Van De Vart {merged}

Blue Smarties said:
RichieTHFC said:
Bargain of the summer at £8m. Hopefully he can make an impact in the Premiership
I do believe the bargain of the summer is a young Mr Ozil, not an Van 'I'm lost without Ajax and can't play football' Der Vaart.

That is a touch harsh on VDV, he stayed in Madrid last year as his wife was receiving treatment for breast cancer and they were homesick because of that....

Ozil I am interested to see how he copes in the goldfish bowl at R player

As for fitting VDV in to our side...... yes Bale back to left back, where most spurs fans see him as more of a threat attacking from deep, harder to pick up and he has a great understanding with Modric.... at home we will look something like this (4 1 3 2):


Corluka Dawson King Bale

THud or Palacios or Sandro

Lennon Van der Vaart Modric

Defoe Crouch or Pav

Away or in the CL same GK and back four (4 2 3 1):

Thud Palacios

Lennon Van der Vaart Modric

Defoe or Pav or Crouch
RichieTHFC said:
Its going to be either 4-5-1 wait Bale, Lennon, Modric, Huddlestone and VdV OR a 4-4-2 with Bale at LB and VdV left mid. IMO these are really the only ways I can see incorporating him in our side

Bale was excellent for us last season playing at left back, and Harry has said he sees Bale as a left back. The kid has only just turned 21, has a lot of time to learn the art of defending

With 4-5-1 I think you have an excellent midfield, and it's probably the best formation for you. Just not sure it's how Bent Arry will want to play.

With Bale at LB I think you suffer in a couple of ways. He's nowhere near top quality as a left back (he may be in future but he's not now), and you take him away from the wing where he is probably your most effective creater.

Will be interesting to see.
marcspurs said:
Blue Smarties said:
I do believe the bargain of the summer is a young Mr Ozil, not an Van 'I'm lost without Ajax and can't play football' Der Vaart.

That is a touch harsh on VDV, he stayed in Madrid last year as his wife was receiving treatment for breast cancer and they were homesick because of that....

Ozil I am interested to see how he copes in the goldfish bowl at R player

As for fitting VDV in to our side...... yes Bale back to left back, where most spurs fans see him as more of a threat attacking from deep, harder to pick up and he has a great understanding with Modric.... at home we will look something like this (4 1 3 2):


Corluka Dawson King Bale

THud / Palacios / Sandro

Lennon Van der Vaart Modric

Defoe Crouch/Pav

Away or in the CL same GK and back four (4 2 3 1):

Thud Palacios

Lennon Van der Vaart Modric


Not bad line up. Lets hope we can pip you to 4th spot this time:)
skillman said:

This guy? Ha. Outpaced by the speedstar that is Super Mario Gomez.

Great signing 'arry. Technical difficulties my arse but I'm just glad you haven't signed a top class player. Slow as fuck and will get found out straight away. I bet he has a good first few games and then defenders will realise what he is. A Dutch Elano.

Ridiculous innit? All of a sudden a player who was neither first choice for club or country is being described by all and sundry as "world class" FFS!!
Why are Spuds fans using this forum to talk amongst themselves about their possible formations?
mike channon´s windmill said:
skillman said:

This guy? Ha. Outpaced by the speedstar that is Super Mario Gomez.

Great signing 'arry. Technical difficulties my arse but I'm just glad you haven't signed a top class player. Slow as fuck and will get found out straight away. I bet he has a good first few games and then defenders will realise what he is. A Dutch Elano.

Ridiculous innit? All of a sudden a player who was neither first choice for club or country is being described by all and sundry as "world class" FFS!!
Why are Spuds fans using this forum to talk amongst themselves about their possible formations?

No idea mate.

Another thing worth mentioning is that I remember Van De Vaart being offered to a few clubs during the past couple of transfer windows to Hamburg and other clubs and they turned him down. Also, there's a reason no big clubs wanted to sign this guy and people saying a bargain for £8m. I bet you that Real Madrid snatched Spuds' hands off. Ha.
Pissing myself, Real confirm Twichy is lying his tits off. The guy has no shame. What an absolute horror of a joke, that bloke is.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 958654.stm</a>

Tottenham have secured the signing of Real Madrid midfielder Rafael Van der Vaart for £8m.

