Voter ID is back and this time its serious.

It's never a binary choice, but it doesn't need to be.
Just have 40-45% of votes cast and you'll stay in government til the cows come home. As in any fraction, keeping the top number the same with populist policies while reducing the bottom number means the percentage doesn't shrink.
You don't even need 30% of all possible voters. 2019 GE Tory share was 29.3% across the UK. More then 70% voted against them or couldn't be arsed voting. Fewer than 30% giving the power that rules the lives of the other 70%. Just need to prevent adding potential voters who are less likely to vote for you.

Perhaps the pro-ID camp are more likely to be prejudiced against those nasty people from < insert country and/or ethnic group and/or socially disadvantaged group > who wouldn't have an official ID because they are < as above >.
All those millions of illegal immigrants and work shy layabouts and mentally sick people and disabled scroungers and sick old people won't have a £34 driving licence and will never apply for a £72.50 passport and will not pay £1,330 to become a naturalized British Citizen will they.

Give them the vote and they'll be electing people who'll be giving all the money to gangs of criminals and wasting it on schemes to educate their hordes of children and keeping their elderly relatives in luxury. Better putting the able bodied in workhouses so they can earn their keep. They don't need the vote.
Better still, keep it simple and have microchips implanted, biometric ID devices or even tattooed identification. I'm sure that was tried somewhere before now.

The anti-ID camp are all just pinko communists who hate this country and all it stands for. The sooner we get back to Victorian Values that made Britain Great the better. Are there any people in Umbogoland or Kumkwiklistan that we can invade in the name of democracy, rob of all their resources, exploit for our own purposes and then bomb the **** once done. Rule Britannia.
I’ve filled cemeteries
Better with Boris.
Get Brexit Done.
Hands Face Space.
Get Your Jab.
Jabs and Jobs.
ID to Vote.
Three Word Slogan.
They'll Believe Anything.

Just needs time.
Keep the faith.

You missed one slogan have edited for you.
Police ?

Sting can fuck right off.
We know damn well why they want this. It's voter suppression pure and simple.
Putting aside the principle, what makes you think those that would vote Conservative would be more likely to have or accept having to have IDs, and that non-tory voters wouldn't?
Generally although not always Tory voters tend to be more affluent.

If you are more affluent, you are more likely to own a passport, have a driving licence etc.

My mam's 87 years old and always voted, I suspect she has always voted Labour,but I do not know, it is not my business, she has never had a passport and has never had a driving licence.

When my dad passed away she didn't even have a Bank account as my dad did the money and he gave my mam a wage every week. All the bills were in my dads name, it was almost like she did not exist. It was only thanks to the understanding of a very kind Bank Manager was I able to open her a bank account so she could access money.

As a democrat first and foremost my worry is people like my mam will become disenfranchised. She is lucky, she has me who can sort out things for her, but if there are people like her who do not have a son or daughter like me who is able to sort things out then I fear they will simply not bother. They will become forgotten and have no representation. Democracy is about representation for every single one of us and if one person has no representation then we cease to become a democracy.

I do not care how people vote, i care that people can vote if they wish too. This proposed legislation makes it harder for people to vote and as a democrat i find that abhorrent. Voting could become the preserve of the few and democracy should be about all. People died fighting for the right to vote and it is not something anybody should ever consider giving up lightly because who knows what restrictions could come in the future.

There is simply no basis for this legislation, as i stated one person was convicted of voting fraud at the last election, that f course is one too many, but we would we stop everyone from driving because one person broke the speed limit.

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