that every single time somebody has a bad word to say about United, you're the one defending them?

United have nowhere near the talent in their squad that you claim. In fact, they haven't even got a decent squad. Outside of their first team, there isn't a player who would be in the team of any top four club, or even us.

They also have an aging first team, that will not be replaced effectively, because they don't have any money to do so. United were always built off of spending money on youth and building them. They can't do that now, they cannot afford to compete with City/Chelsea/Arsenal for the top young players.

Ronaldo was rightly voted the best player in the world, and I'm sure the 70 goals he scored in two season, plus the numerous assists might have helped more then hindered them, you fucking idiot.

Ya that's what I do..ffs.
You've got an idiot making ridiculous retarded comments about Man U not making the top 4 which we all know is complete bullshit, and anyone who thinks otherwise can't have seen more then 1 football game in their life.
It's one of the most ridiculous things I've read in a long time and anyone with a brain in their head could tell you that.

Ronaldo is incredibly over rated and caused them more harm then good, mainly last season. I hate the lad with a passion, ya he could score goals (that Rooney mainly) set up for him all the time, but he was lazy, didn't defend and didn't work. And that attitude cost Man U a lot.
Him leaving mightn't be the worst thing in the world, while Tevez, he barely played for Man U last season, so him leaving isn't going to have that much on an impact.
Squads win championships, not 1/2 players, and if we go out thinking that we'll get no where. Man U got over the likes of Cantona, Keane, Schmichael..etc leaving and they were all, especially Keane, much better and much more important then Ronaldo.

And as for the comment about them having an ageing team, here we go again, it's bias getting in the way of fact, they don't, they've young players with the exception of Scholes and Giggs, who rarely play these days, and they've a lot of youth coming through. They've pedigree that we could only dream about.
Their squad is very strong and saying that none of the players outside their starting 11 would get on any of the top 4 teams or our team for that matter is again pure nonsense.

Squads win titles. Not individuals, not even the first 11. The rotated a lot last season, the one before that and so on and so do all the top teams.

What you're saying is either
a) complete bias, which you can only go so far with before it makes you like like a complete idiot
b) you've seen at the most a handfull of football games.

You choose.

And as for their money, last time I checked they'd spending power, and a lot more then Liverpool or Arsenal, and Man U, again more fact that can't really be argued with is, that they'll either produce young players from their academy or by young players and mold them into superstars.

And anyone who thinks that Man U will finish below 3rd at a stretch either is unbelievably bias or doesn't know the game.

I'm not defending Man U, I'm simply saying that sometimes on this occasion especially bias goes much too far, and common sense gets left behind.
They're weakened quite a lot but we all know they'll get dodgy decisions to keep them in the title race and as part of the top four.
IrishMacca said:
Damocles said:
Why is it that every single time somebody has a bad word to say about United, you're the one defending them?

United have nowhere near the talent in their squad that you claim. In fact, they haven't even got a decent squad. Outside of their first team, there isn't a player who would be in the team of any top four club, or even us.

They also have an aging first team, that will not be replaced effectively, because they don't have any money to do so. United were always built off of spending money on youth and building them. They can't do that now, they cannot afford to compete with City/Chelsea/Arsenal for the top young players.

Ronaldo was rightly voted the best player in the world, and I'm sure the 70 goals he scored in two season, plus the numerous assists might have helped more then hindered them, you fucking idiot.

Ya that's what I do..ffs.
You've got an idiot making ridiculous retarded comments about Man U not making the top 4 which we all know is complete bullshit, and anyone who thinks otherwise can't have seen more then 1 football game in their life.
It's one of the most ridiculous things I've read in a long time and anyone with a brain in their head could tell you that.

Ronaldo is incredibly over rated and caused them more harm then good, mainly last season. I hate the lad with a passion, ya he could score goals (that Rooney mainly) set up for him all the time, but he was lazy, didn't defend and didn't work. And that attitude cost Man U a lot.
Him leaving mightn't be the worst thing in the world, while Tevez, he barely played for Man U last season, so him leaving isn't going to have that much on an impact.
Squads win championships, not 1/2 players, and if we go out thinking that we'll get no where. Man U got over the likes of Cantona, Keane, Schmichael..etc leaving and they were all, especially Keane, much better and much more important then Ronaldo.

And as for the comment about them having an ageing team, here we go again, it's bias getting in the way of fact, they don't, they've young players with the exception of Scholes and Giggs, who rarely play these days, and they've a lot of youth coming through. They've pedigree that we could only dream about.
Their squad is very strong and saying that none of the players outside their starting 11 would get on any of the top 4 teams or our team for that matter is again pure nonsense.

Squads win titles. Not individuals, not even the first 11. The rotated a lot last season, the one before that and so on and so do all the top teams.

What you're saying is either
a) complete bias, which you can only go so far with before it makes you like like a complete idiot
b) you've seen at the most a handfull of football games.

You choose.