The Con Job

Redknapp said on Tuesday: "It was a last-minute job. I think he was going to Bayern Munich on Monday for £18m and suddenly he became much cheaper.

"They let me know around 4pm (1600 BST) that he was available for £8m and, for that money, he is a top player who will definitely improve us. The fee has come crashing down because the deadline is so close."

However, Real's statement said: "It is absolutely false that Real Madrid received a 21m euro (£18m) offer from Bayern Munich for Van der Vaart.

"In fact, the German team never showed an interest to sign the player, so the allegations made in England have greatly surprised us."
marcspurs said:
Blue Smarties said:
I do believe the bargain of the summer is a young Mr Ozil, not an Van 'I'm lost without Ajax and can't play football' Der Vaart.

That is a touch harsh on VDV, he stayed in Madrid last year as his wife was receiving treatment for breast cancer and they were homesick because of that....

Ozil I am interested to see how he copes in the goldfish bowl at R player

As for fitting VDV in to our side...... yes Bale back to left back, where most spurs fans see him as more of a threat attacking from deep, harder to pick up and he has a great understanding with Modric.... at home we will look something like this (4 1 3 2):


Corluka Dawson King Bale

THud or Palacios or Sandro

Lennon Van der Vaart Modric

Defoe Crouch or Pav

Away or in the CL same GK and back four (4 2 3 1):

Thud Palacios

Lennon Van der Vaart Modric

Defoe or Pav or Crouch



Corluka, King/Gallas, Dawson, Bale

Lennon, Huddlestone, VDV, Modric, Kranjkar

KenTheLandlord said:
Pissing myself, Real confirm Twichy is lying his tits off. The guy has no shame. What an absolute horror of a joke, that bloke is.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 958654.stm</a>

Tottenham have secured the signing of Real Madrid midfielder Rafael Van der Vaart for £8m.

The Con Job

Redknapp said on Tuesday: "It was a last-minute job. I think he was going to Bayern Munich on Monday for £18m and suddenly he became much cheaper.

"They let me know around 4pm (1600 BST) that he was available for £8m and, for that money, he is a top player who will definitely improve us. The fee has come crashing down because the deadline is so close."

However, Real's statement said: "It is absolutely false that Real Madrid received a 21m euro (£18m) offer from Bayern Munich for Van der Vaart.

"In fact, the German team never showed an interest to sign the player, so the allegations made in England have greatly surprised us."

well its obvious someone is lying. can you imagine if it was rm - we'd be getting lynched
Just to reply to the why has no one else bought him, he was hawked around this time last year.....

Well he was not...... a couple of clubs were interested last summer and as his wife was halfway through her treatment for breast cancer in Madrid he decided to stay until she was in remission....and had finished her treatment.....

He is also one of those players that it is not obvious where he fits in.... and for the money they wanted originally it was never a goer.....Madrid have 4 players without him that play in the 2nd striker or one of a front 3 position and they have had the 25 man squad ruling longer than we have....

Not sure I would call him World Class.... but then it is a much over used saying these days..

Messi is World Class......
City Raider said:
KenTheLandlord said:
Pissing myself, Real confirm Twichy is lying his tits off. The guy has no shame. What an absolute horror of a joke, that bloke is.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 958654.stm</a>

Tottenham have secured the signing of Real Madrid midfielder Rafael Van der Vaart for £8m.

The Con Job

Redknapp said on Tuesday: "It was a last-minute job. I think he was going to Bayern Munich on Monday for £18m and suddenly he became much cheaper.

"They let me know around 4pm (1600 BST) that he was available for £8m and, for that money, he is a top player who will definitely improve us. The fee has come crashing down because the deadline is so close."

However, Real's statement said: "It is absolutely false that Real Madrid received a 21m euro (£18m) offer from Bayern Munich for Van der Vaart.

"In fact, the German team never showed an interest to sign the player, so the allegations made in England have greatly surprised us."

well its obvious someone is lying. can you imagine if it was rm - we'd be getting lynched
Spot on - like I said everyone´s favourite street corner spiv

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