What City's success means to you?

i have read them all several times over. im just glad i was open and honest in what i put which was one of the first tear jerkers on this thread as others have followed!!! its brilliant being a city fan, not for today or tomorrow, but because of the past
A massive part of my enjoyment of what is happening with City at the moment is the respect being shown to 'our' clubs past.

I watched my dad fall out of love with City during the Swales years even though he kept the faith and made sure his kids saw the light.

He hated that man with such passion as he 'killed the club, what it had been and what it could have been'.

So to see my dad smile, hear the giddiness in his voice when talking about the Blues, the sign of a man reborn i better than I could have hoped for.

Im not exaggerating when I say that the new owners have likely added a few years to the old mans life.
I am 49 years old next March, I was 15 years old and still at school when I went to Wembley to watch City beat Newcastle In 1976. I can remember the colour of the match ticket, green, It cost a fiver (face value) we were In the east stand behind the goal, I had ham and cheese butty's packed by my nana, and 2 x Watneys party fours a red one and a blue one (anyone know the difference) for the trip. We left Sharston at 6.00 and arrived about 11.30 and enjoyed a game with the geordies before the car parks got packed out.

What would winning the Premiership mean to me and my son who's just 18?. I think the emotion of that would be huge, and I would cry like a baby. No doubt others will shed tears of joy also. Hope springs eternal thanks to our new owners!
I think the roof would come off Manchester like never before!
It means nothing to me as it hasnt happened.

Myabe ask the question if we win something.
It would truely mean the world. I've only been a fan for an odd 10 years and i couldnt imagine how it will feel for the fellas that have waited the 30+ years.

I think we may be getting ahead of ourselfs in regards to the PL title but in a year or two thats when we should be striking it. i do however, think that we have a very very big chance of bringing home some silverwear in the league or fa cup. Even lifting any of these would make my heart melt blue. The prospect of playing champions league football excites me like you wouldnt believe.

The closest feeling i think ive had to us winning something was the paul dickov goal and our last game agaisnt united at Maine road, but besides that nothing could compare.

I think we are blessed to have such ambition owners and wanted to take this club into a compltely new level of professionalism both on and off the pitch. Even if the dodgey basterds at Uefa/Fifa bring in these new rules to stop other sides using heavy investment to create 'the city effect' we are already a year and abit ahead and the genarsoity of our owner is simply stunning.

Its just f**king amazing to be a city fan right now. When we lift that first trophey and we think back at our rollercoaster history, i think ill experence some new emotion that consists of accompishment and disbelief.

City til we die.
What a great thread.Some really good posts on her I feel I have to put my two penneth in.

Growing up in a family of four boys believe it or not I was the only one who took to football like my dad did.I used to watch his Lee,Bell,Summerbee video and think 'well what the fuck went wrong'.

I started going to city when I was 6 or 7.Mel Machin was the man at the time and my first hero was Paul Stewart.(I even wrote to jim'll fix it to ask if I could meet him. Honest truth no reply though, lol) .My old man was a Steward at Maine Rd and I used to get in for free he was in the North stand and I had to go with his mate into the corner of North/Kippax. After we left Mn Rd we both got an ST together at COMS. After a while he and my mum began to have problems(after 36 years).They split up towards the end of the pearce season and my dad ditched his S/T. I followed suit cos things were not going well.For us and city!

Anyhow, All I'm saying is it would mean the world to me to enjoy some city glory with my dad.He always used to say it will come one day.The sad thing is we only hug when city score.At that moment everything is forgotten.
Moebius said:
It means nothing to me as it hasnt happened.

Myabe ask the question if we win something.

But it will soon enough and who'd have thunk it.
You know, I have taken the last hour or so spitting my heart out about this, and when I hit the submit button, I got the register screen!

I can't be bothered writing it all again, but in a nutshell, all you lads and lasses who have never seen City win anything, I salute you.

I remember success, you don't, so when it happens, enjoy it.
I've twatted 4 cancers since 2005 . I've been to places ( mentally/physically/emotionally) i would never wish on my worse enemy .
What kept me going ? Besides the thought of leaving my missus and young son to fend for themselves was the fact that in 1976 , when i was 5 years old , i have absolutely no memory of us lifting the trophy . I've never seen us win anything . After years of many false dawns and watching ( a hell of a lot of ) shite football in some god forsaken places , i ain't fucking dieing of cancer before i get the chance of watching us win something .
I've always believed that one day it will happen . But i'm more hopeful now than i've ever been before . And when IT does happen , i'll probably go fucking ballistic , i really don't know what i'll do ? But i do know it'll be emotional for me , because i've been very close on more than one occasion to missing out completely and never having the opportunity to see it happen .
It's going to happen , one day . I know it will . It's what's kept me going in the past and will keep me going in the future . And when it does happen , you watch . It'll be like waiting for a bus , fuck all for ages , and then two come along at once .
Stuart said:
I've twatted 4 cancers since 2005 . I've been to places ( mentally/physically/emotionally) i would never wish on my worse enemy .
What kept me going ? Besides the thought of leaving my missus and young son to fend for themselves was the fact that in 1976 , when i was 5 years old , i have absolutely no memory of us lifting the trophy . I've never seen us win anything . After years of many false dawns and watching ( a hell of a lot of ) shite football in some god forsaken places , i ain't fucking dieing of cancer before i get the chance of watching us win something .
I've always believed that one day it will happen . But i'm more hopeful now than i've ever been before . And when IT does happen , i'll probably go fucking ballistic , i really don't know what i'll do ? But i do know it'll be emotional for me , because i've been very close on more than one occasion to missing out completely and never having the opportunity to see it happen .
It's going to happen , one day . I know it will . It's what's kept me going in the past and will keep me going in the future . And when it does happen , you watch . It'll be like waiting for a bus , fuck all for ages , and then two come along at once .
wow lovely piece. We will get there m8, dont you be giving in just yet. stay strong, you are a brave brave man, all the best rick xxx

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