Whiskey nose revange against Preston.

Why do some posters compare him to a tramp?
I've met some very dignified tramps and they'd be appalled if they knew what was being said.

The Rags will no doubt loan the players out elsewhere and it will be spun as being for footballing reasons as the new Preston manager may not have given them enough gametime.

As mentioned maybe we could loan them such as Tutte, Mee, Ibrahim, Nimely or MJ if fit to fill the gap.
moomba said:
If the roles were reversed and Mancini's son (for example) was just sacked from Preston, and we recalled three of our players, I'd want Mancini out either for sending players out on loan for the benefit of his son, and not the club, or recalling players because of a personal issue when their loan spells were for the benefit of the club.

Fergies actions are twattish in the extreme.

Agreed Moomba 100%

Found this on youtube..... about 12 secs in....

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b9K2S_DAio" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b9K2S_DAio</a>
Poetry LOL

"He swings with his left he jabs with his right that Darren Ferguson he beats up his wife"
So what are the lads doing now? Washing Dareen Fegusons car and ironing his shirts for his job interviews?
Is anyone really surprised by this? A twat of his calibre could not act in any other way.
I would have been shocked if he'd have let his players stay at Preston, he is behaving like a childish bitter little scrote, because that's exactly what he is.

If he hadn't reacted so badly, someone would have posted a thread called "Fergie is not a c*nt". Bluemoon could never have survived such a thread.
The loan system is there to give the kids much needed game time and experience and is purely for their benefit.

He isn't hurting Preston, he is hurting his own players and it shows him up for what he is.
Prestwich_Blue said:
I see that Pulis has recalled two of his loanees as well. The Scottish scrote is clearly putting the word out.

Apparently he also warned people off talking to Paddy Barclay when he was writing his book about him.
it's almost like the american teamsters

you hire our people or you may see some fire action

hire fergie jr or you get ostracised

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