Villa Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

never really got raging about this, it's by no means a cardiff, but it is pretty frustrating.

but some people on here really need to get a grip, they've lost all perspective. and comments that slag our management team (the spanish duo or whatever) should get people a temporary ban, as it's pure and unnecessary vitriol.

almost more frustrated with the shit being lobbed on here than the result, which was exceedingly unfortunate
We need to shake that off as a freak result. No point dwelling on it now, but we cannot ignore our away form. It has to be addressed. And quickly.

We'd had a fantastic week up until today, and even today we played pretty damn well on reflection, but that just makes it worse (somehow). Champion teams win when they play badly. I've never heard of one that loses when it plays well!

I am starting to warm to Pellegrini already so not knee jerking, but he made a couple of big mistakes today (like it or not), not least of which was starting with two strikers far too similar too each other.

I had a crappy stream, but was their third goal not offside as well? When it was flicked on? That doesn't excuse Hart's nonsense attempt even if it was. And if our defenders are going to defend on the half way line they at least have to challenge for balls like that!

Fucking frustrating.
Ducado said:
As another poster pointed out very wisely the other day

The mood swings in here are ridiculous, from ecstatic to rock bottom depression in one game

Its no use, Its why i don't post very much. I have more respect for the people who stick with there opinion and stayed quiet about pellegrini last week. The people who change there opinion game to game is ridiculous
chesterbells said:
themadinventor said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
They are our bitter rivals, why would people not be happy when they loose. Whats wrong with comparing results and positioning in the league ???

we should be discussing our performances/results not worrying about what Utd are doing, they are our nearest rivals but we have much better teams to worry about if we must worry about any of them, I user stand what your saying it just pisses me off that Utd get a mention ,

Spot on pal; it's not relevant & it's no consolation to me after we've lost
Correct - should be 6 clear of those fookers and out of sight alreday
The PL is going south - bookmark it
waspish said:
Eaglechief said:
BillyShears said:
Same people who were saying it after Cardiff. People who are either hysterical or don't really know/watch/understand the premier league.

HA HA HA, Billy Shears (or whatever your real name is) you are a prized PLONKER. Go and give your head a WOBBLE if you think this team is achiveing a "holistic" approach.

We've gone backwards under this PLONKER of a manager.

Twice we've led away from home (Cardiff and Villa) and twice he made an attacking substitution instead of a defensive midfielder to protect the lead, the end result we've got 0 points from both games.

This guys cavalier and is clueless mark II.

Don't know yet if he is clueless mark 2 it's to early lets see if he learns and improve our defence because that's Main worry crap defence = no trophies

OK Waspish, I must I am being quite harsh in describing Pelligrini as Clueless Mark II, but under him we've clearly lost that "winning" mentality which took Mancini at least a year and half to achieve.

Pelligrini has a lot to do to turn this around. Can you honestly say before each game now, that we are almost certain to win the game? I know I don't feel that right now.

All of Mancini's hard work to instil that rare winning mentality has been smashed to pieces in only 6 league games under this PLONKER!
MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
Barcelona currently doing the job away from home... the difference? They have no weak links in their side. We do.

They have plenty ask Bayern Munich. They play in a different league so no worry to us.
Ducado said:
As another poster pointed out very wisely the other day

The mood swings in here are ridiculous, from ecstatic to rock bottom depression in one game

Yes but to be fair and with all respect how can we beat The Rags 4-1 and then suddenly lose to a severely depleted Villa side missing a lot of their players? It happened in the cup final when Wigan beat us with several players out. And keeps happening time and time again.
I think one of Moyes or Pele will be out before Christmas at this rate.
Wish we had bought Falcao. Crazy price but he would have had 3 today and Villa would have quit.

Even relegation fodder in the PL will play even with us if we give them hope. Missing so many chances emboldened them. Nasty was the biggest culprit today, but he would have been irrelevant if we had taken our chances.

We bought two strikers and our highest scorer is Toure.
mike channon´s windmill said:
jimharri said:
the talisman said:
Am I missing some kind of in joke on here? Are people seriously suggesting that we can't win the league after 6 games?
If we don't drastically improve our away form (and it's hard to see how that improvement will come about), then I'm prepared to stick my head above the wall and say no; we've got very little chance of winning the title. Clear enough?

Bang on Jim but the inners /outers must have their battle on here. All I wanted was the right replacement
My misgivings are beginning to have some foundation
I could clearly see what was coming EVEN AFTER going 2-1 up. We faffed about and failed abysmally to show the kind off ruthlessness necessary against overwhelmingly inferior opposition
I really don´t know what to expect from us one week to the next anymore and that is a travesty with a first AND second string most managers would die for
Cheers ''mike''. But there's no telling some people on here. Ah well.

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