I've twatted 4 cancers since 2005 . I've been to places ( mentally/physically/emotionally) i would never wish on my worse enemy .
What kept me going ? Besides the thought of leaving my missus and young son to fend for themselves was the fact that in 1976 , when i was 5 years old , i have absolutely no memory of us lifting the trophy . I've never seen us win anything . After years of many false dawns and watching ( a hell of a lot of ) shite football in some god forsaken places , i ain't fucking dieing of cancer before i get the chance of watching us win something .
I've always believed that one day it will happen . But i'm more hopeful now than i've ever been before . And when IT does happen , i'll probably go fucking ballistic , i really don't know what i'll do ? But i do know it'll be emotional for me , because i've been very close on more than one occasion to missing out completely and never having the opportunity to see it happen .
It's going to happen , one day . I know it will . It's what's kept me going in the past and will keep me going in the future . And when it does happen , you watch . It'll be like waiting for a bus , fuck all for ages , and then two come along at once .