Why do you support Manchester City?

3rdgenerationblue said:
no choice.

and that was a shit end of stick for years.

grandad was a blue
dad was a blue
I am
kids are

no choice

Ditto.... Though my lad did come home from school and ask why the whole world supported Manchester United except us.
He was in school in Northampton at the time : )
bretonblue said:
<long text>

C'mon CITEH.

Just a word of advice. "Citeh" is a spelling of "City" designed to mock the Manc accent. You won't find many on here who will appreciate you using it.
LoveCity said:
Citizen in Pakistan said:
plus didn't had any great history to speak abt

Bzzt. Pick up this book and you'll find some glorious history:

Thanks for the mention. I hope everyone who got the book for Christmas has enjoyed it. Thanks to anyone who has bought it.
I've little emotional connection to Manchester itself and there's no family background of Blues like many already have in place; but I basically tagged along to a match at Maine Road with my neighbour and left as a City fan. I now go more than he does.

There are some great stories on the pages I read.
Grandad Is a blue, dads a blue, family from Gorton even though I was raised in Warrington. Warrington's a melting pot for United, Everton and Liverpool fans, only a handful of fellow blues. first season ticket was for Div 2 was about 8-9 at the time. My main memories were beating Blackpool first home game, millwall going ape in the north stand and crowd invasion in semi against Wigan. Dad took me to wembley final in 99. I cried and wept and was forever going to be a city fan. Watching that footage a few years later on brings goosebumps. Lost that great yellow and navy kappa kit I wore that day.

Now I get stick cos I am not a proper Manc. Just have to ignore them comments all part of football banter
My dad didn't have an allegiance to football, he worked 7 days a week running his scrap yard with my Uncle (who watched both Clubs although United was his first love), but all my dads pals were old school City from Ancoats (Jersey Street area - and well known in Manchester Circles - the Monaghans /Swords, the Schiavo's , the Grimshaw's, the Henson's etc). When I was 5 or 6, our baby sitters were from Moston, and they were City fans, and they used to give me City football cards. can remember having Ron Healey, Joe Corrigan, Colin Bell, Alan Oakes etc (wish I still had them). I mithered my dad to take me, and it was an easy decision for him, because all his pals were Blues. The football we played mid 70's was great to watch, my dad's favourite player was Willie Donachie, and I've stuck with Dennis Tueart. My first City game was the Law Back heel Derby, and next year I will reach 4 decades of support, and I shall celebrate it with a cold beer and dig out some of those old programmes from the loft........#memories #happytobeblue
Chippy_boy said:
I was a rag (hangs head in shame). But all my mates were blues and kept taking the piss, so I swapped.

In my defence, that was 1967 and I was 6.

Have a good pal who did exactly the same, can understand it when all your pals support the same club and you go for the camaraderie etc, swopping from Blue to Red I find all kinds of wrong, again I know a lad who did exactly that, and now denies he was ever a Blue which makes it worse! Following City didn't equal success, far from it, the football was incidental most of the time, it was all about going with your mates and the day out. Im sure it was the same down at OT, but once the PLC brigade got a hold of it, and saw the opportunity for the revenue streams and the global branding, it dropped Utd's local support like a stone, in exchange for outsiders who were prepared to pay top dollar to watch it. One story which has always stuck was when Utd played Southampton FA Cup '76. My dad knew players from social circles (he wasn't a mad fan at the time), and he remembers the players asking and getting £200 a ticket from hard up fans from Manchester and Salford......Just hope and pray we don't go down the same avenue, and keep the hard core of local support which has stuck with us through thin and thin (and to be fair to the Reds, they did exactly the same in Division 2 mid 70's - but it didn't stop their club alienating them years later in their ruthless pursuit of power and glory). ctwd

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