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big blueballs said:
The FA should pull the England team out of all FIFA and uefa competition, as the process for hosting world cups, euro's is flawed and corrupt at best and when it comes to the English is not a level playing

I'll go one step further, for the FA to detatch itself from FIFA all together, bring in goal-line technology etc and we move on as a footballing nation.
scall said:
BillyMC said:
What poor people are you referring to in Qatar...the migrant workers living in shit?

Sometimes it's not just about deserving, it's about delivering.

We're talking here about a country the size of Northern Ireland which up until a few years ago, was barely noticeable to anyone unless they dealt in the oil industry. They have only one stadium built, there's nothing in the country for tourists (there is Dubai, Abu Dhabi etc a short plane trip away, but Dubai and Abu Dhabi weren't bidding to host it), it's too hot, the laws are too strict (Brazillian women in bikinis will be getting arrested, so too will plenty of other football fans who will be drinking etc).

Politically yes, a World Cup in the Middle East is great for all that unity of the world stuff, but in practical terms, it makes no sense at all.

At least some scrotes will come home without their hands and bollocks and the mrs will give it a swerve
The song "Money Money Money" comes to mind.

We should just concentrate on our Prem: and CL league.

fifa "WHO ARE YOU"
No booze in Qatar, no bars. Maybe in a few hotels and your hotel room IF you are very very careful. There wont be any women at the games really.

Russias rife with corruption, pretty much the most racist country on the planet. Football over run by hooligans. Terrible crime problems in the major cities. Awful transport links. Verry very expensive as with Qatar in terms of decent hotels and getting there.

They have a top African player in the russian league in an interview on the BBC asking what he thought about the world cup comming to russia.

He was absolutely horrified. Saying racism is indemic - no point at all in the African countries even showing up to take part its that bad.

When you look at how bad the next 2 world cups are on paper its actually embarassing.

-- Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:44 pm --

I'll go one step further, for the FA to detatch itself from FIFA all together, bring in goal-line technology etc and we move on as a footballing nation.

I would go with this as well. Totally detach, organise out own friendlies sort out a bi yearly euro tournament with the big european countries. No Europa or CHampions league set up our own breakaway league for europe competitions cherry pick the biggest and best clubs only from Germany, Spain, Italy, Holland France etc.

At the end of the day they will follow the money and the prem is where the money is.
When are we ('the English') going to get it through their thick bloody skulls that, America aside, the rest of the bloody world just does not like us for a myriad reasons.

Why we go pandering to these jumped up bureaucrats and administrators?

I dislike the Royal Family. I dislike David Cameron. I dislike Boris Johnson. But to tee these people up for that kind of humiliation, despite knowing what kind of organisation FIFA is, is beyond the pale.

They shafted Irish football for the sake of M. Platini's home country's qualification. Now they've shafted English football.

Sepp Blatter - the Wizard of Oz. Throw those curtains wide to reveal possibly the most corrupt individual involved in sport.

Pull out of FIFA NOW.
scall said:
BillyMC said:
What poor people are you referring to in Qatar...the migrant workers living in shit?

Sometimes it's not just about deserving, it's about delivering.

We're talking here about a country the size of Northern Ireland which up until a few years ago, was barely noticeable to anyone unless they dealt in the oil industry. They have only one stadium built, there's nothing in the country for tourists (there is Dubai, Abu Dhabi etc a short plane trip away, but Dubai and Abu Dhabi weren't bidding to host it), it's too hot, the laws are too strict (Brazillian women in bikinis will be getting arrested, so too will plenty of other football fans who will be drinking etc).

Politically yes, a World Cup in the Middle East is great for all that unity of the world stuff, but in practical terms, it makes no sense at all.

For all the above points, Qatar should host the world cup.

The world cup will change alot of things, it will improve life, people thinking, many things will change for better because of the world cup.

And if it is about the wether, i know alot of western people living in UAE and they enjoy the summer more than locals. We have around 180,000 only from UK living and enjoying life in UAE. And Qatar is not different

My question is, why world cup should be hosted during summer, why not during winter? it is once every 4 years.

What you are saying is, some countries because of hot whether during summer, should not host the world cup. i remember the world cup in USA was hosted actually during summer and it was hot aorund 40c.
Time for someone involved in our bid to grow a pair & come out & say what they're really thinking, ie, the FIFA governing body is corrupt. It's all well & good journalists exposing this shit but until others in the football world say something it will just go on & on.

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