And as for their money, last time I checked they'd spending power, and a lot more then Liverpool or Arsenal, and Man U, again more fact that can't really be argued with is, that they'll either produce young players from their academy or by young players and mold them into superstars.

And anyone who thinks that Man U will finish below 3rd at a stretch either is unbelievably bias or doesn't know the game.

I'm not defending Man U, I'm simply saying that sometimes on this occasion especially bias goes much too far, and common sense gets left behind.

wow this just gets better from you!
leewill31 said:
IrishMacca said:
No it wont, they've the best manager, the best squad, they'll defy critics that they have now, they'll carry along steadily without making headlines but winning every game, Liverpool will have their run, they'll fall over themselves as they do, Arsenal will play impressive football but fail to beat the smaller teams or score much at all, and Chelsea will drop points here or there.
They'll go on then on this fantastic run where they go from grinding out results to massives scores.
And before we know it the season will be over and they'll have won, and be in the final of the CL, and all get under our skin while doing it.

Hell I mean watching Ronaldo infuriates me and could you imagine a Man U fan, he hampered the squad as much as he helped it, and all it takes is for Owen to score one goal and they'll be off imo.

Like it or not they're much better then us.
They've the winning mentality and a manager that is capable of building such a magnificent siege mentality that, even though they've sold 2 good players they'll be capable of winning the title and probably will, you know it wouldn't even surprise me if they want on and won the treble just because they're them.

Every single year there's the same old crap. We may have strengthened our crop but they're Man U, they've a (like it or not) fantastic squad that on their day is the best in the League.

And sugesting otherwise isn't being smart, it's comments like that that make us look ridiculous.

I mean on paper, techincally, there's a point in the topic, but I wouldn't be surprised if the person who came up with this never saw a football game before in his life. It's things like this that have people laughing at us.

you gave me little chuckle with this drivel you wrote.

your first paragraph has just totally contradict its self allready (rags have lost 1 game,the arse have scored 6 in a 1 game and chelsea have not dropped a point yet.

Ronaldo hampered united?

have you seen a football game?

It's 2 games in. FFS.
Has common sense completley gone out the window and been replaced by idiots too high on money to actually take a breath and talk some sense.

And it's sweet that you take what I said to you and turn around and say it to me, it's sweet, but just more drivle.
I said at times Ronaldo's lack of work, defending, diving..etc hurt them and it did against the bg teams especially, it was all good and well when he could run rings around poor weaker teams, but when it came down to it he usually let down. He just never really did it against the bigger teams. And was at times infuriating to watch, so God knows what it'd have been like to be a Man U fan.

And what has the money brought in the plastics all ready? Replaced the true footballing folk who have a brain with people who think we'll finish top of the League and Man U not even in the top 4. Pity, and it's only day 1.

Was Ronaldo an amazing player, without question yes, but will they get over it, without question, yes. And maybe just maybe they might benefit when it comes to defending with a player that's prepared to work.
IrishMacca said:
Damocles said:
Why is it that every single time somebody has a bad word to say about United, you're the one defending them?

United have nowhere near the talent in their squad that you claim. In fact, they haven't even got a decent squad. Outside of their first team, there isn't a player who would be in the team of any top four club, or even us.

They also have an aging first team, that will not be replaced effectively, because they don't have any money to do so. United were always built off of spending money on youth and building them. They can't do that now, they cannot afford to compete with City/Chelsea/Arsenal for the top young players.

Ronaldo was rightly voted the best player in the world, and I'm sure the 70 goals he scored in two season, plus the numerous assists might have helped more then hindered them, you fucking idiot.

Ya that's what I do..ffs.
You've got an idiot making ridiculous retarded comments about Man U not making the top 4 which we all know is complete bullshit, and anyone who thinks otherwise can't have seen more then 1 football game in their life.
It's one of the most ridiculous things I've read in a long time and anyone with a brain in their head could tell you that.

Ronaldo is incredibly over rated and caused them more harm then good, mainly last season. I hate the lad with a passion, ya he could score goals (that Rooney mainly) set up for him all the time, but he was lazy, didn't defend and didn't work. And that attitude cost Man U a lot.
Him leaving mightn't be the worst thing in the world, while Tevez, he barely played for Man U last season, so him leaving isn't going to have that much on an impact.
Squads win championships, not 1/2 players, and if we go out thinking that we'll get no where. Man U got over the likes of Cantona, Keane, Schmichael..etc leaving and they were all, especially Keane, much better and much more important then Ronaldo.

And as for the comment about them having an ageing team, here we go again, it's bias getting in the way of fact, they don't, they've young players with the exception of Scholes and Giggs, who rarely play these days, and they've a lot of youth coming through. They've pedigree that we could only dream about.
Their squad is very strong and saying that none of the players outside their starting 11 would get on any of the top 4 teams or our team for that matter is again pure nonsense.

