US Politics Thread

I am no lover of Trump, he is fucking nuts, but i am not comfortable with a democratically elected President being censored by a big tech corporation. I know it is there platform blah blah, but still it makes me uneasy that a Corporation can have so much power in a democracy.
Can see your point . Giving you a hypothetical scenario, Twitter or social media existed when Hitler and his cohorts were around, would allowing them access be acceptable?
The banning itself in isolation isn’t worrying.

What is worrying is the blatant conspiring by these huge and influential social media organisations like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Google and Apple joining the party by issuing pre-emptive strikes on Parler yesterday, the platform where Trump would have ended up. Added to the fact that CNN are actively trying to get any right wing channel taken off the air in America.

I know who I’m preaching to on here, but this is actual authoritarianism. And it’s not being handed down by elected officials who are accountable, but by Silicon Valley.
Oh look.
Trump’s biggest fan has turned up and surprise surprise, he’s complaining about his hero being banned from Twitter.
Now there is an argument I didn't expect.

I am trying to work out why railing against corporations makes one smack of an entitlement attitude.

We can deal with the rest of your post after i have got a brew.
The entitlement bit is specifically an opinion formed from a friend who rammed it down my throat about how unfair life was etc etc so I probably have a jaundiced view from that, I thought about putting a caveat but was rushing around cooking dinner so feel free to ignore that bit.
Just settling down to watch a film so off line for a bit. Look forward to setting the world to rights at some point though. :-)

I’m just going to play Devil’s advocate here. The BLM protests were also criminal in many places, in many cities, far more widespread and less concentrated in one space, also lasting much longer.

It’s not a surprise more were arrested and the FBI are now identifying every twunt in the Capitol over the last week and arresting them (or trying to).

Of course those this week trying to stage a fucking coup are the worst of the lot, that have been out causing issues this year, but the BLM protestors that also killed innocent people, aren’t angels either.

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