After putting me sensible head on and looking at it in city's position I feel they had little choice in what they are doing. Just hope all the poles are in east stand 3. Still pissed off but I do understand.
even the rags don't get treated this bad. it's a fucking disgrace to be moving any blue from there seat.
"Following consultation with Greater Manchester Police, to ensure that both home and visiting supporters have a safe and enjoyable experience, we are relocating all home supporters out of East Stand Level 3 for this match."

Don't follow this at all. Home and visiting supporters, segregated in Levels 2 &3, will have to use the same entrances and exits via the spirals. Must be a regulation against that.
Lets just say there's a couple of thousand UK based poles going to this and it turns out to be a really great match, good atmosphere etc. These same guys and girls might decide to come to some of our other games that we don't quite sell out. No harm in that is there?

I have now got to relocate 6 seats for this game,(myself, my 3 kids and my 2 nephews). I know that's going to be a pain in the arse, but I think City have more than compensated for this when I take into account how much money I will now be saving.

Ok, you could say City have dropped a clanger here, but they appear to have acknowledged this and are trying their best to sort it.
I can not believe Bluemoon at time or some of the posters on it
1)The ground is empty
2) no atmosphere
3) They have put the away supporter behind the goal
but now we have got a new one
never thought I would here that one
and it does affect me east stand 309
Thanks MCFC for the free ticket
I love mcfc and they pay for me to go to the game
wonder if they will go half on the petrol
mcfcliam said:
Fucking disgraceful, that.
Yeah free tickets - the shame of it<br /><br />-- Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:42 pm --<br /><br />
daveduke67 said:
The club should just ignore the fact that Polish fans have bought tickets and let them sit anywhere they want. If there is any trouble and fights break out around the ground I'm sure the stewards will dive in and break them up before any punches are landed - especially the size 8 female 20 year old who regularly patrols the aisle next to me. Aren't they all trained in martial arts as part of the 2 hour induction course they have to attend?

Fancy putting fans safety first - what a shite club we support. And thinking that giving someone a free ticket for, what is in essence, a freak event that nobody was expecting at all, would be an acceptable apology.

I'd be so angry I'd post a thread on here. And tell the club I was so pissed off with their pathetic attempt at an apology that I'd refuse the free ticket and not go!
Sums it up
So, just to summarise this turn of events...

Tickets were selling at a piss poor rate to City fans.
A few Polish fancied going to the game.
The police and the club realise that one or two of the Polish might kick off with Blues (or, knowing the English, the other way around), so decide to bunch the extra set of Polish folks together, instead of turfing them out and having a 15K crowd.
City realise that the only real option is to put them in the 3rd tier, where home fans are already situated.
City then refund all City fans tickets and offer the fans a free ticket in an alternate location.

Yeah, how shit.

Why not try down the road? They'd charge you £20 for the pleasure of relocating.
ashton-blues said:
even the rags don't get treated this bad. it's a fucking disgrace to be moving any blue from there seat.

Has this ever happened at Old Trafford - do you know this for a fact?

What do you expect them to do - if ONE person got hit by a non-blue there would be uproar about the slack organisation by the club and the police for allowing a mixture of fans. This club has a bad reputation I gather, so everyone's safety is being put first. I would happily move if the club and police thought that there was sufficient justification to ask me to. This isn't a decision that has been taken lightly - a lot of messing about for the club relocating supporters and quite a bit of lost revenue.

The club are selling tickets to English registered buyers - there isn't a tick box asking if you are a City fan or an away fan buying tickets designated for home fans only!

This has caught everyone out - have a look at some previous guesses about attendance to this match - around 20-25k at very best was suggested I seem to remember.

Stop slagging the club off - what do you suggest they do instead? Leave the fans mixed? Refuse entry to anyone who sounds Polish? Ask us to take our passports? Make people answer three random MCFC related questions which they have to answer correctly in order to get in. Offer them some spiced dried sausage that is 95% white fat and see if they turn their noses up - then they get in?

Get real moaners!

And it's their not there.

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