Villa boo boys

This is just plain rubbish.

Ellis was utterly tight, we had the resources but he wouldn't spend.

If you must know about ellis, before spouting off more ignorence about villa, he took over a league and european cup winning team, flogged the best players and kept the money. We were relegated shortlyafter. He single handedly destroyed our club, and refused to sell us despite protests for years.

Randy has just put us back where we belong.
AVFC1892 said:
blue_bird said:
Yeah, that was before the majority of your fans booed him. Morons.

Never used to mind Villa, infact I've gone back to Villa Park more than I've returned to any other ground, but after last night I've totally changed my mind. Whatever your reasons, there was no excuse to continually boo the lad. If you insist on showing him your disapproval on how he handled things, fine, boo the first time the ball is played to him, but don't do it throughout the full 90 mins. To say it was pathetic is an understatement.

No, a minority of 'morons' booed him.

I can't really be bothered to explain again, but at the end Barry meekly went to applaud the holte end, and got a massive round of applause from around the ground.

It's pantomine stuff, a few real idiots apart, and Barry knows this.

By next year, he'll get the david james treatment, respectful applause at the start of the game. If you want to see real hatred for a player, look how we treated Yorke. Barry was a nice reception compared to that. He'll get over it.

The minority of morons? So you have a lot of morons at Villa Park do you? After the other night I'd say that was pretty evident.

We're not interested how your boo boys treated Yorke, he's not one of ours. Barry is though and as I said previously I bet he's pretty glad he is now.
CheesySmoker said:
i thought villa booing GB was a disgrace tonight, 12 years of service and they throw it right back in his face. Nobody deserves that. Just to put things in perspective, i cant imagine anywhere someone like Dunney could go and be shunned by us (bar the rags)

villa fans should be ashamed

Got a short memory havent you? Only in the last few years have we booed, Dickov, Distin and Barton who were all fans favourites. The abuse Dickov got away at Leicester was embarrassing, all our fans were singing 'Paul Dickov is a rapist, is a rapist', it was just after he was accused with Frank Sinclair. Thats what happens in football unfortunately, and if it were the other way round I would have booed Barry aswell....
blue_bird said:
AVFC1892 said:
No, a minority of 'morons' booed him.

I can't really be bothered to explain again, but at the end Barry meekly went to applaud the holte end, and got a massive round of applause from around the ground.

It's pantomine stuff, a few real idiots apart, and Barry knows this.

By next year, he'll get the david james treatment, respectful applause at the start of the game. If you want to see real hatred for a player, look how we treated Yorke. Barry was a nice reception compared to that. He'll get over it.

The minority of morons? So you have a lot of morons at Villa Park do you? After the other night I'd say that was pretty evident.

We're not interested how your boo boys treated Yorke, he's not one of ours. Barry is though and as I said previously I bet he's pretty glad he is now.

You obviously didn't go to the game.

A vocal minority booed, at the end of the game a majority of real fans applauded Barry who applauded back.

I can there is no changing your mind, I knew that anyway but I'm hoping to appeal to more sensible city fans who will realise that it's just a few morons.

We had a crowd of 37,000, probably less than 1,000 booed. Yeah, we have a majority of morons....

Barry will always be Villa. I know friends of Gareth who know he's still villa. The booing was pantomine stuff, and everyone including Barry knwos this. He's still Villa.
take it you didn't go to the match it was the majority of your groud booing and signing one of two songs you have! your fans were in disbelief when dunney got the reception he did, and when we sung his name after he scored! villa fans were shown up by the blue army mate end of story!!!
The pathetic twatster in the corner waving his pathetic fake Barry faced £50 notes was particularly odious. Fuck off.
AVFC1892 said:
blue_bird said:
The minority of morons? So you have a lot of morons at Villa Park do you? After the other night I'd say that was pretty evident.

We're not interested how your boo boys treated Yorke, he's not one of ours. Barry is though and as I said previously I bet he's pretty glad he is now.

You obviously didn't go to the game.

A vocal minority booed, at the end of the game a majority of real fans applauded Barry who applauded back.

I can there is no changing your mind, I knew that anyway but I'm hoping to appeal to more sensible city fans who will realise that it's just a few morons.

We had a crowd of 37,000, probably less than 1,000 booed. Yeah, we have a majority of morons....

Barry will always be Villa. I know friends of Gareth who know he's still villa. The booing was pantomine stuff, and everyone including Barry knwos this. He's still Villa.

He's not Villa, not after that shambles from your 'fans'.

He's City now.
4times said:
take it you didn't go to the match it was the majority of your groud booing and signing one of two songs you have! your fans were in disbelief when dunney got the reception he did, and when we sung his name after he scored! villa fans were shown up by the blue army mate end of story!!!

I have a season ticket son.

Forget your bias for a moment, and realise that Dunne and Barry transfers are entirely different.

And 2 songs? Er, bluemoon and 'citehhhh' is all I've ever heard from the blue boys from nachester.

I know friends of Barry, and he's still a Villa fan. deal with it, why would I lie.
So what are we when we boo a returning player?

Pathetic aswell?

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