Squads win titles. Not individuals, not even the first 11. The rotated a lot last season, the one before that and so on and so do all the top teams.

What you're saying is either
a) complete bias, which you can only go so far with before it makes you like like a complete idiot
b) you've seen at the most a handfull of football games.

You choose.

And as for their money, last time I checked they'd spending power, and a lot more then Liverpool or Arsenal, and Man U, again more fact that can't really be argued with is, that they'll either produce young players from their academy or by young players and mold them into superstars.

And anyone who thinks that Man U will finish below 3rd at a stretch either is unbelievably bias or doesn't know the game.

I'm not defending Man U, I'm simply saying that sometimes on this occasion especially bias goes much too far, and common sense gets left behind.

You keep quoting "have you seen many games" but then go on to reap praise on to the scum and how over rated tranny was....Go to many scum games do you or is this based on the two games of the manc derby ??
IrishMacca said:
leewill31 said:
you gave me little chuckle with this drivel you wrote.

your first paragraph has just totally contradict its self allready (rags have lost 1 game,the arse have scored 6 in a 1 game and chelsea have not dropped a point yet.

Ronaldo hampered united?

have you seen a football game?

It's 2 games in. FFS.
Has common sense completley gone out the window and been replaced by idiots too high on money to actually take a breath and talk some sense.

And it's sweet that you take what I said to you and turn around and say it to me, it's sweet, but just more drivle.
I said at times Ronaldo's lack of work, defending, diving..etc hurt them and it did against the bg teams especially, it was all good and well when he could run rings around poor weaker teams, but when it came down to it he usually let down. He just never really did it against the bigger teams. And was at times infuriating to watch, so God knows what it'd have been like to be a Man U fan.

And what has the money brought in the plastics all ready? Replaced the true footballing folk who have a brain with people who think we'll finish top of the League and Man U not even in the top 4. Pity, and it's only day 1.

please take something from your own words then and talk sense!

are you talking about yourself concerning plastics?
samharris said:
IrishMacca said:
Ya that's what I do..ffs.
You've got an idiot making ridiculous retarded comments about Man U not making the top 4 which we all know is complete bullshit, and anyone who thinks otherwise can't have seen more then 1 football game in their life.
It's one of the most ridiculous things I've read in a long time and anyone with a brain in their head could tell you that.

Ronaldo is incredibly over rated and caused them more harm then good, mainly last season. I hate the lad with a passion, ya he could score goals (that Rooney mainly) set up for him all the time, but he was lazy, didn't defend and didn't work. And that attitude cost Man U a lot.
Him leaving mightn't be the worst thing in the world, while Tevez, he barely played for Man U last season, so him leaving isn't going to have that much on an impact.
Squads win championships, not 1/2 players, and if we go out thinking that we'll get no where. Man U got over the likes of Cantona, Keane, Schmichael..etc leaving and they were all, especially Keane, much better and much more important then Ronaldo.

And as for the comment about them having an ageing team, here we go again, it's bias getting in the way of fact, they don't, they've young players with the exception of Scholes and Giggs, who rarely play these days, and they've a lot of youth coming through. They've pedigree that we could only dream about.
Their squad is very strong and saying that none of the players outside their starting 11 would get on any of the top 4 teams or our team for that matter is again pure nonsense.

Squads win titles. Not individuals, not even the first 11. The rotated a lot last season, the one before that and so on and so do all the top teams.

What you're saying is either
a) complete bias, which you can only go so far with before it makes you like like a complete idiot
b) you've seen at the most a handfull of football games.

You choose.

And as for their money, last time I checked they'd spending power, and a lot more then Liverpool or Arsenal, and Man U, again more fact that can't really be argued with is, that they'll either produce young players from their academy or by young players and mold them into superstars.

And anyone who thinks that Man U will finish below 3rd at a stretch either is unbelievably bias or doesn't know the game.

I'm not defending Man U, I'm simply saying that sometimes on this occasion especially bias goes much too far, and common sense gets left behind.

You keep quoting "have you seen many games" but then go on to reap praise on to the scum and how over rated tranny was....Go to many scum games do you or is this based on the two games of the manc derby ??

I haven't praised anybody, all I've put down here is fact. I just think that this bullshit is nothing but bias gone to far, I mean if it wasn't where's the topic about how screwed Liverpool are. They lost as well.
Chelsea are an ageing team with very little youth and Arsenal have little to nothing of spending power.

Common sense has gone from this site imo. And like I said, it's a pity, 1 game played and here we are all over again.

Any other day, when Ronaldo was with Man u, all you'd hear is how overrated he is..etc. But now he's gone he's the best player in the world..I mean make up ye're minds, form an opinion and stick with it instead of changing it with every media headline.
I would like to know what is over rated about the tranny...cos im fooked if I know.

free kicks..very good
scoring lots of goals...very good
tearing defences apart...very good
shit ,hes even good at getting free kicks and penalties..

oh.....its the step overs obviously..

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