I understand why people buy nice things even though some of the nice things that people buy look frivolous on the outside.
People who like to buy art IMO aren't buying something nice they are buying an investment, weirdly they want to pay more for something so they can sell it for more, the world of high art is crammed with frauds and charlatans.
Most things that are expensive are an investment so you have every chance of getting your money back or at least a large chunk of it, there are however people who spend a fortune on food and wine which is a one shot deal, I see that as a waste of money when it is a massive overspend in reality it is rich people paying not to eat in the same space as Chantelle and her 4 children.
So to all you people who like nice watches just carry on, you've probably earned the right to have a mechanical marvel you haven't bought from Argos for £30, and if I had that much disposable income I would join you in your watch appreciation.