What did you do when the fourth went in? [merged]

I was in the pub and when it went in i just bust into tears like a baby,i was like that for about 10 minutes but then the anger kicked in.
held myself back from booting buzzer1's tv.. had i been at home,, it would have been a sure bet that i'd have volleyed it into the street!!
Kicked fuck out of the red plastic seat, then soaked it all up and imagined just how fucking great a feeling their fans must have had in that single instant because Bellamy's equaliser whilst it lasted would have gone into my all time top 5 muppets after a goal. It was a wonderful ecstatic feeling, to be so high and then so low so quickly but thats what its all about and it's coming our way boys and girls ain't nothing so sure and ain't nothing gonna stop it.
i threw the pillow off my couch so hard i nearly broke the wooden flooring lol
my mate told me that his dad broke the light fiting on the roof when bellers scored to level it 3-3 lol again
sat in bedroom watching it with my rag bird ,i punched the wall in disgust ,never been so angry about a game of football . rag bird never said a word to me . my feckin hand is sore
I sunk into my seat and had to keep my cool as rags were in my face after my celebrations for the third might have been a little over the top. By the way, I wouldn't worry about our players not being up for derby games from now on. Rest assured, those players involved yeaterday will want to do those fuckers just as much as we do. I'm normally dreading the next derby game but I'm convinced, with a full squad to pick from, we will wipe the floor with them at our place.

The special hatred we have for them has moved up a notch.
booted a bar stool into the back of a rags legs whilst he was celebrating "mo's" goal then stormed out of the boozer knocking into a load of old toffs smirking and cheering on the fuckers- i'm getting wound up writing this

i fucking hate them so so much

i feel this forum has helped me vent some of my anger, thanks for listening
Re: Own up, who cried?

Halfpenny said:
Sky Blue said:
Filled up slightly.....then the anger came and I wanted to kill!
Yeah, this is pretty much me.

And me. I don't think I ever remember feeling so angry - if we'd got beat in normal time when they were peppering our goal with shots I'd of been disappointed but to be robbed in fergie time was a disgrace

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