What do you think about united?

A fine example of how a sports team should be run. Refusing to pay transfer fees, other than an occasional donation to a less well off team in the lower leagues. Always playing the youth team, with them all born within a stones throw of the ground. Not a foreign manager for this bastion of sporting fair play.
Not for them breaking the British transfer record several times over. Not for them spending more, in one calendar year, more than anyone else in England.
Not the type of club to have a secret fund to bung parents large piles of cash. Never would pay Peter Lorimers parents £5000, in the 60's, then get it back when he signed for Leeds.
Not the type of club to have a chairman who said "the smaller clubs are bleeding the game dry, they should be put to sleep."
Not the type of club to threaten a breakaway, with those other bastions of our game, Arsenal and Liverpool (and one or two others, a cartel if you will) if they didn't get to keep all home gate receipts.
Not the type of club to fix a game, against Liverpool, so all the players could benefit from betting on the outcome. And they also managed to finish 1 point above relegation that same season. All just a coincidence I would imagine.
Not the sort of club who would have child labourers in India, being paid 6p an hour, making branded footballs.
Not the sort of club to 'tap up' Jaap Stam.
Not the sort of team whose captain would deliberately injure an opponent.
And, certainly not the sort of club, who would patronise and belittle the club from Manchester for years and years, then, when there was a possibility of a slightly more level playing field, would cobble together another cartel to ensure they carry on, in perpetuity.
You can only rejoice in their unsullied success and wish that our club was not stocked by mercenaries and had forward thinking owners, like united have, who might try to build something for the future. I looked at their team on Sunday and the nine English players who, if not from their academy, came on free transfers from non-league and all of who play for nothing but the love of glory and the shirt and thought:
I am thankful, every day, that I never once thought about following the smug, afflicted masses on their way to Perdition.
Nausiating arrogant sense of entitlement over decades

last couple of seasons , you'd have needed bloodhounds to smell 'em out.... cowards when it comes to it

The least graceful set of 'supporters' on the planet... closely followed by candlepool
the hatred runs very deep , they have taken the piss out of our club for decades and now its pay back , their great rivals might be candlepool , but beating those rag bastards in a derby game , is still one of the best feelings in the world , they are the original plastic club with plastic tourist fans , and always will be.
I fucking hate them, full on. As a young lad I was in the Scoreboard Paddock when we relegated them. They were shit and we were one of the top teams in England, and I hated them. But that hatred was really more of a birth-right than anything else, just part-and-parcel of being a City fan, it came with the teritory. However, the eighties came and they were prominent in ending the away teams getting a share of the home gate. Then the 90s and full-on corporate scumhood. The more corporate they got, the more plastic their fans became, the more genuinely loathesome the club became. They were behind the inauguration of the Premier League (having fully floated on the stock-market to enable them to buy the best players (theoretically) and take advantage of being the club Sky pushed as its own particular darling) and thereby introducing a level of inequality in the income of league clubs never before dreamed of. They were part of the G14 stitch-up which ended in a guaranteed income that would keep them at the top of the game forever (or so they thought). Then they allowed that banner about us to be displayed (taking it down for concerts, before placing it back) despite the fact that we bailed that club out twice in its history, gave them our best players in the early 1900s when we were screwed by the FA, allowed them to use our stadium after the war as theirs had been bombed, allowed them to use our stadium for European games as they had no floodlights, and so on. It is the singularly most despicable club this country has ever seen, and I fucking hate it with a passion.*

* They have one or two decent fans, I own.
They pretty much represent all that is wrong with football. From their plastic, glory hunting and hooligan support base all the way up
to their greedy owners (pre Glazers as well as the Glazers), who have distorted football finances to the extent that only 5 clubs can now
realistically win the league, they are totally morally corrupt from top to bottom. Like Arsenal they claim to be "classy" and like Arsenal
they fail to realise that that is a term you don't bestow on yourselves if you actually have any "class". It's really "classy" to make money out
of the Munich air disaster as they did on the 50th anniversary by getting sponsors to cough up for Munich related posters having
evicted survivors' families from their houses straight after the disaster. Its really "classy" to allow your supporters to mock their neighbours
with a banner during the lowest point in their history despite being saved by them several times in the past.

I hope that they survive in the PL just long enough for us to pass them in derby match victories and then they slowly and painfully fall down the
divisions, shedding support all the way down, until liquidation takes place in the Conference North. Ideally I'd like the GPC and Sir Toutalot to
both live to be 100 and watch it all unravel.
They bring out the anti-establishment contrarian in me.

I think there is something of the nonconformist in most City fans to which United's unfounded elevation to national institution is like a red rag to a bull.
Don't like them really, on a whole their fans are pretty shit, players are horrible and their ex-players are always waiting to have a pop. I don't think it affects me as much as others though, it really riles some, and on here I hope a lot are wumming because they're hatred seems unhealthy. I know a lot of sound lads who are United fans and can have some decent banter with, but every fan base has their sour section. Problem is our local rivals are the most successful team in England, coupled with their arrogance it isn't nice to see. A lot of neutrals hate United for that alone, so it's magnified when they're your biggest rival. I'd rather have our rivalry with United than not, it feels so good when we beat them.
Re: What's do you think about united?

rickmcfc said:
Despise everything about them. Fans, players, club, arrogance, bunch of fuckwits I've ever come a cross.


I won't even have any red in the house or wear anything red in colour. Even if I was given a red ferrari id have it resprayed :)
I can't find a word strong enough to describe the hatred I have for them c**ts.

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