VAR Discussion Thread - 2023/24 | PL clubs to vote on whether to scrap VAR (pg413)

Would you want VAR scrapped?

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It’s never going to happen but personally I’d rather go full on Luddite and reduce the amount of replays that are showed and get rid of VAR altogether.

The expectations on referees nowadays is horrendous and the narrative has changed in that they’re blamed for every decision rather than any blame going on the players themselves and VAR has made that considerably more too.

Really not sure what the answer is to deal with the underlying issue that Dean talks about there, collective responsibility in VAR rather than individual may well be a good step.
but some incidences are really just not black and white that can be found in the LOTG, a lot of decisions come down to interpretation , a heavy challenge can be deemed to excessive by some and not by others. hence pundits that have been in the game all their lives disagree on a weekly basis, same for fans.

Football has probably more grey areas than other sports. Hence the argument VAR works better in other sports doesn't really compare.

Still, we know a few officials on the pitch just leads to blind guesses , rather have officials on a monitor who can also assist the ref - just need them to get everything 100% correct. which isn't going to happen ever.

The inconsistency of the application of simple laws & the excuses have changed it to subjective when it’s not.

There was nothing subjective about the offside at OT. The lies about interference or the faintest touch of a ball whilst fouling a player is more corrupt bullshit. Then they say manage the occasion, don’t spoil the game with a red. It’s fucking lies & corruption, we’ve had pens against us in the 2nd minute, red cards at 10 mins & always contrary to another occasion.

The laws were simple & b&w, but the media, PGMOL has changed it so that it’s dependant on the ref, & who the teams are.
It’s never going to happen but personally I’d rather go full on Luddite and reduce the amount of replays that are showed and get rid of VAR altogether.

The expectations on referees nowadays is horrendous and the narrative has changed in that they’re blamed for every decision rather than any blame going on the players themselves and VAR has made that considerably more too.

Really not sure what the answer is to deal with the underlying issue that Dean talks about there, collective responsibility in VAR rather than individual may well be a good step.

Not me, we’ll never make them honest but at least show them for the corrupt cunts they are.
Not me, we’ll never make them honest but at least show them for the corrupt cunts they are.

Personally I thought the podcast and Deans comments were very honest and showed it to be less likely to be corruption - it’s inability to perform the role to the levels required for reasons like the ones Dean talks about, which ultimately led to him leaving the role.

If you’re talking about honesty in the moment, then that’s where I think having more than one person in the VAR booth may help. Clearly if you start from the perception that they’re all corrupt, that wouldn’t work either though!
but some incidences are really just not black and white that can be found in the LOTG, a lot of decisions come down to interpretation , a heavy challenge can be deemed to excessive by some and not by others. hence pundits that have been in the game all their lives disagree on a weekly basis, same for fans.

Football has probably more grey areas than other sports. Hence the argument VAR works better in other sports doesn't really compare.

Still, we know a few officials on the pitch just leads to blind guesses , rather have officials on a monitor who can also assist the ref - just need them to get everything 100% correct. which isn't going to happen ever.

I think you are missing the point. An official said he saw a red-card incident and ignored it because the ref was his mate. No hmming and ahrring this time, no back and forth on clear and obvious, fewer dives, more offsides given to the mm correctly. There should be a full independent review of the way VAR operates to see if this happens more often. Without it, what's the point of it?

I don't know how this can be seen as anything other than a catastrophic breakdown in whatever trust there was left in VAR.
I think you are missing the point. An official said he saw a red-card incident and ignored it because the ref was his mate. No hmming and ahrring this time, no back and forth on clear and obvious, fewer dives, more offsides given to the mm correctly. There should be a full independent review of the way VAR operates to see if this happens more often. Without it, what's the point of it?

I don't know how this can be seen as anything other than a catastrophic breakdown in whatever trust there was left in VAR.

As post above mentioned he was being totally honest and open on how he dealt with that specific incident, he panicked and didn't send the ref to the monitor and deeply regrets it - I don't see anything that hints towards a golden envelope and dark powers to manipulate results, just human error and highlights the pressure the officials are under.

All for independent reviews and more transparency for sure though.
Iv said it before. Its chaos in the VAR room. So many emotions, biases, interpretations, devolution of decision making. And when you have that going on, in any team I have worked in anyway, the results are confusing and random. And thats what we're seeing.

VAR has taken game officiating backwards and we all known that. Thats the be all and end all for me.

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