Voter ID is back and this time its serious.

Once again for those at the back ...... you cannot be an illegal immigrant and an asylum seeker at the same time. They are two totally different entities
Don't let the facts get in the way of the rhetoric.
The anti British, unwashed, disease infested children of immigrants will become voters in due course.
Got to stop them somehow.

And "illegal" and "immigrants" are always said together in MSM - it's the law.
When do we ever hear about "legal immigrants"?
Typically Aussie, New Zealand, etc could be immigrants perhaps but I've never heard them referred to as legal immigrants.
"Asylum seekers" are always considered to be illegal immigrants in MSM.
Don't let the facts get in the way of the rhetoric.
The anti British, unwashed, disease infested children of immigrants will become voters in due course.
Got to stop them somehow.

And "illegal" and "immigrants" are always said together in MSM - it's the law.
When do we ever hear about "legal immigrants"?
Typically Aussie, New Zealand, etc could be immigrants perhaps but I've never heard them referred to as legal immigrants.
"Asylum seekers" are always considered to be illegal immigrants in MSM.

and Brits abroad are always "ex-pats" not immigrants legal or otherwise - funny that eh?
But what does that have to do with how people vote?

Have I missed something, are the Tories no longer the people's party, for the common man, the poor man, the forgotten man, the working man, the workington man, and every other man or woman? Are labour not now the party of the elite, the out of touch political class, the liberal loonys and those that would presumably have cars and holidays and as such IDs? I'm so fucking confused with who's who these days.
I agree with this, all very confusing. I know a lot of Mexicans living here, I would say that 95% are Trump supporters which a lot of people can’t comprehend
I think the proposal also includes being able to use a voter ID card.

NI has a system in place already, implemented in 2002 I believe, and if you compare NI voter turnout before and after it does suggest this measure reduced voter participation by up to 5% which can’t be good for democracy whichever section of the voter demographic is most likely to be impacted. So it’s a “no ta” from me.

Redrawing boundaries is absolutely right given the transient nature of people; MPs should broadly represent the same number of citizens so they need redrawing from time to time.
But the boundaries are redrawn on information that disadvantages those with lower incomes who are more likely to be in rented accommodation in their own homes and more likely to move more often.
Don't let the facts get in the way of the rhetoric.
The anti British, unwashed, disease infested children of immigrants will become voters in due course.
Got to stop them somehow.

And "illegal" and "immigrants" are always said together in MSM - it's the law.
When do we ever hear about "legal immigrants"?
Typically Aussie, New Zealand, etc could be immigrants perhaps but I've never heard them referred to as legal immigrants.
"Asylum seekers" are always considered to be illegal immigrants in MSM.

You don’t need to put the word legal in front, they are just immigrants
But the boundaries are redrawn on information that disadvantages those with lower incomes who are more likely to be in rented accommodation in their own homes and more likely to move more often.

I don’t think that is the case but if politicians decide then they’ll always favour a redraw that favours them no matter what their hue.

I am in favour of the idea put forward by the electoral reform society when they say they should be drawn not on registered voters but on eligible voters. And certainly free from political interference.
one-party police state on its way
Police ?

Don’t get the issue with proving your ID.
Always felt very lax.
it’s not difficult to get ID and I don’t buy the idea that the poor cant get ID

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