What did you do when the fourth went in? [merged]

Had my new I-Phone in my my hand as was getting a smug text ready for my rag bastard mates, then proceeded to smash it against the wood floor which flew up and then smash into a vase, the I- Phone now has a huge smash in it and is struggling to turn on. Bad times.
No tears, just anger when I saw Fergie joking around with the ref. But they have to admit we put up a fight and we made every chance unregrettable although they were pressing the almost the whole half time. This just says that we have top class player that make every chance a difference and not a constant scoreline.
The air was blue and I am still fuming now - deffo not good for my blood pressure - just knew Owen was going to get one past Given! We were robbed!
smacked my head to the wall went to my bedroom slammed the door and slept for the rest of the day

fucking plastic cunts didn't even deserve to win
i was in the united end had them all jumping all over me as id been giving it to them every time we equalised. I just sat theri head in hands gutted.
Hate to say it but I just knew they were gonna score again. When 4 mins went up I couldn`t believe it. Then when it go to 5 I just thought surely he can`t play any longer?

Had barney with wife, seconds after they scored, she brought my dinner in and I told her I couldn`t fuckin eat !
Filled with anger but had to be careful as was with family and had my young nephews with us.
Still angry now but after the 4th goal went in decided once and for all how corrupt it is and in that space probably lost all remaining love i had for the game.

Wasnt just the 4th, was the free kick for the 3rd and one leading upto the 4th, + hearing the 6-7 nil ferguson interview thats done me. Ive realised we will never be allowed to compete fairly and seriously now considering ditching SKy Sports package and stop watching Premiership football.

Leading upto this game also, another reason im falling out of love is the sheer incompetance by those running the game, the FA and the match officials. This early in the season we have possible had the worst linesman ever (v Palace) disallowed goal which was onside v Portsmouth, the media witchunt against Ade and all the put downs and media shit. Its taken its toll on me now.
Swore and ranted loudly then got politely asked to leave the club I was watching it in.

Was full of rags and told them I'd leave in 4 minutes.
i just kept repeating to myself...
see you at our place you cheating bastards.. see you at our place.
keep the faith fellow blues.
next time we meet them we will be even better.
i honestly think we will murder them at ours and its at a more important time of the season.

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