What trouble did you have last night?

GStar said:
Stevies Bald Head! said:
haha he was comical. he thought he was the man. proberbly the smallest, most unscary lad ever

Lego hair? he was hilarious... wanted to give it out but couldn't take it and complained of racial abuse to the steward... if only hed wake up, realise hes in the real world and remember actions have consequences.
he got a kicking after the game by the way saw him proped up against a busstop with his nose pissing blood and i laughed at him
greenie said:
I didn't see anything myself but heard of trouble in town off a rag mate, as some of their lads went into piccadilly wetherspoons with knives

Forgive me if I'm wrong but I'm sure that Wetherspoons supply cutlery for their dining clientelle?
BillyMC said:
Has anyone managed to get hold of brolly man....heard he's coming out of retirement for this one.....en guarde MIBS.....cue the flashing blade (brolly)

Dont worry about OT folks it'll be no worse than any other OT derby....only difference is we have 3 times the numbers going than normal. A few will approach you for directions and such like, again dont panic, they genuinely wont have a fucking clue where the ground is, and they arent checking for Manchester accents.

ahaha good times, he would take on the whole of old trafford single handed.
scall said:
cleavers said:
They're blues aren't they, I'm sure I recognise the bald one in the black coat, and the woman who looks like she is goading them. Funny picture all round.

Na, they're all reds. There's no segregation netting in the picture, and there was no breach of the segregation lines at any point. This was after the game, when the fans were trying to leave and there were a few scuffles/handbags at dawn. The cops went in either side of the rags and pushed them into the middle of the away section.

And what self-respecting blue (the woman two down from the fat bloke crapping her pants) wear a red thing like that to the derby??!!

Is that Roy and Hayley Cropper on the far right of the picture???
1_barry_conlon said:
levets said:
If I was ITK on things like this (which I'm not).... I'd guess there will be about 400+ blues meeting somewhere quite close to OT..

It could go retro...:-)

Remember the last time? ;-)
ljk said:
m27 said:
You've got to love 'em. Still lapping up everything that Red Issue says about us all coming from 'Lancashire Mill Towns' and Cheadle and having to save up the money to buy our council house in Levenshulme.

Cut loose and think for your self you Air Max wearing prick.
Nothing to do with where anybody is from, just meeting places for some of City's 'boys' in previous years before Derby games at Old Trafford.

Ticketless maybe in the past.... Most of them have tickets this time and those places are too far to walk....

You will be surprised I reckon...
Soulboy said:
I think he means the people sat BEYOND the line of police.

And the guy in the black coat is a City fan I think.

yes he is a city fan..
Soulboy said:
I've found it quite amusing reading all the stuff about the "battles" going on at Tuesday's game.

Wasn't it just over a week ago that someone posted about our game at Leeds in 1977, and how bad that was?

I don't want to pull the "old man knows better" routine, but Tuesday really was nothing.

For old-skoolers like a few of us on here, that was how it was every week in the 70's and 80's.

You get used to it. You get savvy. I think too many on here exctolling the horror of it all must be young and have little comprehension of what real football violence is like.

I'll be at Old Trafford next Wednesday, just like I have been going back to Denis Law's backheel... now that was a frightening day!

this lad knows da score

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