Watching City whilst on Holiday experiences

Sat in a bar in ibiza in San Antonia bay watching the play off final.had two gillingham fans sat near the tv.When we were 2 nil down the gillingham fans were laughing,aswell as the rag mate i was with.cant remember much after the game.
The Ledge said:
Hart of the matter said:
About to jet off to Turkey next week so will have to find a bar to watch CS against Chelsea. Had to do same last year and sat in Bar full of United fans. Was givin it large at half time but looked a right dick at the end. Got loads of stick till I realised none were from Manchester. One even said from South Manchester (Chester) YCNMIU

Which part are you off to? I'm jetting off to Olu Deniz on Saturday... just praying Mini Ledge's new strip turns up in time!

Stayed in Olu Deniz a couple of times in recent years. Really like it there. Going to Kalkan a week today for two weeks, just down the coast from Olu Deniz.
Just realised i'll be in Salou for the Fulham away game, doubt i'll have to watch it with mass's of Fulham fans (never actually come across any before), but i'm preparing for all the glory hunter stick i'll more than likely get. Or worse i'll see actual glory hunter city fans :/.
Wigan home 2010 Tevez hatrick
Spuds away first game 0-0 Hart outstanding
Last seasons friendlys in the states and Dublin

MCFC OSC Lanzarote Arthurs Bar

Also be in there for the Southampton game. Got a Champions Flag for him in case he;s not got one
was in Marmaris Turkey some years ago with a rag pal. Just booked in and found him huddled round the telly in receotion with about 20 Turk lads cheering etc. Went over and City were getting hammered 6 - 0 i think! off the Turkish national side. Had a laugh and the Turkey lads would'nt let us buy a beer all nite.

In Playa Blanca, Lanzarote for the Charity shield if anyone there let us know and we sort a meet up / piss up for the game.
ethan23 said:
Watched us lose years ago to wolves 1-0 i think!? Robbie Keane scored, possibly danny granville's debut.. set the tone for the rest of the day

watched that match in a bar in corfu - it was the first league match after the play off final, and as i recall it was a shit match. me and mrs thebiggestdogintheworld were the only blues in there, but there were cockney rags in there who kept calling us man city and referred to themselves as man yoo. the only saving grace was that the bar was nowhere near where we were staying so we had no cause to return
I managed to get a bar owner in Fethye to put a City Shirt (snide) up behind the bar for the Man Utd match, loads of comments from unhappy Utd supporters, went back a couple of days later to find Rooney pictures stuck all over it with headlines about teaching us a lesson!
I'm in Turgutreis, Turkey at the mo, watched our game on fri with a few Besiktas fans, great friendly atmosphere.

Hoping a few gooners turn up this fri!
uwe28 said:
Sat in a bar in ibiza in San Antonia bay watching the play off final.had two gillingham fans sat near the tv.When we were 2 nil down the gillingham fans were laughing,aswell as the rag mate i was with.cant remember much after the game.

1999 - sat in a bar in menorca - one of about twenty (very) pissed up Blues. It was about 36 degrees and I had my lucky scarf on. Not a r*d shirt in the place.

Two gillingham fans (father and son) celebrated after their first and received an official verbal warning from one of the chaps. Their second goal goes in and every Blue in the place turns to wave goodbye as said father and son left the premises quicker than rags vacating Wembley. OK, maybe not that quickly..

Two goals and a penalty save later the place is a seething mass of celebrating Blues (lovebites and everyfink). Cue Nicky Weaver impressions around the bar - Genuine... everyone chasing round on the beach, across the street, the lot.

It was easily the best time I've ever, ever had in a pub / bar. I made friends for life that day. I never knew any of their names and wouldn't recognise any of them if they stood in front of me, but I still love them all.
Watched most of the QPR match at my mates house in Florida.
I say most because I had to go for a walk with 5 mins to go before I threw up on his lounge floor from the nerves. Walked round the lake in abject misery until I heard the Mrs scream........ I would love to say that I took it all in my stride but maybe it was the high pollen levels (or the thought of my long suffering City mates) that made me blub my eyes out.
Walked round for two weeks feeling ten feet tall, whistling the Kolo/Yaya tune, and for the first time in years, never saw a single Rag shirt in Kissimmee........priceless!

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