When / why did you become a City fan?

1947 dad and grandad supporters so had no chance to support anyone else then why again should i
Primary school trip to Maine Road in 1980, met John Bond and a few of the players, thought Paul Power had the coolest name. Think we got to the FA Cup Final that season, but can't remember what happened.
I became a city fan when I was builled in school.
I went to ducie central in the late 80 early 90s and was told you better support a local team, it was never going to be united.

so one day after being shown the ropes of car minding I got in for the last 15 minutes vs Palace at home 89-90 season we won 3-0. A trip to the city chippy , and my heart and soul is now was and still is with city.

supporting city really helped me settle in Manchester,, when at first I had a hard time doing so.

from there I am sure I could write several chapters about times around city, many would be adventures around the ground.
I became a city fan when I was builled in school.
I went to ducie central in the late 80 early 90s and was told you better support a local team, it was never going to be united.

so one day after being shown the ropes of car minding I got in for the last 15 minutes vs Palace at home 89-90 season we won 3-0. A trip to the city chippy , and my heart and soul is now was and still is with city.

supporting city really helped me settle in Manchester,, when at first I had a hard time doing so.

from there I am sure I could write several chapters about times around city, many would be adventures around the ground.
Where has that been copied and pasted from?
3rd generation blue dating back to 1930s possibly earlier. I myself was born down south which is why I find it hard to sing 'tearing cockneys apart' :) but the generations before me were in North Manchester.

I did not really get into it to the extent I am today until the Gillingham match. I felt sorry for my dad sat on the floor looking very miserable, we all know what happened and the rest is history.

There was something special about the club and supporters. I wanted to know more about my dad's history with the club, it became a good bonding point.

The stories he could tell me, including him sitting all in blue as a child in the Anfield Kop were more than the football. I just wanted to give my children an opportunity to be part of and continue this history.
Born Clough Rd Droylsden. First game West Brom Nov 23 68 at 7 years old.All family’s blues.
Moved to Buxton in 69 remember dad heading off in a big Merc to Wembley as i kicked about behind the sofa.We had a blue and white cake.
Got the 12.33 to Piccadilly match day and on school days I got the train all the way to St Bedes on Alex Road hid my scarf in my adidas bag as mum said I couldn’t wear it but put it on when out of sight.
The late 70’s were fun watching City.
My father arrived from Ireland late 1950s,his home team played in blue and he didn’t like the way Munich was being milked by the media back then,so started following City,remember a night game when Tony Coleman’s shorts were ripped maybe versus Everton,stood at back of the Kippax on the railings circa 1969,also went v Linfield in Platt Lane September 1970 as an 8 year old.

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