where was you 10 years ago this sunday?

was stood on lee street waiting for a mayne,s coach supping a bottle of bacardi and coke they said no alcohol on the bus so we had to do it discreetly still managed to get 4 cans on as well i,d only just turned 18 what a late late birthday present never forget the buzz when we were going down wembley way and could hear all the city fans signing still brings guzz pimpiles out amazing day apart from the 5 hour journey home with a banging headache
was 9 years old at wembley. cried my little heart out when were 1-0 down. tears got worse at 2-0. my dad said come on lets go home. but for some unknown reason i asked my dad if we could clap the other team at the end so we stayed. best decision iv ever made. i can remember the moment the ball hit the the net i dont think ill forget. i dont think iv ever seen city fans go that mad! to be a city fan back then really means your a true supporter.
Experiencing the most emotional roller coaster of a day ever imaginable at a shit hole in north london.

Weavers silly run still rules!
i still remember the day like it was yesturday... i was 10 sat on my bed with a crap radio reception of the game crying because we were 2-0 down. dad came in to cheer me up with a mcd's and we scored twice while i was eating it! then biting my bedcovers as we won the shoot out...

oh city you dont half make it fun :) CTID
Blue check or blue square pub not far from wembley, me n me old man bought Tommy Booth a pint, and i got a cracking picture of me dad n Tommy having a good natter! Sits on me dads mantle pride of place!
It's good to see that the Wembley saw fit to remember that great day. This picture is on one of the inside walls of the New Wembley. The two lads looking up at the City pics are two of my sons who were there with me in 99.

Wandered round Wembley at a concert and you'd expect to see pictures of the rags or Arsenal and couldn't believe it when we saw this.

Fantastic day and will never forget it. I'll never forget queueing for tickets for 10 and half hours the week before either !!!

Had a pint with uwe in the Hilton, was about to leave when the first goal went in then went mental after the penalties, spent 2 hours on the motorway waiting for the traffic to clear and got back to my local in time to have the barmaid not be able to hear me because I was so hoarse from shouting. But apart from that a pretty dull day.
Went through full range of emotions, but didn't leave early, thankfully!

The queue for the tickets also provided a memorable day. Loads of banter etc. The only mistake I made was to take my dog with me. He must have consumed his own weight several times in discarded burgers, chicken breasts and chocolate wrappers. Amazingly he's still here. I just asked him whether he remembered his day out in Moss Side, but he said he had no recollection of it? And they say that dogs are clever?!

On a similar theme, I also managed to get my wife a ticket fot the game - one of only two games she's ever attended. I'm sure the occasion was lost on her and at the time I felt I'd have been better off taking the dog!... 'errrr I dohhn't think it's fair booooing when they're taykin' penalties etc'

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