VAR Discussion Thread - 2023/24 | PL clubs to vote on whether to scrap VAR (pg413)

Would you want VAR scrapped?

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“Clear and obvious”
Their get out of jail card.
Talking of Jail Dean should be payed a visit by the police.
As I have said many times, the "clear and obvious" threshold makes absolutely no sense for a VAR review system, exists practically in no other sport that uses video replay review, and could only continue to be used at this point--given the mounting number of officiating debacles--for the purpose of giving them leeway to explain away gross incompetence (for which they do almost nothing to mitigate) and attempt to influence match results.

Insisting on employing a threshold not of "was an error made that needs to be corrected" but rather of "was the error made of a sufficient level to warrant correcting" is farcical, at least in the context of the inherent goal of having a video replay review system in the first place.

All those defending officials and VAR due to most calls being subjective have yet to provide a reasonable explanations as to why, then, the governing bodies would want to add another even more subjective layer to officiating. The "they want to avoid re-refereeing" argument is nonsense, because the very nature of VAR is re-refereeing, so you would have to scrap it entirely to avoid that. And it certainly doesn't speed up VAR review, unless one is arguing VAR being able to arbitrarily decide to ignore incidents "missed" by on-field officials so as to not "slow down the game as a spectacle" is a good thing, which I would strongly contest.

Fans called for VAR to reduce the frequency of especially contentious, impactful (some would say highly suspect) decisions. But it hasn't really done that. It has reduced the less contentious, impactful decisions, sure. On balance, though, it is only served to call the integrity and fairness of officiating in the Premier League in to question, especially given the leagues insistence on implementing it differently to other top leagues and strange resistance to making simple changes to improve transparency, and ultimately confidence in officiating.
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No it would need the decision making to be transparent and like in rugby union and even if some fans a dont agree with the decision they will understand how it was reached. At the moment everyone is in the dark as to what goes through the officials minds
The officials are in the dark, and have no fucking clue what's going through their own minds ;)
No, he is admitting to deliberately ignoring something he saw to aid his mate, knowing full in doing so he is going to change the outcome of the game!

Just admit to being fucking wrong lol
He can't, because if he does, he then has to admit the thing he's championed for so long is actually a bag of bollocks and doesn't stand up to objective scrutiny. It's like the old dears who were interviewed on TV and who point-blankly refused to believe Jimmy Saville and Cyril Smith were nonces when all their noncery was exposed, that they were still 'lovely, caring, salt-of-the-earth types who wouldn't have done anything like that and people are just out to get them.'

Fucking mind boggles.
Easy for us to say.

The pressure on getting decisions correct in the VAR room must be immense, they have to get it right and it has to be conclusive and they have to do it as quickly as possibly. Multi million pound industry with a baying mob of fans ready to scream and cry corruption on the outcome.
He got the decision correct, that’s what he is admitting to. It was his inaction that has corrupted the outcome of a game, which he chose to do.
Not given games for the next weekend. Ouch. The ignominy. That’ll show them when theyre back the week after.

This ‘suspension’ has happened numerous times to numerous officials and means absolutely fuck all. Theyre back a week later doing the same shit

Edit - oh look! Hes given VAR for a high profile tv game the week after….
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Do you honestly think they could find officials in VAR room that wouldn’t be labelled as this ?

It would take every single decision to be absolutely spot on and please everyone.
If i recall correctly, the recent world cups ran smoothly. The PGMOL are fucking useless. No surprise they werent selected for the world cup.

im not against var at all. I think used right its beneficial. But our refs are incompetent and nothing is changing. They just keep making mistakes whether through incompetence or like we just found out, a deliberate decision. Its not acceptable .
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No the ref runs the game, if he misses something then it’s on VAR, in Deans case he should have called the ref to the monitor. He didn’t, he regrets that and deserves the stick for him admission.

But what happened to the Assessor who reviews every single decision? Surely he gets both in the room & asks what happened…..

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