Why after today has Mancini lost the fans?

This year we have the supposed "better team" and yet last years football was twice as entertaining and every game we tried to win.
This season with all the Mancini signings it's boring, negative and slow, and we look to struggle against clubs like Bolton, Villa and Birmingham.
He's brought good players in (but kolaro) and makes them play badly.
Blue Mooner said:
Usual defeatist, knee jerk sh*te.

The fans weren't happy under Hughes because he played attacking free-flowing football and we were poor at defending.

Now we look rock solid, probably only lost today due to tired legs and minds in the last 15 minutes and therefore Mancinin should go.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. What the City fans are saying is I want us to play like Barcelona, well, guess what we're not Barcelona.

We're two years into our development so yeh we are still behind the likes of Chelsea and the Rags who've been doing it year on year on year.

Its the impatience from our fans that's the problem, not Mancini.
It's a shame that posts like this will go un-noticed.
anymore than 2sheiks said:
Luiz will be ok,give him time to settle.He's just been thrown into a new team playing in a league he's not used to.

Glad i aint the only one who is sick to death of hearing that shite.
What was painfully obvious watching us today was that playing for a nil nil is a high risk strategy. And a flawed one. If Mancini realises this and can adapt before the end of the season then he may still be with us next year.
anymore than 2sheiks said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
Luiz was the difference not Mancini.
Luiz will be ok,give him time to settle.He's just been thrown into a new team playing in a league he's not used to.

A little bit of stability and a hint of gel will do him wonders ;-)
I think it's pretty simple. Watching your team "go down with their boots on" is worlds better than watching your team go out without a wimper. Fans need to have hope and that comes from having a chance to win, they don't ever have a chance to win a big game.

This started with United at home last year as he was trying for 0-0 and ended up losing. Then he followed it up by not trying at Arsenal and blowing the season against Spurs. We want a team that doesn't have to scramble at the end of the season to accomplish anything while Mancini seems to play to ensure that a scramble is what it will always be.<br /><br />-- Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:38 pm --<br /><br />
FantasyIreland said:
anymore than 2sheiks said:
Luiz will be ok,give him time to settle.He's just been thrown into a new team playing in a league he's not used to.

Glad i aint the only one who is sick to death of hearing that shite.

Or the "tired" excuse. Chelsea had a midweek game as well yet they somehow won a match.
To be honest i've never been a Mancini fan either , even before he arrived here ...... but if he leaves , who else is there ?

Mourinho ?

Maybe , but he's after managin' the rags ......

Does anyone else really fit the bill??

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