US Politics Thread

The Republican Hypocrisy regarding “The Border.”

As Mitch McConnell, the then Senate Majority, now Minority, Leader said when Obama was elected, “My job is to make him a one term President!”

Laid bare in that statement is that the Republican Party, which was in a position to legislate for a better country, would focus on trying to harm the President, and in turn the country, in order to stop the first black President from being successful…and nothing has changed now his VP is the sitting President!

In other bat shit crazy America news, today the Chicago City Council voted for a “ceasefire” in Gaza, at the same time as teenaged students were being gunned down outside their school in a drive-by and there was a mass shooting going on outside an auto supply store, where gunfire broke out between two cars in the parking lot!
Did anyone see the senate hearing with Zuckerberg and the like? Fuck me, and I thought politicians were bad for not answering a straight question. It was actually funny watching one of the questioners going down the line and asking each one in turn, "Do you support this bill? Yes or no?" and hearing five different ways of trying to avoid saying no while actually saying no.
Did anyone see the senate hearing with Zuckerberg and the like? Fuck me, and I thought politicians were bad for not answering a straight question. It was actually funny watching one of the questioners going down the line and asking each one in turn, "Do you support this bill? Yes or no?" and hearing five different ways of trying to avoid saying no while actually saying no.

The ridiculous hypocrisy of the entire circus is palpable!

The same grandstanding (for the cameras and new fundraising video!) politicians who would rather die than have any serious gun control laws, in order to possibly save the slaughter of kids and adults, make tech company CEOs dance for the cameras because some kids got cyber bullied (rather than dare turn that shit off!) and then committed suicide!

Guns & bullets = Good & safe
Computers & Social Media = Deadly weapons

Got it!

Politics in this country is a fucking travesty!
You would hope it's very much like Jeremy Corbyn's election campaign. Massively popular with his base, but unelectable to the wider electorate. I wonder how many moderate conservatives will simply stay away if Trump is the right-wing choice. I also hope four years of actually experiencing what it's like under Trump will galvanize the left to come out and vote.
The ridiculous hypocrisy of the entire circus is palpable!

The same grandstanding (for the cameras and new fundraising video!) politicians who would rather die than have any serious gun control laws, in order to possibly save the slaughter of kids and adults, make tech company CEOs dance for the cameras because some kids got cyber bullied (rather than dare turn that shit off!) and then committed suicide!

Guns & bullets = Good & safe
Computers & Social Media = Deadly weapons

Got it!

Politics in this country is a fucking travesty!
For most CEOs it's all about making money and thus keeping shareholders happy.

For most politicians, it's all about remaining in office.

For the masses, it's all about world view confirmation. It's uncomfortable to explore the possibility that you are wrong; ergo, logic, critical thinking, and indeed morals are set aside in favor of populist mental status quo.
I fucking hope to hell that Trump is convicted of at least one felony offense prior to the 2024 election... absent which... the fat orange guy may well be the next US President.
For most CEOs it's all about making money and thus keeping shareholders happy.

For most politicians, it's all about remaining in office.

For the masses, it's all about world view confirmation. It's uncomfortable to explore the possibility that you are wrong; ergo, logic, critical thinking, and indeed morals are set aside in favor of populist mental status quo.
I fucking hope to hell that Trump is convicted of at least one felony offense prior to the 2024 election... absent which... the fat orange guy may well be the next US President.
No he wont. I confidently think there is a silent majority who have had a titfull of him
No he wont. I confidently think there is a silent majority who have had a titfull of him
If so, the silent majority is pretty goddamn invisible. Moreover, this supposed majority for some reason refuses to participate in polls and is disinclined to bet on the election outcome.

IMO a Trump felony conviction would probably seal a Biden victory; absent that, it's probably Trump in 2024.

That said, we're in totally uncharted territory.

Biden, as incumbent, should be up. Furthermore the economy is great. Into the mix, Trump has claimed personal credit for the Supreme Court's overturn of Roe. Biden should be golden, impossible for Trump to beat.

And yet... Biden is down. In poll after poll after poll and among bettors - who IMO (but controversially so) - outperform polls in predictive ability (but even if this isn't true, it's at least another data point).

If Democrats - and Biden - are to prevail, absent a Trump felony conviction, they need to be extremely adept. For starters, in swing states, there absolutely needs to be some sort of abortion/contraceptive measure on the 2024 Presidential ballot to get out the vote.

Messaging needs to improve too - although it's unclear - to me - how to effectively counter the Right's massive misinformation network. The Right's misinformation fires up their base, and turns independent/neutral voters into brain dead sheeple, believing that The Right has done a bunch of bad things but that The Left is just the same.
TL/DR - I think that Trump is favorite to be the next US President absent a felony conviction prior to the 2024 election.
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