Why are we hated so much?

Same. I’ve had people at work who have no interest in football whatsoever laugh in my face this week! they know that city is my life and have taken joy in knowing what is happening has hurt me. Basically shows them up for the utter wankers they are. let’s get in that ground Sunday my god I wish it was Saturday I wish it was tomorrow! And show the world what it is to be a blue loud and fuckin proud!
Well said mate. I actually think it could be rocking on Sunday. We’ve always been at our best in the face of adversity.
We're hated because we're successful. We're envied and hated in equal measure because our owners have money to spend and they invest in our club. We're also disliked because there's a sense among some other club fans that we've "stolen" their players - Arsenal fans in particular feel this way.
When Sky telly had a monopoly on the Premier League (before BT & Amazon coverage), Sky Super Sunday was the big day of 2/3 matches.
I remember them always having Arsenal, MUFC, LFC & Chelsea players on billboards and buses advertising the games.
This Big 4 was all they seemed interested in - I bet fans of other teams, apart from City, remember being ignored.
From 2011 we broke into this elite group and perhaps, didn't engage with Sky like other clubs did ?
City didn't have a charismatic, renowned ex-player, manager or celebrity (although Buzzer did try, once) to represent City ?
Unfortunately, City were in catch-up in getting positive publicity.
Perhaps we didn't pay or sponsor enough media people to put this right ?
However, I don't think City or their fans are "hated".
Jealousy is the main reason we are strongly disliked.
Remember, we have knackered LFC from regaining their supposed supremacy ?
Had lunch with a gooner and rag today which I wasn’t looking forward to as expected a few cheat digs. The gooner (really nice bloke) said no club would be able withstand the scrutiny City had been under. I was amazed the rag didn’t put the boot in but he did mention the time bar re Europe case. Maybe this was something to do with him losing his season ticket which he had had for 25 years as he missed the renewal deadline and they wouldn’t restore it. This is how fans are treated in modern day football.
We love the underdog in this country, right back to the days when we made a film star out of bumbling pratfall artists like Norman Wisdom, right up to Frank Spencer. There is a lovely warm homespun ethos about them, they present no threat to anyone and indeed, make us laugh. We even had a bumbling comedy PM.
City for a time ( most of us know first hand) were the Norman Wisdom of football. If there was a manhole, we’d fall down it, or anything with water in it, we’d get very wet. We were a comfortable, accident prone amusement of a club.
Then the sheik came (I hate to play the race-card but sometimes things look obvious) and suddenly we were a serious threat to the perceived balance of power, a force to be reckoned with for the long term. We were not welcome, and we’re still not and probably never will be.
A prefect example of the ‘tall poppy syndrome’ rampant in this country.
We are scared of outrageous fortune.
I wouldn’t worry about it too much; they can’t hate us more than we hate them. These days if I meet someone new and they start talking football, I won’t bother unless they’re a blue. I’ll only end up thinking “what a ****” when they open their mouth.
Sky and the rest of the media push an agenda that everyone loves Man Utd and Liverpool when the opposite is true the majority of fans absolutely despise those teams. Both you and Chelsea had the audacity to come along and upset the status quo, the media don’t like it, but genuine football fans don’t hate you. Most can see through the media lies.
Same. I’ve had people at work who have no interest in football whatsoever laugh in my face this week! they know that city is my life and have taken joy in knowing what is happening has hurt me. Basically shows them up for the utter wankers they are. let’s get in that ground Sunday my god I wish it was Saturday I wish it was tomorrow! And show the world what it is to be a blue loud and fuckin proud!
The older I have got the less time I have for wankers who try to taunt me over football. These days my circle of friends is dominated by City fans. I used to have friends who supported United and Liverpool (where I worked for seven years) but to be honest I just got fed up with the so-called banter so have cut them loose.
I have never really treated football as a joke. I attend most matches but have stopped watching games in the pub (in Lancashire) because of obnoxious scousers who create an aggressive unpleasant atmosphere.
I have even turned away freelance work because of it. I pulled out of one job simply because I didn't want to work for a particularly nauseating Liverpool fan. I am semi-retired and am in a happy position where I don't have to suffer fools gladly any more.
We love the underdog in this country, right back to the days when we made a film star out of bumbling pratfall artists like Norman Wisdom, right up to Frank Spencer. There is a lovely warm homespun ethos about them, they present no threat to anyone and indeed, make us laugh. We even had a bumbling comedy PM.
City for a time ( most of us know first hand) were the Norman Wisdom of football. If there was a manhole, we’d fall down it, or anything with water in it, we’d get very wet. We were a comfortable, accident prone amusement of a club.
Then the sheik came (I hate to play the race-card but sometimes things look obvious) and suddenly we were a serious threat to the perceived balance of power, a force to be reckoned with for the long term. We were not welcome, and we’re still not and probably never will be.
A prefect example of the ‘tall poppy syndrome’ rampant in this country.
We are scared of outrageous fortune.
I can't remember where I read it but the reaction among the PL big cheeses when Leicester won was 'yes yes, very nice but don't let this happen again'.

Bobbyowenquiff, I'm younger than you but I feel the same. I can't be arsed with shit football banter. HURR DURR 1995 HURR DURR HEYSEL HURR DURR CUCKOO CLOCKS HURR DURR shut the fuck up. I especially hate it when it's from strangers. You are not my mate. Go away.
I would not say we are loved i just don't think we are hated, i used to work with supporters of quite a few different teams during the title run ins with Liverpool in 14 and 19 to a man they all seemed more desperate than me that we won the league. The red tops are much more disliked.

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