Where are the Gareth Barry critics?

I know it's all about opinions but I just can't get me head around anybody who knows anything about football not rating Barry.
Johnsonontheleft said:
Barry was immense yesterday for us. His pressure led to the goal and his overall work rate and play was exceptional.

A few days ago Talkshite were slagging him off saying that Carrick deserved the place in the England team more than him.

Thank you Gareth - a top blue.

1 good game in 10, he'll be back to being shit on Monday night. Don't you worry about that.
Goater666 said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
Barry was immense yesterday for us. His pressure led to the goal and his overall work rate and play was exceptional.

A few days ago Talkshite were slagging him off saying that Carrick deserved the place in the England team more than him.

Thank you Gareth - a top blue.

1 good game in 10, he'll be back to being shit on Monday night. Don't you worry about that.
Does this mean Barry is a big game player for us? Like Yaya.
birchwoodgingerste said:
Every team needs a water carrier and barry does that job but we can improve on him for sure.

You would die of thirst before Barry reached you!
gotta say from watching barry many people think that he does very little. He is the engine in the team that does the work that goes un-noticed by the vast majority. Many people say that the defensive midfielder doesnt get the recognition that most of them deserve, but de-jong does mostly because he does things in an attractive manor i.e the huge slide tackles. Barry breaks up the play just as much and keeps us ticking. However i think he needs to play alongside de jong or yaya as apposed to milner or silva.

Read in the mail this weekend the stats about him being the slowest player in the prem, but also covering the most distance, now im not suggesting these are completely acurate but they go some way to showing the amount of work he gets through each game. He may not be the quickest but he puts a shift in week after week.
leewill31 said:
i see Leighton has nothing constructive to say yet then?

oh hold on according to Leighton barry had been completely dropped from the team 3 matches ago and would not of seen him play yesterday!

another quality performance from Barry yet again maybe over taken next season by somebody younger but id say still vital in the squad next year!

Barry was very lucky to hold onto his place in the team after the Liverpool game another manager would of dropped him. Saturday he played ok. Gave away some stupid frees as usual but there were better preformances on the day than Barry. The whole back line were brilliant Joe was great in goal Yaya played his best game in over a month.
I have stated time and time again he is not a player I would want in the first team and he has been shit shince he has come from Villa that was Hughes worst signing when you compare him to the others Hughes signed. I would get rid of him in the summer if we are looking to progress to the next level it will be without Barry in the team. If he is happy to play the Vieria role next season so be it but if a bid comes in for him I would take it.
leighton said:
leewill31 said:
i see Leighton has nothing constructive to say yet then?

oh hold on according to Leighton barry had been completely dropped from the team 3 matches ago and would not of seen him play yesterday!

another quality performance from Barry yet again maybe over taken next season by somebody younger but id say still vital in the squad next year!

Barry was very lucky to hold onto his place in the team after the Liverpool game another manager would of dropped him. Saturday he played ok. Gave away some stupid frees as usual but there were better preformances on the day than Barry. The whole back line were brilliant Joe was great in goal Yaya played his best game in over a month.
I have stated time and time again he is not a player I would want in the first team and he has been shit shince he has come from Villa that was Hughes worst signing when you compare him to the others Hughes signed. I would get rid of him in the summer if we are looking to progress to the next level it will be without Barry in the team. If he is happy to play the Vieria role next season so be it but if a bid comes in for him I would take it.

So Crocky > Barry then?

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