What do you think about united?

I find them slightly less toxic now WE are sat at the top table, and the SCUM are feeding on the scraps whilst we are smashing fuck out of them every time we meet.

It still doesn't bypass my built-in hatred of all things RAG and I would love to see them slide off the foot-balling map and take all their fucking wanker "fans" and sycophantic meeja with them!
My dislike goes back, believe it or not, to 1955. Picture the scene, we used to live in a little street where everybody lived cheek to jowl and we were the only ones with a telly. A magnificent piece of technology, black and white, 12 inch screen. Everybody piled in to watch, bodies balanced on arms of chairs, kids lined up on the floor waiting for the action to begin. The unbelievable happened, Newcastle scored within the first minute( the fastest goal record that stood until 1997) scored by the Toon legend Jackie Milburn who just happened to be the Charlton brothers uncle. Parity was restored by a diving header from Bobby Johnstone. We then lost Jimmy Meadows to a career ending injury, so we were down to 10 men. Subs were still to come in the future so we had to try to negotiate the rest of the match with a depleted side and superior numbers told and we eventually went down 3-1 (George Hannah getting there last goal, I don't know if he knew about the agenda then).
So there we all sat or stood wondering what had happened. I was sat crying my eyes out, I was only nine so had an excuse, when my young brother appeared from nowhere and stood shouting Ewcastle, he could not even pronounce their name properly. My Ma noticed that he was clutching Maltesers in his hand. It turned out that the rag from the top of the street had bribed him to do the dirty deed.
My father was out in a flash and fisticuffs ensued, and there you have it my early indoctrination into the twisted world of the scum hordes.
Is it time to let it go? I don't think so, I am enjoying the schadenfreude.
LOL my first memory was my Dad not allowing a friend into the house as a kid because he was wearing a Rag goalkeeper shirt.

I wondered why, and from this young age I was brainwashed with countless stories about coaches being smashed up by Rags, educated with stories such as Munich disaster families being evicted from their homes, dodgy meat sold in schools.

My Dad has a genuine long term hatred with United.

United where most successful as you know during the 1990's (when I was mostly in school)
So most kids in schools I went to where Rags, the odd kid who did support a local club such as Bury/Rochdale/Bolton would also say they supported United to fit in.

Most probably a coincidence but specific people who have had a big impact negatively on my life have also been united fans.
Step brother who physically abused me as a kid was a Rag as an example.

Probably just due to their popularity?
More likely to have scum as fans.

Know quite a few genuine matchgoing reds and I wouldn't have a bad word said about them.

My hatred these days is more with the media and the whole capitalist engine that runs off United.
Full on propoganda shit that irritates me seeing sheep walk around believing it.
Had to think about this one. I remember when they went down to division 2, as it was and was laughing my head off at how that was them finished.

However, I also have a grudging respect of how they came back from that and have built the worlwide brand that they now have.

Hpefully City will be able to do the same thing over the coming years?
No one at all said:
Had to think about this one. I remember when they went down to division 2, as it was and was laughing my head off at how that was them finished.

However, I also have a grudging respect of how they came back from that and have built the worlwide brand that they now have.

Hpefully City will be able to do the same thing over the coming years?
Interesting. 5 posts, 4 on rag threads and one having a pop about last night's game.
I think we should be very worried about them now. Their new manager and players LVG has brought in will signal a revival in their fortunes. City will probably still win the league this year but the games against MAN U will be much, much closer!

I was very surprised in their new signing Daley Blind. He orchestrated their victory over QPR and is exactly what they needed. Yo ucan sign all the fancy footballers you like but without somebody moping up at the back you will be nothing
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
No one at all said:
Had to think about this one. I remember when they went down to division 2, as it was and was laughing my head off at how that was them finished.

However, I also have a grudging respect of how they came back from that and have built the worlwide brand that they now have.

Hpefully City will be able to do the same thing over the coming years?
Interesting. 5 posts, 4 on rag threads and one having a pop about last night's game.

Kidding 'no one at all'

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