Why are we hated so much?

i think money is at the root. Murdoch/rag coallition made billions, the rest of the media made many millions thru ads that had a captive audience of scouse arse and rag fans, the FA itself made millions off the back of the same chosen ones. Big big bucks. Keeping the gravy train running has been the driving force that has resulted in the destructive negative sustained attempts to smear our club at every opportunity. Very similar to the political landscape, instead of the apolitical disenfranchised, there is fans of teams from the football backwaters, non-entities but millions of them. From the very top, the whole shebang is corrupt, again a mirror of politics. Too much needs to change, the embedded cartel has almost limitless funds, a strangle hold on the traditional media/influencers, for there to be a bloodless solution, so buckle up peeps, it's gonna be war
We are hated so much because of the media they had there orders from the red shite and have from day one gone for every negative angle and most of the non city fans around the country have swallowed it all and believed it, I really am surprised that not one journalist hasn't stuck up for us and made a name for themselves by carrying our some proper journalism
Right through my life, and I am an FOC, I have generally felt that other clubs fans have a soft spot for us (rags excluded), I think due to some extent to our under achievement, partly due to generally being a team that tries to play football, and largely due to the loyalty of our fan base.

This never felt more so than after the qpr game in 2012, where after the match I was literally inundated with text messages from mates and colleagues from different places I’d lived and worked, fans of different teams. The general tone was that people were delighted that we had won the league, how we’d won it and who we won it over. Also there was a genuine appreciation of the fact they all knew I was a loyal fan of a likeable club, someone who had followed them home and away for decades, many of those decades empty of success and full of under achievement. I didn’t get the sense that anyone begrudged us our success.

Roll forward 10 and a half years and the feeling towards us is so different. Every premier league we have won has had the rags or dippers as runners up, teams that I reckon are generally disliked by all apart from their own (admittedly huge) fan bases. I would have thought that this would have enhanced our popularity, particularly when you think we have brought the likes of Kompany, Zaba, KDB, Yaya, Sergio, the Silvas, Haaland etc etc etc to the league, and all for fantastic prices. The Mancini, Pellegreni and Pep teams have all played beautiful football, and I am sure I’m not biased in saying that.

So why the fuck are we so widely unpopular, what have we done wrong?

Have we become horrible fans? I don’t think so. I get it that we aren’t as passionate as we once were, not alone in that. But I think we still have a fair bit of our typical City humour, and a large proportion of our fan base is still traditional.

Is it just plain jealousy? I think that may be part of it, but it wasn’t evident in the emotions expressed to me in 2012, so would winning another 5 premier league titles in 10 years cause that? Not sure it would.

Is it how our football club conducts itself? Well, our owners have invested millions in the area, have generally been low key and polite, we have CITC which remains best in class, we always treat people with respect and decency as far as I can see.

So I can only think it’s 10 years of constant digs at us, from all of the newspapers, from Sky, BBC (tv, radio and online), BT, Talk Shite etc. Why they do this is beyond me but can only because we are not united or liverpool, maybe also because we are Arab owned not USA owned. But I think 10 years of their snide and negative comments, aided by awful treatment from the premier league and uefa, has eaten into the consciousness of the general footballing public.

Since Monday I don’t think, in fact I know, that our football club has never been more alone. No one likes us, but I can’t say I don’t care, because I don’t really know why, and I know it isn’t deserved.

We are only just into an even longer and more sustained period of City bashing than we have ever known, the refs and VAR will feel even more at liberty to shaft us on the pitch, so let’s do one thing as CITY FANS, let’s get right behind our club and our players, for as long as it takes, win or lose, get behind the players and the management. I have ALWAYS been proud to be a Blue, and remain so as much today as the day I was born into a Blue family.

The answer to that lies in this very thread... where you are posting – it's the internet, or more accurately, social media!

We live in a world now where news and opinion is on-hand 24-7, 365days a year... and it is exploited to push agendas and persuade people what their opinion should be... whether it be to promote a certain political leaning or what you should think about the latest movie it's rife... and then you have the Bot farms, who can be hired to promote/push a narrative.
And, sadly for us today's media relies on clicks and likes, so the appeal to the clubs with a bigger presence on social media... positive articles about us don't get much traffic, but negative articles go through the roof - City fans will rush to defend the club, and opposition fans (of 2/3 clubs usually) love to join the pile-in
We are hated so much because of the media they had there orders from the red shite and have from day one gone for every negative angle and most of the non city fans around the country have swallowed it all and believed it, I really am surprised that not one journalist hasn't stuck up for us and made a name for themselves by carrying our some proper journalism
there is one mainstream journalist who has often called it for what it is, and took our side. Cant remember his name but he doesn't represent a red top ( comic ).
It’s two things: success and the media.

Until 2007 we were everyone’s second club. A bunch of clowns who still turned up despite being in the shadows of that lot. We had their sympathy and lots of people loved Oasis too.

The media has to sell papers or clicks. It has influence and people are too thick to challenge what they read.

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