Villa Post Match Thread

I'm going to pat myself on the back now:

Re: Manchester City V Aston Villa pre match thread
by The Black Shed » Wed May 07, 2014 4:06 pm

We need 11 hungry tigers tonight. Fired up and aching to get out onto that glorious pitch. Our goal difference will improve by at least +3. Cannot see anything other than a convincing win, especially if Silva turns it on. City have been guilty of complacency in some games this season, so a performance & attitude the same as the Palace match and we're all good. In 2012 we had it, fucked it, then had a 2nd chance. It's the same this year. Come on City. We all love you

Shame I don't gamble anymore.
berniethebusman said:
Anyone else watching find themselve thinking of the Soriano video posted earlier in the week. Our display & his talk of our clubs philosophy was practically mirrored this evening. We won the City way tonight and I loved it!

very true, almost there
bellwhaft said:
itisrising said:
Daz_Blue said:
RAWK Meltdown ‏@RAWK_Meltdown 45m
(Manchester) City bought the league, if we finish second technically we've won it

And the winners of the 'technical' 2013-2014 Barclays Premier League goes to ..........

rawkmeltdown is a spoof account

Conspiracy theories, delusion & bitterness; courtesy of the Red & White Kop forums. Please note: All Tweets are quotes from the forums, they are NOT my views.
I'm a Liverpool fan and it's the first (and probably last!) time I have posted on here. I just wanted to say well done. I know there's a game to go and I won't lie and say I don't want West Ham to win but I honestly think you'll walk it. You also deserve the title. You've got the best team, squad, defender, midfielder and you will no doubt argue striker! You can score goals at will but are brilliant at defending when you need to. Pellegrini has won the war of words over Mourinho by keeping quiet and he seems a classy guy.

There are loads of Liverpool fans on the official site forum that respect you as a club. We just want to see good football and whilst there are some that come on here trying to wind you up the vast majority respect the way you play.

Anyway, well done.
bellwhaft said:
nico1 said:
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our City defence.
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;
Let pry through the portage of the head
Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it
As fearfully as doth a galled rock
O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,
Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.
Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,
Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit
To his full height. On, on, you noblest Citizens.
Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof!

It's bluemoon not fucking game of thrones.
It's Shakespeare not fucking game of thrones
Terrific performance boys. Was a bit nervous the first half Villa did put up a decent fight, but Edin has done it again. Amazing display from Yaya and Zabba as well. Lets get this over with and win on Sunday... Brilliant motivation for my IB exams.

#Pride in Battle

Tonight was the perfect performance for the gravity of game. We stayed patient and didn't get all stupid under frustration like we have in the past. We controlled possession and the game and like a seasoned assassin, we just bided our time until the prey was right in the middle of the cross hair. Up a bit, left a bit right a bit, booooom!

Pellegrini got everything spot on tonight. When it wasn't happening, I asked myself what I'd do differently and the answer was nothing, he did everything I would have done so it was all down to patience. Dzeko is still shit, but he's a goal scorer and has proved his worth in that department. Jovetic is going to be a star for us and the only downside for me was that Negredo didn't get the 5th as I'd have loved his barren run to come to an end. Yaya's goal, well what more can be said.

One to go, let's go do it and then we can turn our attention to the real enemy UEFA & their fucking criminal FFP. If all goes well on Sunday ladies & gents, the real battle will commence but hopefully with us as champions.
citysince88 said:
itisrising said:
Daz_Blue said:
RAWK Meltdown ‏@RAWK_Meltdown 45m
(Manchester) City bought the league, if we finish second technically we've won it

And the winners of the 'technical' 2013-2014 Barclays Premier League goes to ..........

When's the parade ?

It's exactly on the day that the 'technical' 2013-2014 PL winner medal goes to the appropriate team.

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